CHB PA meeting 24th July 2015
Held Bowling Club and Community Hall
Meeting opened: 7.41PM
Attendance: B & K Vanden Hengle, P Myors, D & L Goff, C Norman, N Lambert, L Smith, T Osborne, D Hawcroft, D Knock, C Brown, S Whyte
Apologies–DDearing, J Sommer, C Johnson, P Johnson, Ben Brown, J Gartelmann
Minutes of previous meeting have been posted to our website. Moved these be accepted, David Knock, secondedTony Osborne
Treasurer’s report by N Lambert
DVD sales $40
LMCCGrant for Festival $1100
June 2008 102 385 $5000 Acc 1 2009 $7045
Moved that report be accepted N Lambert, seconded C Norman
Status of developments
Rose group report by D Hawcroft
- Stages 1,2,4,5 earthworks should be completed by Sept 2015
- Concern over Wetlands; Glenn Gifford, NPWS can rarely attend Community Liaison Community meetings however meets with Daracon to check. Appears ok.
- The big hole is the old mine drift was the access to the now closed mine. This has been checked by Mine Subsidence Board. The hole will be filled when Mine Subsidence Board sends a letter signing off.
- Montefiore St, timetable behind - Council need to sign off on landscaping plan. Possibly closed in August for 4 months.
- Construction of Hale St and Village Park were to be completed before a Construction Certificate would be granted for Stage 1. However, following a successful Modification Application from Rose group to the State Government this has now been tied to Stage 3. (After headland rehab by Lake Coal. Closure Plan set for 2016.)
- Modification Application 5 from Rose group, requestedDepartment of State Infrastructure & Planning to scale back their responsibility for soft landscaping on the project from 5 years to 1 year and for LMCC to pick up the tab (i.e. the ratepayers,) PA objected as this should remain developer’s responsibility.
- Sewerage treatment works still not approved - IPART getting independent environment assessment.
Kay Fraser attends from Council. Sue Whyte and Damien Hawcroft represent the community,
Ian Nicholl is Chair, Phil Raftos from Daracon, and Nick Jackman from Coastal Hamlets (Rose group). Glenn Gifford, NPWS attends when he can.
Sale of Lake Coal has not gone through.
Work on headland - treating contamination soon, a 24 week process. Remove bitumen. Recycle concrete.
Bin Building will be concreted at front, fly ash at back, earth over it and contoured. Drainage holes. Structurally not built for restaurant etc. as per plans. Only a whale watching platform. Walkway.
DKnock brought up the existence of a geology report of possible catastrophic failure of headland!
DHawcroft - steel remains in bin will anchor into headland to avoid this.
Road near Kings house that curves around to Surf Club will be moved and land contoured so Kings get their view back.
Report by D Hawcroft
New Environmental Assessment Study is being prepared. Chris Ellis from Lake Coal has suggested removing boardwalk and just leaving frame. Saves expense of removing metal underwater.Leave gap between land and jetty. Leave timber beams in sand.Preserves marine life. Leaves profile. Reduces cost of maintaining. Then rehab walkway and area on land so people can walk up to it. Viewing platform included Meeting approved idea; PA will write to Lake Coal.
DKnock moved Bart Vanden Hengle seconded.
Report byD Knock
- Consultants said most dangerous road ever assessed and proposed treatments. We have been meeting and agreeing for over a year on this. Council confirm need to act.
Yet 14/15 funds allocated went to Children’s Games at Speers Point.
Told this Financial Year would commence.
Last meeting told no designs yet, design work will start this FY!
These plans have been shown to us for a year!
Just locations, not design of treatments.
Last meeting we agreed that treatments should start in Flowers Dr.
Decided that first 2 speed calming platforms should be in Flowers Dr was because more children there and partly first so community can see them, and then when they are in, steep, busy Clarke St will be prepared.
Peter Mc Murray will come to next meeting with designs.
Where they decide to locate them the residents there will be advised by Council.
Anti-burnout out surfacing will be laid in Clarke Street later this year.
Proposed positions for speed calming platforms plans to be posted on the Club notice board after meeting
Also they are 80m apart.
The meeting preferred to not specify exact locations because of resident’s reactions.
Coal & Allied
Report S Whyte–The Expressions of Interest period looking to find a buyer for Coal & Allied’s Southern estates has ended.
2 parties have shown interest and further talks are continuing. Geoffrey Rock has proposed that the community meets with prospective purchasers and will contact the Association to organise this at the appropriate time.
Joey Warrenfrom Sawmill Camp has been approached by one of the groups interested in buying to find out his position. Joey Warren owns his house but not the land and is interested in purchasing the land on which his house stands. 2 of the 4 houses in Sawmill Camp have now been vacated but Mr Warren has no intention of leaving and has asked for support from the Association.
If meeting is set up all residents will be letterboxed.
Graveyard Beach PA wrote to Council asking for a toilet and bins to be placed there. Council will not do anything until water and sewerage is available.
Planning Controls for CHB Southare undergoing further consultation and investigation .The project is to be deferred to a later date eg. several years according to LMCC Strategic Planner,Grant Alderson
These Planning Controls were contained in the South Wallarah Peninsula State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) which was introduced by the State Government to enable the Rose group development to proceed after the part 3A Approval was overturned in the Land & Environment Court. The State Department of Infrastructure &Planning now wants this SEPP incorporated into LMCC LEP. A very difficult task as there are more than 60 inconsistencies.
Old Bay School CentenaryFestival
- Saturday 26th September in the school grounds.
- 10am-4pm
- Local schools and local MPs and mayor have been invited to participate.
- PA system is required possibly will cost in the vicinity of $500. Meeting agreed to purchase the PA system and will be reimbursed from Festival takings. A portable speaker with 2 mics
and wireless.
Moved Kim Vanden Hengle seconded C Brown
- Marquee needed for Association Stall. Offered by L &D Goff,
- DVDs have been copied by David Goff and will be sold at Festival.
- Stalls- old appliances, tools etc. stall. If anyone would like to have a stall please contact N Hudson 4972 5733, 0421 969 469
- Friday before we need volunteers to help we set up as well as early Saturday morning.
- Linnie Ross needs lemons for lemonade stall.
- Publicity - posters being printed for Swansea, other areas. Schools considering and promoting their performances.
Tennis Club
Report by C Norman and C Brown
Weather prevented any use of courts since April. Membership is increasing.
White ants in end fences and end wire fencing.
Will have plant stall with Landcare at Festival.
Tennis Day after Festival?
Meeting thanked Tony Osborne for his gift of line marker.
Report by C Brown
Lake Mac Landcare Green Team came and controlled weeds between the car park at Graveyard Beach and the cemetery, and on the dunes. They erected Landcare signs there and at other end of thecemetery on the walkway; 2 more at South site near Pat Slaven Reserve and the Surf Club.
National Tree Day is this Sunday –we’re planting Tuckeroo trees, Acacia sophorae bushes and ground covers between the cemetery and walkway, and in lighter areas of walkway.
Yasmin CatleyMP was attending but had to decline. Please join us! 9- noon.
Meeting member asked if Landcarewill work on the escarpment along to houses (former churches) - no, only allowed to work on Council land.
General Business
Survey results
- Concerning the question as to what would most improve the Bay - walkway most popular.
- junk mail distributor now just tossed randomly and collecting on footpaths. Should be letterbox only. Council Rangers! Complain it's littering and quote numbering on items.
- Lake Macquarie Post newspaper - meeting agreed should be letterboxed too not just delivered to pub and club.
Closed 8.51pm