Hello Parkway Manor Families!

As the summer begins to wind down, it is time to begin to check the Parkway Manor Home Page on a regular basis for upcoming news and happenings.

We are excited to announce that the new Lobby will be up and running for the start of school. We also wanted to let our families know that the time students can enter the building has changed from 8:30am to 8:35am. This change will allow the students to enter the building and move right down to their classrooms and eliminate the waiting time in the lobby area. Please make a note that 8:35am will be the earliest students may enter the school.


Bus Cards- Cards will be mailed on August 22nd. Please make sure your child has their card on the first day of school. If you have a change in your transportation needs from the previous year, such as for daycare reasons, please phone the school office immediately at 610-351-5850. Please do not wait until the Sneak Peek to take care of your needs.

Kindergarten Orientation- Orientation is scheduled for Thursday, August 28th from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Parents and Kindergarten students are invited to attend. Invitations will be mailed and posted to our school website.

Sneak Peek- This event is also scheduled for Thursday, August 28th from 2:45 PM to 3:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for our students to come and get a sneak peek of their new classroom. Please use this time to assist your child in finding the best route to his or her new classroom, get acclimated, and observe the general layout of the room. Please do not disturb any of the materials in the rooms and properly supervise your child during your visit.

**First day of school – Tuesday, September 2nd**

Parkway Manor’s Open House is scheduled for

Thursday, September 4th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

Please save the date and plan on attending.