Helensburgh and Lomond Literacy Group: Area Initiative

December 2012 – June 2011

Team Members: Doreen McConnell, Emma McDermid, Carolyn McLaren

Time / Action / Who / Impact
Dec 2010- Jan 2011 / Letter outlining local initiative to be devised and issued to Halco Head Teachers and Nursery Managers
Complete liaison with Head Teachers re: Baseline Assessment results. / Anne Paterson in conjunction with J.McFarlane/ Roslyn Redpath / Initially raised awareness of literacy initiative.
Jan 2011 / Liaison with SLT to deliver awareness training sessions across locality for pre-school provision.
Liaison with P1 and pre-school staff re: current approaches to literacy development.
Work on producing Nursery Rhyme Booklet.
Prepare presentation/ format for CPD session for Early Years staff and identify date. / E.M/ C.M/ SLT
Team Members
E. M & C.M
Team members
R.Redpath / 3 sessions were planned from January 2011 to June 2011 for pre-school staff to attend. Staff felt information increased their awareness of speech development stages and strategies to promote good communication skills.
February 2011 / Twilight Meeting 1 – P1 and pre-school staff
Delivery of early years information session
Collate staff responses from twilight for issue to participants.
Prepare presentation/ format for Meeting 2
Begin work on reviewing/ up-dating ‘All About Me’ booklet. / Team Members/ R.Redpath
Team members
Team members
E.M/ C.M / Raised awareness of Argyll and Bute literacy initiative.
Raised awareness of our roles in supporting this initiative.
Staff were able to share current practice from across the locality.
March 2011 / Twilight Meeting 2 – P1 and pre-school staff
Promote idea of transition topic
Nursery Rhyme booklet to be issued.
Collate responses from meeting 2 for issue to participants. / Team members/ R.Redpath
E.M/ C.M
Team Members / Colleagues planned themes based on nursery rhymes and discussed the benefits of linking literacy transition topics as part of pre-school/P1 transition.
April 2011 / Nurseries to introduce transition topic.
Transition visits
Revised ‘All About Me’ booklet introduced.
Devise Activities Booklet for parents of ante pre-school children.
Parent and families Workshops in local areas targeting ante-preschool pupils 3yrs.
Offer ideas for supporting pupils at home/ use of toddler resources issued. / Nursery Staff
P1 Teachers
E.M/ C.M
Team members
Team members
Team members/ family support worker/ pre-school staff/ SLT / Staff from pre-school and P1 were already familiar with one another following the twilight sessions. This supported transition communication.
This informed parents of good communication skills and the opportunities to speak to a large number of professionals working in early years. The family sessions also highlighted the benefits of daily storytelling, rhyme and song. Suggested books and materials were also provided.