Helen DeVitt Jones Graduate Fellowship

College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Please provide all information in this form.

1.Desired starting date of fellowship: Fall ( ) Spring ( ) Summer ( ) Year _____

2.Degree sought: MS ( ) Ph.D. ( )

a. If MS, do you intend to pursue a Ph.D at Texas Tech _____yes _____no

3.Major/department to which applying:

4.Applicant’s full name:

5.Current Address:

6.Current daytime telephone number:

7.E-mail Address:

8.Name and location of high school from which you graduated:

9.If you are currently enrolled in a college or university, provide the following information:

Institution name/Location / Starting Date (month and year) / Anticipated degree and date to be conferred / Department/field

10.List of colleges and universities previously attended (in chronological order, attach additional page(s) if more than four)

Institution name/Location / Dates attended (month and year) / Degree and date conferred / Department/field

11.If you are currently employed, provide the following information:

Employer Name/Location / Starting date (month and year) / Number of hours per week employed / Type of work

12.GRE scores and date (month, year) of exam:

Verbal ______Quantitative ______Analytical ______Date ______

13.List any fellowships or scholarships you received in the past three years:



14.In the space below, describe any community service activities that you have been involved in (attach additional pages if necessary).

In the space below, describe (1.) why you feel that you are a good candidate for receiving this fellowship, and (2.) what would be the goals of your studies under this fellowship (limit both responses to this page).

I have reviewed this application carefully. By my signature below, I certify that the information in this document, as well as the other material that I submit for this fellowship application is accurate, to the best of my knowledge.

Signature ______Date ______


The purpose of the Jones Fellowship is to develop the capacity of future researchers and teachers in an agricultural and natural resources context. Graduate students from all academic units in the College will benefit from the Foundation’s generous endowment. These academic units currently include Animal and Food Sciences: Plant and Soil Science; Natural Resources Management; Agricultural and Applied Economics; and Agricultural Education and Communications.

Jones Fellows must be enrolled as full-time students and be in residence during the tenure of the fellowship. Jones Fellows should be pursuing a doctoral degree or a Master’s degree with intent to pursue a doctoral degree at a later date. Jones Fellows are expected to be enrolled in fields of study related to or directly affecting agriculture and natural resource management on the South Plains of Texas. Jones Fellows will be expected to participate in volunteer projects benefiting the community, region and/or agricultural and natural resource industry.

Applicants for the Helen DeVitt Jones Graduate Fellowship should submit the following to the chairperson of the department in which they intend to pursue their studies:

1. A completed copy of this application, signed by applicant

2. Three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic,

professional, or community service achievements. The applicant should arrange for these

letters to be sent directly to the department chairperson.

The completed application and letters of recommendation should be received by the department chairperson by the deadline established for the department. Deadlines may vary by department within the College. Applicants should check with their prospective department chairperson for the specific deadline for their department.