28thSeptember 2012
Hello everyone, and welcome to the last newsletter before the Half term break. It’s been a lovely half term, and the children have been making an excellent effort to settle back into the routines, and they are now well underway with the task of working hard and enjoying the lovely activities that the staff are preparing for them. We’ve had lots of lovely things happening this half term, with the Harvest celebrations and also the whole school science day being wonderful successes. More information later on about those. I hope that you have a very restful break, and speaking to parents at the start and close of the school day, it’s clear that lots of you as families are going to be spending lots of quality time together undertaking some lovely activities. From all of us, have a great break, and see you on the 5th November.
As usual, if there are any questions or queries, then please feel free to contact the school where we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, you can download and email us a feedback form, which you will find on the school website ( ). You can email this to the school office ( ).
Yours Sincerely
Iannis Ireland
Iannis Ireland
Head Teacher
Dear Parents/Carers
Green Avocado Photography on 5th and 7th November 2012
We are delighted to inform you that Green Avocado will be in school on the 5th and 7th November, in order to take individual photos of the children. They will be available from 8.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. Photos will be taken in the school hall. If you would like a photo with siblings, then please arrive either at 8.30 a.m., or at 3.30 p.m. at the hall door, where slots will be available. This may involve some waiting. Pre-school have been informed of this, however please inform them if your child is going to be late due to having their photo taken. If children are not having photos with their siblings, they will be called up to the hall with their classmates during the school day.
They will be taking approximately 10-15 natural images of each child. The images are placed as an individual portfolio on Each parent/carer will be issued with a unique username and password, sent by email, to enable you to view your child’s pictures. You will need to supply an email address to which the links to photos and username and password can be sent.If you do not wish your child to have their photo taken, then please fill in the simple reply slip below and bring it in on the day. If it is not returned on the day it will be assumed that you wish your child to be photographed. Additionally, you can place your email address onto the slip so that Green Avocado can contact you with your username and password to access your photos.
All orders, when processed, are sent out by recorded delivery to your home address or chosen destination.There is no obligation to purchase any photos, and any proofs will be deleted from their secure website if not ordered.
Please view to see additional information, prices, the numerous photographic options and, enjoy the galleries.
Please call Green Avocado on 01392 833387 if you require any further information or have specific requests for specialised photographs outside of the service being offered during the school day.
Iannis Ireland
Head Teacher
Please return
Name of child(ren)...... Class......
Circle ONE Option
I am the person with parental responsibility for the above named child and
WISH / DO NOT WISH to have my child/children photographed
If you do not wish to have a photo taken, please ignore the next section
My email address for receipt of my username and password is
………………………………………………………………………………….. (Please print clearly)
Contact Telephone Number