Curriculum Vitae, Maja Horst

Maja Horst

Head of Department, PhD

Department of Media, Cognition and Communication

Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S


Curriculum Vitae, Maja Horst


Mobile (+45) 2028 6866

Office (+45) 3532 7753


Born 25 February 1969, married, two children (1997 and 2000)


Science and Technology Studies, Science Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Research Management, Sociology of Innovation


2011 Member of ATV (Danish Academy of Technical Sciences)

2009 Danish Science Minister’s Science Communication Prize, 100.000 kr.

2009 FUHU’s Research Communication Prize, 25.000 kr.

2006 Assistant Professor Teaching Competence Course (Adjunktkursus i undervisningskompetence), Learning Lab, CBS.

2003 PhD. Doctoral School of Knowledge and Management, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Title of thesis: Controversy and Collectivity: Articulations of Social and Natural Order in Mass Mediated Representations of Biotechnology.

1996 MA Communication and Social Science, Roskilde University.

1993 BA Social Science, Roskilde University.


2011-2012 Member KUFIR (Council for Research and Innovation at University of Copenhagen)

2011- Head of Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, including membership of leadership team at the Faculty of Humanities (HUM Direktion)

2008-2011 Director of Doctoral School in Organization and Management Studies, CBS

2010 CBS strategy group leader for grand societal challenges

2007-2008 Director of Doctoral School in Knowledge and Management, CBS

2007-2011 Associate Professor, CBS (Copenhagen Business School)

2006-2011 External examiner, Communication, Journalism and Performance-design, Roskilde University

2004-2006 Assistant Professor, CBS

1999-2003 Ph.D.-scholar at CBS,

1997-1999 Research assistant at the Roskilde University, University of Southern Denmark, CBS


2013- Virtual Institute of Responsible Innovation (VIRI). PI: Professor David Guston, ASU

US National Science Foundation SAVI programme.

Total amount 0,5 mill US$

2013-2017 BioSYNergy. PI: Professor Birger Lindberg Møller, KU

University of Copenhagen’s Excellence programme for Interdisciplinary Research

Co-PI Maja Horst with subproject: 3 mill DKK

2013-2017 Governing Obesity. PI: Thue Schwartz, KU

University of Copenhagen’s Excellence programme for Interdisciplinary Research

2013-2014 Installation om Forskningens Sociale Ansvar (Installation about Scientific Social Responsibility), PI Maja Horst

Tips og Lottomidler from the Ministry of Science, 175.000 DKK

2009-2014 Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR). PI: Maja Horst, CBS

The Danish Social Science Research Council. , Total amount: 3,6 mill DKK

2008-2011 Sense-making strategies and the user-driven innovations of virtual worlds. PI: Professor Sisse Siggaard, RUC

The Danish Strategic Research Council,

Maja Horst Co-PI with sub-project: 2,6 mill DKK

2007-2009 Research Management and Risk (REMAR). PI: Maja Horst, CBS

The Danish Social Science Research Council, Total amount: 1,1 mill kr.

2007 Stamcelleforskning i det offentlige rum (Stem cell research in the public sphere). PI: Maja Horst, CBS

Danish Research Council for the Humanities, Total amount: 0,6 mill DKK

2004-2006 Creating Science: Crafting stem cell research in a moral landscape. PI: Professor Lene Koch, KU

Danish Social Science Research Council,

Maja Horst subproject: 0,4 mill DKK

2004-2006 PRO-Media: Production, representation & organisation of Business News. PI: Professor Roy Langer, CBS.

Danish Social Science Research Council

Maja Horst sub-project: 0,6 mill DKK

1999-2003 Molecular diagnostics and disease prevention. PI: Professor Lene Koch, KU

The Danish Medical Research Council

Maja Horst sub-project: 1,2 mill DKK


2013- Associate director in NSF-funded VIRI consortium, headed by Professor David Guston, Arizona State University

2013- Editorial Board, Journal of Responsible Innovation, Taylor & Francis

2013-2016 Council member EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology)

2012- Chair, panel of judges, Information’s PhD-cup

2012-2013 Project-leader Criss-crossing KU (KU på Kryds og Tværs)

2011-2013 Network activities for Junior Group Leaders at Lundbeck Foundation

2011-2012 Chair of the Organizing Committee, 4S/EASST Conference 2012 at Copenhagen Business School (1700 participants)

2011 Visiting research fellow, University of Auckland Business School

2010-2013 Prize committee, DSEB ‘Erhvervsforskerprisen’

2010-2011 Advisory group on Synthetic Biology, Danish Board of Technology

2010 Co-organizer (with SDU, DEA & ATV) of conference on Scientific Social Responsibility.

2009-2010 Evaluation of projects funded by the Advanced Technology Foundation

2008-2011 Member of ‘Faggruppe 68’ on Science Studies and Research Analysis for the development of the Danish bibliometric indicator.

2008-2011 Nordforsk-funded network on Dialogical Communication of Research

2007-2008 Local organising committee for the PCST 10 Conference in Malmø/Copenhagen (Public Communication of Science and Technology)

2006-2010 Board member at DASTS (Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies)

2005-2006 Visiting research fellow, University of Liverpool Management School

2005 Steering committee for the BioTIK and BioCampus Conference “Bioethics, please”.

2004-2005 Editorial Board for the Danish Journal GRUS

2004-2011 Board of Representatives for the Danish Board of Technology

2002 Advisory Board for the Consensus Conference on “Test of our Genes” organised by the Danish Board of Technology.

2001-2005 EU-funded STAGE network on Science, Technology and Governance in Europe


2010- Marie Chimwemwe Degnbol, LIFE, KU

2010- Cecilie Glerup, CBS (Main supervisor)

2010-2013 Anders Koed Madsen, CBS (Main supervisor)

2009-2012 Ditte Degnbol, AAU

2009-2011 Maria Duclos, KU

2008-2011 Dina Friis Jensen, CBS (Main supervisor)

2008-2011 Birgitte Gorm Hansen, CBS (Main supervisor)

2007-2010 Adam Buchhorn, CBS

2006-2009 Ursula Plesner, RUC


2010 Australian National University,

NTNU, Norway

2009 University of Aarhus, Denmark

2008 Aalborg University, Denmark;

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


Themes Science and Technology Studies, Communication Theory, Strategic and Political Communication, Theory of Science, Qualitative methods, Academic Writing, Project work

Courses Phd.Courses at CBS, KU, DPU

MHM – Master of Health Management (Executive Programme), CBS

MPA – Master of Public Administration (Executive Programme), CBS

Cand.Soc in Political Communication and in Organizational Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Post-graduate level), CBS

Cand.Merc. – Master in Strategy, Organisation and Management, CBS

FSV – Master in Public Health, KU

Ha(Kom) - BSc in Business Administration and Organisational Communication, CBS

Ha(Fil) – BSc in Business Administration and Philosophy, CBS

Ha – Bsc in Business Administration, CBS


Journal articles:

Cecilie Glerup & Maja Horst (2014): Mapping ‘Social Responsibility’ in Science. Journal of Responsible Innovation. Online first 17. Januar 2014.

Maja Horst (2014): On the weakness of strong ties. Public Understanding of Science. 23(1)43-47. 10.1177/0963662512473392

Maja Horst (2013): A field of expertise, the organization or science itself?: Representing research in public communication. Science Communication. 35(6)758-779.

Ursula Plesner & Maja Horst (2013): Before Stabilization: Communication and non-standardization of 3D digital models in the building industry. Information, Communication & Society. 16(7)1115-1138.

Ursula Plesner & Maja Horst (2012): Selling the Selling Point: How Innovation Communication creates Users of Virtual Worlds Architecture. Convergence.18(1)49-70.

Maja Horst & Mike Michael (2011): On the shoulders of idiots – Re-thinking Science Communication as ‘event’. Science as Culture 20(3)283-306.

Maja Horst (2011): Taking our own medicine – on an experiment in science communication. Science and Engineering Ethics 17(4)801-815.

Maja Horst (2010): Le réseau des cellules souches: Une installation spatiale pour communiquer les sciences sociales. Questions de Communication. #17, 2010.

Maja Horst (2010): Collective Closure? – Public debate as the solution to controversies about science and technology. Acta Sociologica 53(3)195-211.

Maja Horst & Alan Irwin (2010): Nations at ease with radical knowledge: on consensus, consensusing and false consensusness. Social Studies of Science. 40(1)105-126.

Maja Horst (2008): Samfundsvidenskabelige Laboratorier. Læring og Medier (LOM) 1(1).

Maja Horst (2008): The laboratory of Public Debate: understanding the acceptability of stem cell research. Science and Public Policy 35(3)197-205.

Maja Horst, Alan Irwin, Peter Healey & Rob Hagendijk (2007): European scientific governance in a global context – resonances, implications and reflections. IDS Bulletin 38(5)6-20.

Maja Horst (2007): Public Expectations of Gene Therapy: Scientific Futures and their Performative Effects on Scientific Citizenship. Science, Technology and Human Values 32(2)150-171.

Maja Horst (2005): Cloning Sensations: Mass Mediated Articulation of Social Responses to Controversial Biotechnology. In Public Understanding of Science, 14(2)185-200.

Books and research reports:

Roy Langer, Peter Kjær & Maja Horst (eds.) (2009): Produktiv Journalistik – Virksomheder – Medier - Markeder. København: Handelshøjskolens Forlag.

Rob Hagendijk, Peter Healey, Maja Horst & Alan Irwin (2005). Science, Technology and Governance in Europe: Challenges of Public Engagement. Stage Network, final report to the European Commission (HPSE-CT2001-50003)

Maja Horst (2003): Controversy and Collectivity. Articulations of social and natural order in mass mediated representations of biotechnology. Doctoral School of Knowledge and Management, CBS. PhD.Series 28/2003

Ove K. Pedersen, Peter Kjær, Anders Esmark, Maja Horst & Erik Meier Carlsen (2000): Politisk Journalistik. Århus, Ajour.

Anker Brink Lund & Maja Horst (1999): Offentlig debat – Mål, middel eller mantra? København: Fremad.

Book chapters:

Sarah R Davies & Maja Horst (forthcoming): Responsible innovation in the US, UK and Denmark: Governance landscapes.In van den Hoven et al. (eds): Responsible innovation, volume 2. Dordrecht: Springer.

Maja Horst (2013): Bør vi forvente os en syntesebiologisk fremtid? In K Schiølin & S Riis (ed), Nye spørgsmål om teknikken. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Maja Horst (2013): Consensus in context; the development of the Danish model of science communication. In P Baranger & B Schiele (eds): Science communication today: International perspectives, issues and strategies. CNRS Editions.

Maja Horst (2012): Learning from discomfort: Science communication experiments between diffusion, dialogue and emergence. L Philips, E Gunnarsson, M Kristensen & M Vehvilainen (red), i: Knowledge and power in collaborative research: A reflexive approach. Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group.

Maja Horst (2012): The stem cell network: Communicating social science through a spatial installation. In L Philips, A Carvalho & J Doyle (eds): Citizen voices: Performing public participation in science and environment communication. Intellect Books.

Maja Horst (2012): Deliberation, Dialogue or Dissemination: changing objectives in the communication of Science and Technology in Denmark. In Claessens, Schiele & Shunke (Eds): The Development of Public Communication of Science and Technology Studies - A comparative approach. Springer.

Maja Horst (2012): Forskningskommunikation mellem Formidling, Markedsføring og Politik. In Faye & Pedersen (eds.) Hvad er Videnspolitik?. København: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne.

Maja Horst (2011): Forskningskommunikation: Da udfordringen blev mødt. In Lund & Andersen (eds): Tilbageblik fra 2020 – Hvad skete der med medierne? København: Gyldendal

Maja Horst (2009): Innovationsjournalistik – om medier, forventninger og konstruktionen af markeder. In Langer, Kjær & Horst (eds.) Produktiv Journalistik – Virksomheder – Medier - Markeder. København: Handelshøjskolens Forlag.

Maja Horst (2008) Media power? Influencing public opinion formation about stem cell research in Denmark. In Salla Lötjönen & Helena von Troil (eds): Bioethics, Politics and Business. Norden, Nordic Council of Ministers.

Maja Horst (2008): In search of dialogue: staging science communication in consensus conferences. In Bernard Schiele, Cheng Donghong, Michel Claessens, Toss Gascoigne, Jenni Metcalfe & Shi Shunke (Eds.): Science Communication in Social Context: Strategies for the future. Springer.

Lene Koch & Maja Horst (2007): Fra almenhed til pluralitet: Forestillinger om konsensusskabelse i Det etiske Råds historie. In Klemens Kappel & Anne Lykkeskov (Eds): Etik i tiden: 20 år med det etiske råd. København: Det etiske Råd.

Maja Horst (2007): Offentlighedens laboratorium – den politiske konstruktion af stamcelleforskningens legitimitet. In Lene Koch & Klaus Høyer (Eds): Håbets Teknologi. København, Munksgaard.

Julie Sommerlund & Maja Horst (2007): Markedsdannelse og stamceller - konstruktion af køber, sælger og vare. In Lene Koch & Klaus Høyer (Eds): Håbets Teknologi. København, Munksgaard.

Maja Horst & Julie Sommerlund (2007): StamcellenetVærket – om videnskab, modstand, og muligheden for samfundsvidenskabelige laboratorier. In Lene Koch & Klaus Høyer (Eds): Håbets Teknologi. København, Munksgaard.

Maja Horst & Flemming Poulfeldt (2006): Samfundsvidenskab – dagligdagens eksperter. I Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard: Elfenbenstårnet. Aarhus universitetsforlag.

Alan Irwin & Maja Horst (2005): Science, Technology and Governance in Europe: Lessons from the STAGE project. In Ciencia, Tecnologia e Sociedade: Novos Modelos de Governanca. Brasilia, CGEE.

Maja Horst & Mette Lolk (2004): The Dramaturgical Need for Closure: Mass Mediated Stories of Risk. In Kristina Riegert (Ed.): News of the Other. Stockholm, Nordicom.

Mette Lolk & Maja Horst (2001): Den nødvendige overreaktion - en fortælling om risiko og tillid i et medieperspektiv. I Bordum A & Wenneberg S (eds.): Det handler om Tillid. København, Samfundslitteratur.

Maja Horst og Mette Lolk (2000): Formidling af risiko. I Lund AB (ed.): Først med det sidste – en nyhedsuge i Danmark. Århus, Ajour, 2000.

Maja Horst (1998): Har den offentlige debat ændret vores holdning til abort? I Petersson B, Knudsen LB & Helweg-Larsen K (eds.): Abort i 25 år, København: L & R Fakta.

Selected conference papers and invited (*) talks:

Sarah Davies & Maja Horst (2013): Curiosity, responsibility and the management of research. 4S annual meeting, San Diego October.

*Maja Horst (2013): Public engagement with science. ICIST-KAIST Conference,South Korea, August.

*Maja Horst (2013): Learning from discomfort.Workshop on Developing Capacity in Multimodal Research, Community Engagement and Energy Demand Reduction, Cardiff University, July.

Sarah Davies & Maja Horst (2013): Making sense in science. Nordic STS Conference 2013 Trondheim, April.

Maja Horst (2012): Are they listening? Leading scientists’ perception of audiences. ECREA 2012 conference Istanbul, October.

Maja Horst (2012): Walking in circles or engaging for the future? 4S-EASST joint annual meeting, Copenhagen, October.

*Maja Horst (2012): Consensus in Context: The development of the Danish model of Science Communication. Nancy, Journees Hubert Curien 2012, September.

*Maja Horst (2012): Making spaces: Experiments with installations of engagement. EU-SPRI Workshop, Paris, July.

*Maja Horst (2012): The stem cell network: Experiments in social science communication. LET Studio Summer meeting, University of Gothenburg, June.

*Maja Horst (2012): Harvesting insights from 20 years of public engagement. Science in Dialogue Conference, Odense, April.

Cecilie Glerup & Maja Horst (2011): Scientific Social Responsibility?: Tracing efforts to socialize science. 4S annual meeting, Cleveland, USA, November.

*Maja Horst (2011): The Danish Case: Solving controversies by institutionalizing public debate? Workshop on Engaging with Genomics, Graz, June.

*Maja Horst (2010): Scientific Social Responsibility- or how to prepare research leaders of tomorrow to manage science in society. 4th annual conference of the European Forum on Philanthropy and Research Funding, Stuttgart, December.