HELD on Wednesday 22nd November 2017, 8.00 PM at Shah Jahan Mosque, Woking

PRESENT: Kauser Akhtar (KA), Imam Hashmi (IH), Rashid Ali Laher (RAL), Imam Mahboob Rahman (IMR), Dr Syed Naqvi (DSN)

APOLOGIES:Dr Zafar Iqbal (DZI), Karen Holdsworth Canon (KHC)

  1. Apologies
KA reported that apologies had been received fromDZI and KHC
  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting (Friday 6th October 2017) were accepted and signed by DSN.
  1. Matters Arising
No Matters arising
  1. Action Log
  1. Registering SMA with the Charity Commission (CC).
Karen has responded to the latest questions put by the CC on 17/11/17. We are still waiting to hear further from the CC.
RAL mentioned that Mosques and places of worship need to be open with the language used in their constitutions as the CC is reminding charities of the Equalities Act. It is important to make Mosques aware of this.
  1. Funding from PCC
The PCC have agreed to fund SMA with 3K. There are three main aspects to this, which need to be address:
  • Drugs and alcohol misuse
  • Hate crime
  • Media training for Imams and leaders
All three of the above need to be done by the end of February, with a detailed report by 1st Marchto the PCC.
IH suggested a football tournament for teenage boys (age 12-18), where they will have a chance to visit stalls (charities that deal with drugs and alcohol abuse, hate crime) or listen to talks from professionals and the police, covering the areas of drugs, alcohol and hate crime. IH and DSN to meet and take this further with Br Farooq from Woking Tigers.
DSN suggested to have PowerPoint slides with information on and also a leaflet with information about the SMA, and helpline details or websites. KA to make leaflet.
The aim will be to hold this tournament in December.
KA suggested awareness event for parents on drugs and alcohol at the AGM. KA to organise. End of January or early February
KA also to look into media training for Imams and leaders – Eagle radio might run some training. DSN suggested to open this up to the public, all agreed. Aim to do this in February. Make a form for people to apply for the training.
RAL mentioned that the public as well as the Imams need to know how to challenge the media when they give incorrect information, this should be part of the training as well as interview techniques.
KA to form a plan to send to the PCC, as there are only three months to plan and deliver. If we do not deliver with the reports and all things requested by the PCC, the funding can be retrieved.
  1. Addressing Islamophobia
Police report was received and KA forwarded it to all management members via email. Still not heard from Tell MAMA.
A female instructor is needed to deliver the self-defence classes for women, if anyone knows of anyone, to tell KA. Woking Borough Council will fund it, but need a certified instructor who has the right insurance.
The Run, Hide, Tell event/training took place on 7.10.11 at the Parkview Community Centre. It was well attended in general but not enough from the Muslim community attended.
DSN mentioned Ofsted questioning Muslim girls about wearing the hijab during inspections and that we should respond to this as a SMA. RAL suggested to send information to the mosques to make them aware of this and ask if this is affecting them in their local area. If it is, then as SMA, we can contact the LEA and raise awareness with them.
KA is meeting with Ian McGraw, Education Safeguarding Advisor for Surrey and will mention it to him.
So we have feedback from two groups 1. The local authority 2. The parents via the mosques to see if it is affecting us in Surrey.
  1. Website
Shahid Azeem has agreed to get a new domain and design a new website for the SMA. KA to follow this up.
  1. Shared Outcomes: Armed Forces
Shared Outcomes is a project run by the Institute for State Craft (a registered charity) The project is currently working with three schools in Woking with children aged 14-16 providing challenging experiences, work around self-confidence and teambuilding. It is accredited by the Duke of Edenborough. KHC attended one of the days but is not present to report on it.
SMA to consider working with them in the future.
  1. Cares Awareness Event
The Muslim Carers Awareness event organised by Action for Carers Surrey in partnership with SMA took place on 15.11.17. Approximately 90 people attended.
KA uploaded videos of the events and did Facebook live feed on the day.
Facebook statistics as at 22.11.17
Video 1: 1,333 people saw the video, 8 people shared
Video 2: 158 people saw it
Video 3: 517 people saw it, 4 people shared
Video 5: 258 people saw it
Video 6: 247 people saw it
Video 7: 198 people saw it, 1 share
Video 8: 235 people saw it, 3 shared it
KA to put this information in a report to measure impact and to be used for Annual Report.
  1. AGM Planning
KA has spoken to Imam Joynal from Epsom about hosting in Epsom, he has agreed to that. However, there is no parking there. IMR volunteered to hold it at the Lakeview Community Centre, Horsell – where they meet for prayer. All agreed to change the venue and date and time.
AGM Date: Sunday 4th February
Time: 5.30 pm for 6.00 pm start
Venue: Lakeview Community Centre, Horsell, GU21 3AF
Start with AGM – get formalities done within 10 minutes, followed by a talk(s) on drug and alcohol awareness and food after Isha.
KA to organise speaker and contact Imam Joynal to cancel previous booking but to ask to hold a management meeting or next full members meeting in Epsom. / KHC
  1. AOBNone

  1. Future meetings
SMA Management committee meeting, Monday 11th December, 8 pm, Lakeview Community Centre, Horsell, GU21 3AF

Chair Signature………………………………………………………………………Date………………………………….

Chair name (printed………………………………………………………………)

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