Hello Mustang families
It’s a little overdue for introductions but my name is Lyndsay Panimboza and I am your “new” school nurse. I have been very fortunate to have such a warm welcome into this new position not only by staff but by parents and students.
I have been asked to include some information in the Mustang Minutes, so you will see something from me here and there. Sorry, this will be longer than normal.
The winter season has arrived and our students will continue to participate in outdoor recess as long as the temperature/wind chill is 25 degrees or more. Please make sure that your kiddo is dressed for the outside. I have some extra light jackets I can share with students to layer if we need to, but I do not have any winter coats to loan out.
Please remember that the students are not allowed to transport medications to and from school. Parents/Guardians will need to bring the medication to the nurse’s office with the proper documentation to support administration of the medication. Prescription medications will need to include paperwork filled out and signed by your student’s primary care provider. I am happy to accept that via fax from the doctor’s office at 816-321-5021. Medications will need to be in their original prescription box/bottle labeled by the pharmacy with clear instruction on the label. All over the counter medications will also need proper documentation and the medication must be in the correct container. I can ONLY provide medications that are labeled to give to children. For example, if your student is 9 years old and takes adult strength Tylenol at home, that will not be something I can provide here as the adult container says do not provide to children under 12 years of age. The only exception to this policy is if there is a doctor’s order for dosage outside that normal range.
All forms can be found on the North Kansas City School website. Additionally, I have copies in my office to pick up, I can scan and email one to you, or if you would like me to send one home with your student I can do that as well.
I have seen a lot of coughing and congestion already this year. I have been asked about keeping cough drops here, and I am not able to provide cough drops to your student. However, I spoke with the previous nurse and she provided me with the guidelines for your student to carry cough drops. A student may keep cough drops in their back pack with the following stipulations: They need a note from a parent/guardian stating that they have given permission for their student to carry cough drops, they MAY NOT share with anyone, they may not have more than (1) an hour, they must remain in their classroom while eating it and if the class is moving to another area of the building that cough drop must be disposed of and most importantly… If your student is unable to follow the rules or becomes disruptive with the cough drops then we will be unable to allow your student to carry them.
Washing hands is very important in decreasing the spread of germs. If you can help your student with a good handwashing routine at school and home, we hope to see a decrease in the number of illnesses here at school. I have found that keeping travel size hand sanitizers all over has been a big help with my kids.
I know that we are in the holiday season but as you are taking in the new and going through the older, if you have any gently used clothing, shoes, or coats that you are ready to pass along I would love to keep them here for my friends that need them. I am in need of sizes 5T- big kid’s sizes in clothes/coats and shoes 11 (preschooler) up to youth 6. Thank you to anyone that may have items!!
If you have any questions, you can reach me by email at or phone at 816-321-5023 or fax 816-321-5021.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
Lyndsay Panimboza, RN BSN