Highland Campervans Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Version dated 01 January 2017

Thank you for booking with Highland Campervans. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully as they form the basis of your contract with us. We have written them as clearly and simply as possible, but if you have any questions you should ask us before committing to your booking.


1.1 'Driver(s)' means only the person orpersons named as the driver(s) onthe booking form.

1.2 “You” and“your” means the driver togetherwith all other persons named on thebooking form (including anyone added or substituted at a later date) and any person whose credit card ispresented for payment of the hirecharges.

1.3 ‘Highland Campervans’ or 'we' or ‘us’meansHighland Campervans as a company.

1.4 'Hireperiod' means the agreed rental period as defined on your final invoice andany additional period during whichthe vehicle is in your possession orcontrol.

1.5 'Vehicle' means the vehiclehired by you and includes tyres,tools, accessories & all otherequipment or documents oradditional hire items related to thevehicle and any replacements orsubstitute vehicle that may beprovided by us.


2.1 Your contract is with Highland Campervans. Your contract with us comesinto existence when we send confirmation of your booking toyou in written form by letter or email.

2.2 You should check the details of yourconfirmation email/letter carefully toensure that it reflects the bookingyou have requested andinform us immediately of anydiscrepancies, as it may not bepossible to make changes later.

2.3 If you commit any breach of thisagreement, we may treat theagreement as terminated. In this situation we will not beliable for any refunds, compensationor other losses or expenses,including any return or onward travelarrangements.


3.1 Prices and conditions quoted on ourwebsite or documentation aresubject to change without notice.

3.2 All prices are quoted and payable inUK pounds sterling.

3.3 Once you have made your bookingand paid the deposit, the cost ofyour hire will not normally be subjectto any change. This does not applyto invoice errors or omissions.

3.4 Once a booking has been made,offers and discounts cannot beapplied retrospectively.

3.5 The balance of the price of your hiremust be paid a minimum of4 weeksbefore your arrival date. If you arebooking within 4 weeks of departurefull payment is due at the time ofbooking.

3.6 If the balance is not paid in time, wemay cancel your booking and retainyour deposit.


4.1Our hire vehicles all have their own individual collection and return times.Vehicles should be collected and returned at the time specified upon booking.

4.2 Except as otherwise expresslyprovided in these terms andconditions late pick-up or earlyreturn of the vehicle does not entitleyou to any refunds.

4.3 We normally allow a grace period of 30 minutes before the customer is liable for any late return charges. Late return charges are £50 if you are up to 1 hour late. More than 2 hours late or outside of office hours, one full days hire rate will apply.If you are in any doubt as to whether you will make the return time you should contact Highland Campervans as soon as possible to notify them of possible delays.


5.1 You will return the vehicle in a cleancondition with a full tank of fuel, onthe return date, on the time and atthe location set out in the rentalagreement.


6.1 No driver may drive a hire vehicleunless he/she:

6.1.1Is aged between 23 and 75 for standard rates, or below 23 or 75+ subject to additional insurance premiums. Hirers outside of these age limits will be considered only if our insurance company agrees in writing.

6.1.2 Holds a full driving licence validto drive in the UK and has not beendisqualified.

6.1.3 Has held a full driving licencefor more than 2 years.

6.1.4 Has not been convicted of anycriminal / driving offences otherthan speeding and parkingoffences.

6.1.5 Has had no more than 3 motor accidents in the last 2 years. Accidents wherethe driver was not at fault must bedeclared.

6.1.6 Does not suffer from anyphysical or mental defects whichwould affect the driver’s ability todrive the vehicle in accordancewith legal requirements and/or thedriver has not been advised not todrive on medical grounds by thedriver’s G.P. or other medicalpersonnel.

6.1.7 Has never been refused motorinsurance.

6.1.8 Is not employed in a 'high risk'occupation as defined by ourinsurer. Please contact us if youare in any doubt. We will checkyour occupation before confirmingyour booking.

6.1.9 Produces a valid driving licenceupon collection of the vehicle.Drivers from outside of EU, USA, Canada & New Zealand may alsobe required to produce a current International Driving Permit or Licence.

6.1.10 Is a named driver on theBooking Form.

6.1.11 Authorises us to verify throughcredit agencies, the Driver andVehicle Licensing Agency, his/heremployer or any other sourceshis/her personal, driving and creditinformation.

6.1.12 We may refuse to hire you thevehicle for any reason whatsoeverat our sole discretion.

6.2 We charge a premium for additionaldrivers. All drivers must be declaredat the start of your hire & named onyour booking form.

6.3 If you are unsure of any aspect of the above, you should contact us and we will check with our insurance company whether any premiums may apply.

6.4 You acknowledge that it is illegal foran undeclared driver to operate arental vehicle, as they will not beinsured.


7.1 You will incur the following chargesif you cancel your booking:

7.1.1 Cancellation more than 8 weeksbefore your arrival date,cancellation charge is 25% of totalcost.

7.1.2 Cancellation between 8 and 4weeks before your arrival date,cancellation charge is 50% of totalcost.

7.1.3 Cancellation between 4 and 2weeks before your arrival date,cancellation charge is 75% of totalcost.

7.1.4 Cancellation less than 2 weeksbefore your arrival date,cancellation charge is 100% oftotal cost.

7.2 You may cancel your booking at anytime. Your notice of Cancellationmust be in writing and will only takeeffect on the date it is received atour base.

7.3 Where a refund is due after anycancellation charge has been takeninto consideration (and provided wehave received full payment fromyou) we will make the refund within28 days of receiving notice ofcancellation unless payment was made by cheque. Refunds for payment by cheque will be withheld until our bank confirms that a sufficient period of time has elapsed to prevent a cheque from being cancelled.

7.4 Note that if the reason forcancellation is covered under theterms of your travel insurancepolicy, you may be able to reclaimthese charges. We stronglyrecommend that you take outseparate travel insurance. It is yourresponsibility to ensure that thetravel insurance you purchase isadequate for your particular needs.We do not check travel insurancepolicies.


8.1 If, after we have confirmed yourbooking, you wish to change yourtravel arrangements in any way wewill do our utmost to make thesechanges, but it may not always bepossible.

8.2 The price of your hire may increaseor decrease to reflect the changesmade. We also reserve the right toimpose an administrationfee whichwill be advised to you at the timeyou request the change.


9.1 It is sometimes inevitable that wewill have to change or cancel yourhire as the arrangements are madesome time in advance. We reservethe right to make such changes andcancellations should they becomenecessary although we will try tominimise the chance of such anevent.

9.2 If your chosen specification ofvehicle is not available, for instancefollowing damage by a previouscustomer, we will aim to offer youanother vehicle in its place if one isavailable.

9.3 If the replacement vehicle issmaller or less well equipped thanyour original booking we will refundthe difference in price only.

9.4 If the replacement vehicle islarger than your original bookingyou will not be held liable for anyhigher rental charges.

9.5 We are not liable for anyadditional expenses incurred byyou, e.g. higher ferry charges orroad tolls.

9.6 If you choose not to accept ourreplacement vehicle offer, or weare unable to provide areplacement vehicle for whateverreason, we will only be liable torefund the monies paid by you tous.

9.7 At our discretion compensationmay be paid in the event that weare obliged to cancel all or part ofyour booking. In all cases this willbe no more than double the cost ofthe cancelled period.

9.8 Compensation will not bepayable where changes orcancellations are made as theresult of circumstances outside ofour control.

9.9 Except as expressly set outelsewhere, we regret that we cannot accept liability or pay anycompensation where theperformance or promptperformance of our contractualobligations is prevented or affectedby or you otherwise suffer anydamage or loss as a result of “forcemajeure”. In these terms andconditions, “force majeure” meansany event which we could not evenwith all due care, foresee or avoid.Such events may include threat ofwar, riot, civil strife, actual orthreatened terrorist activity,industrial dispute, natural ornuclear disaster, adverse weatherconditions, fire and all similarevents outside our control.


10.1Whilst you are hiring the vehicle you will not:

10.1.1 Operate the vehicle, or permitthe vehicle to be operated in anyway that would violate thisagreement including, for theavoidance of doubt, for commercialor business purposes unless express permission has been given by us in writing.

10.1.2 Permit anyone other than thedriver(s) named on the Rental Agreement to drive the vehicle.

10.1.3 Engage in motor sports,including racing, pace making,rallying, reliability trials, and speedtesting.

10.1.4 Propel or tow any vehicle ortrailer unless agreed by us in writing at the time of your booking.

10.1.5 Drive or permit to drive anyperson unfit through drink or drugsor with blood alcohol concentrationabove the limit prescribed by roadtraffic legislation.

10.1.6 Leave the vehicle unlockedwhile unattended, or fail to securethe keys.

10.1.7 Drive other than on a pavedpublic highway, private road, ordriveway. Driving onto official campsite fields is permitted but you should take reasonable precautions to ensure that the ground is suitable and you will be able to drive off the field. Four-wheel drive vehicles are not to be taken off-road as the four-wheel drive provides a safety feature for winter driving only.

10.1.8 Drive in a reckless or imprudentmanner.

10.1.9 Carry more passengers than theseating capacity of the vehicle.

10.1.10 Allow the vehicle to beoverloaded.

10.1.11 Carry passengers or goods forhire or reward.

10.1.12 Smoke or permit anyone tosmoke in the vehicle.

10.1.13 Use the vehicle in violation ofany law, ordinance or regulation.

10.1.14 Remove the vehicle fromEngland, Scotland, Wales orNorthern Ireland without our prior writtenconsent.

10.1.15 Allow any animals in the vehiclewithout our prior written consent. (Unless in our pet friendly vehicles)

10.2 You will take all reasonable steps tomaintain the vehicle, ensuring thatthe oil level, water level & tyrepressure are correctly maintainedduring your hire. You will contact usimmediately should any vehiclewarning lights indicate a potentialmalfunction.

10.3 You will use the correct legal fueltype for the vehicle as advised by usat the time of collection of thevehicle.


11.1 You should seek the help of the breakdown services indicated in the vehicle handbook. Some of our vehicles have ALPS breakdown cover, whilst others have Fiat Camper Assistance.

11.2 Our vehicles are covered by Roadside breakdown policies.

11.3 You should contact us before repairs are undertaken, but if for any reason you are unable to contact us, you are authorised to approverepairs up to £100.

11.4 Any repairs in excess of £100 mustfirst be authorised by us, prior to thework being undertaken.

11.5 In all cases receipts must besubmitted for any repair or the claimwill not be paid.

11.6 You and not us will be liable forthe cost of any repairs, or othercosts incurred, resulting fromreckless, negligent or imprudent useof the vehicle by you or permitted byyou including, for the avoidance ofdoubt, the cost of towage,replacement vehicle or car hire.

11.7You will notify us by telephone of thebreakdown as soon as possible inorder to give us the opportunity torectify the problem during the rental.

11.8 If a repair cannot be completedwithin 24 hours, and it is not theresult of reckless, negligent orimprudent use of the vehicle by youor permitted by you, we willendeavour to help you by providingeither a replacement vehicle (ifavailable) or arranging car hire foryou for the remainder of your trip.We will not be liable for any othercosts incurred. All other conditionswill apply.

11.9 Compensation may be paid at ourdiscretion. In all casescompensation is limited to doublethe cost of the disrupted rental days.

11.10 Compensation will only be paid if thevehicle is rendered unusable bythe breakdown.

11.11 Compensation will only be paidwhere the breakdown occurs as aresult of our failure to usereasonable care & skill (e.g. inrelation to servicing the vehicle).

11.12 You will be liable for any costassociated with the incorrect orillegal use of fuel (fuel being petrolor diesel) or water contamination offuel including, for the avoidance ofdoubt, any necessary repair ordrainage work, towage, and the costof hiring a replacement vehicle orcar hire. The customer will also payHighland Campervans the daily rate for theperiod the vehicle is undergoingrepairs and therefore unusable for hire.


12.1 You are liable for the cost of anydamage or punctures to tyres.

12.2In the event that a tyre is returneddamaged, at the end of your hire, itwill be at our discretion whether torepair or replace it.

12.3 If you have a puncture during yourhire you may use the breakdownservice to replace the tyre.

12.4 You will arrange for the puncture tobe repaired, or the tyre replaced, assoon as possible after the incident.

12.5 Damage to windscreens including, for the avoidance of any doubt,windscreen chips, are not covered by our insurance unless part of larger accident damage. A charge of £50 is normally payable for windscreen chip repairs; however we reserve the right to charge other amounts subject to local repair charges.


13.1 If you are involved in a motor vehicleaccident the following proceduresshould be followed:

13.1.1 Obtain the names andaddresses of third parties andwitnesses.

13.1.2 Report the accident to thepolice, regardless of estimatedcost.

13.1.3 Do not accept blame or insistthe other party is at fault.

13.1.4 If possible photograph damageto all vehicles involved andregistration numbers.

13.1.5 Phone Highland Campervans on 01667 493976 or 07974512871.

13.1.6At our base hand over anypolice reports or photographs, paythe damage excess charge (ifapplicable). We will ensure that anaccident report is completed clearlyand signed by the customer.

13.1.7 Depending on availability, andat our discretion, we will endeavourto provide a substitute vehicle,subject to location, accident liability& remaining hire duration.

13.1.8 You are responsible for makingyour own way to our depot to pickup a replacement vehicle; we mayoffer you the option of paying foran alternative vehicle to bedelivered your location.

13.2 We will endeavour to ensure anydamage excess money due back to you is forwardedas quickly as possible, however 3rdparty claims can take a long time toresolve. (See also Section 17).

13.3 You agree to provide all reasonableassistance to Highland Campervans inhandling any claim includingproviding information and attendingCourt to give evidence.

13.4 Note: under no circumstancesshould you attempt to start or drive avehicle that has been involved in anaccident, roll over or submersionwithout our permission.


14.1 The customer acknowledges that Highland Campervans retains the title to thevehicle at all times. You will notattempt, agree, offer or purport tosell, assign, sub-let, lend, let on hireor otherwise part with or attempt topart with the possession of thevehicle.


15.1 We cannot accept any liability forany death or personal injury you orany member of your party sustainexcept where any such death orpersonal injury arose as a result ofour failure to use reasonable skilland care in performing ourobligations under our contract withyou.

15.2 You must take all necessary stepsto safeguard your personal propertyand any liability which you may incurto others during the course of yourholiday. No liability is accepted byus in respect of damage to, or lossof, such personal property exceptwhere it results from our failure touse reasonable skill and care inperforming our obligations under ourcontract with you.


16.1 You understand that:

16.1.1 The driver(s) only is coveredagainst liability for death, bodilyinjury, or damage to propertyduring the period of hire. The mostthat will be paid is £2,000,000related to any incident.

16.1.2 You are not covered for damageto your own personal property – westrongly recommend that you takeout personal travel insurance tocover your own possessions.

16.1.3 The vehicle is covered againstaccidental damage by fire, theft orattempted theft during the period ofhire.

16.1.4 There is a damage excesscharge applicable to all claims.

16.2 The following are not covered byinsurance:

16.2.1 Damage to tyres bypunctures, cuts or bursts, damageor loss to in-car entertainment.

16.2.2Theft involving deception. Theftas a result of keys remaining in thevehicle whilst it is unoccupied isnot covered by the insurance either.

16.2.3Damage to windows or awindscreen is not covered byinsurance if this is the only damageto the vehicle.

16.2.4 Any claim on insurance will notbe considered if the vehicle wasbeing used in contravention to these terms and conditions.

16.3 The damage excess charge of £750is applicable regardless of who is atfault. The damage excess chargewill be refunded only if we aresuccessful in recovering the cost ofthe damages from the third party.Please note that third party claimscan take months or even years toresolve.

16.4 The vehicle is insured for the agreedperiod of hire only, if you return thevehicle late you will not be insuredand you may be committing a trafficoffence under the Road Traffic Act.

16.5 If you are forced to return late youmust notify us by telephone beforeyour agreement expires.

16.6 Exclusions from the insurancepolicy, for which you will be totallyliable and from which you indemnifyus, include:

16.6.1 Any damage to the interior ofthe vehicle (including cigaretteburns, spillages, marking), living orcooking equipment will be chargedto you.

16.6.2 Any costs resulting from theimproper use of the vehicle.

16.6.3 Any fines or penalties resultingfrom an offence against the RoadTraffic Regulation or Offenders Act,and for any Congestion Chargepenalties incurred.