Hosting an event is a great way to bring your family and friends together to share your stroke story and increase your fundraising efforts. Here are 10 easy ideas to help you get started.

1) Strikes for Stroke

Host an afternoon of bowling. Many bowling allies will offer discounted or free lane rentals for fundraising events as well as provide food and drink specials. All you have to do it pick a date and invite your friends and family!

Ex. Bowling alley charges $8 per person, you charge $25 per person and $17 per bowler goes to your fundraising event! Get 20 of your friends and family to join you and you’ve raised $340. ($17x20 = $340)

Tip: Include a small silent auction or door prize drawing for additional donations

2) Bake Sale

Host a bake sale at your work, church or local business that will support you. Ask friends and family to help bake treats. Include healthy treats or even homemade dog treats to entice the health conscious crowd too!

Tip: Use healthy recipes to promote a healthy lifestyle. Download our Foodsmarts App for free recipes and ideas – available in Google Play and Apple Stores.

3) Backyard BBQ

Invite your friends and family over for a BBQ and backyard games. Include stroke awareness materials (which we can provide to you at no cost) and the option to make a donation to your fundraising.

Tip: Making it a free with donation may actually increase your fundraising totals!

4) Restaurant Fundraiser

Many restaurants will donate a percentage of sales from a specific night to your cause. Information is usually located on the website or available from a general manager.

Tip: Book a date early and invite all of your friends and family to come!

5) Host a Car Wash

There are a many ways to go about hosting a car wash. Some automatic car washes will donate a portion of the day’s proceeds to you while you and your volunteers hand dry and vacuum cars. Other car washes allow you to pre-purchase car wash tickets and sell them with a portion of proceeds going to fundraising. Or you can do it the old fashioned way – partner with a gas station in a high traffic area and wash the cars yourself!

Tip: Gather your friends and family, you’ll need lots of help to host a successful car wash.

6) Host a kickball tournament

The popular playground game has made a comeback and can be a fun and unique was to get people active while also raising money for National Stroke Association. Be sure to get park permits or work with a school to use their fields. You can charge per person and create teams or allow groups to register as a team! If you charge $20 per player and have 6 teams of 8, you could raise $960 for National Stroke Association!

Tip: Sell concessions like water, soda, hot dogs and chips for an addition fundraising opportunity.

7) Go Blue for Stroke!

Blue is the color of stroke. Are you willing to dye your hair blue or wear a blue man suit to work if you hit your BIG fundraising goal? Come up with something fun, creative and a little crazy. Use email and social media to create excitement and track progress to the goal.

8) Kentucky Derby Party (or other sporting event)

Host a party to coincide with the derby or other big sporting event. You can host in your home or work with a local bar or restaurant for space and drink specials. Charge admission or suggested donation amount.

Tip: Work with the bar or restaurant to also get a portion of food and drink sales donated

9) Candy Box

Purchase bulk candy, popcorn or other snacks from Costco or Sam’s Club to sell your work break room for $1.00

Tip: Include healthy options like dried fruit, trail mix or popcorn!

10) Trade your talents & services for a donation

Offer to mow lawns, rake leaves, pet sit or babysit for a donation. Maybe you make jewelry or are amazing at organizing closets. Think about what you’re good at and offer to do it for others in exchange for a donation!

Tip: Reach more people by asking your friends and family to let their network know what you are doing!

These are only suggestions to get you started. There are many other ideas that can be used as fun and creative ways to bring your friends and family together to raise awareness and money for stroke! Pinterest and Blog sites have tons of ideas and suggestions for creating a successful event.

Tips for success when hosting a community fundraising event

Hosting a community event to benefit National Stroke Association can be an overwhelming task. We truly appreciate your support and want to ensure that it is an easy and enjoyable experience for you. Follow these easy steps to ensure your success

  1. Decide on what type of event you would like to host. This first step is very important--you want to host an event you are comfortable with. Keep in mind the people in your community and what type of event they are most likely to support.
  2. Register your event with National Stroke Association. When you register your event, it will be placed on our community events calendar for the public to view. You will also ensure that you receive regular communication from our staff with support and tips for success.
  3. Determine your event date and location. Once you decide on this information you can begin to contact friends and family to encourage their participation.
  4. Seek Sponsor Support.Local business and professional contacts may be willing to provide support for your event. If there is cost involved in your event, use a sponsorship proposal to generate support to off-set the costs in exchange for various sponsorship benefits. We have a sample proposal we can provide you, please contact us at the email address below to get started.
  5. Market your event. Think of everyone in your personal and professional network and contact them about event participation and sponsorship. Do you have connections with local media? Ask to have your event featured. When marketing your event, it is always a good idea to share your personal stroke story. You may also consider sharing stroke awareness materials during your event marketing. Visit the Stroke Awareness Resource Center for more awareness tools and resources.
  6. Plan your presentation. Depending on the setting of your event and the audience you are trying to reach, there are many things you can create or include in your community event. We encourage you to share your personal stroke story, share stroke education information, and consider preparing a presentation or poster. Download our fact sheets and brochures in our Library or Stroke Awareness Resource Center for free.
  7. Recruit volunteers to support your event on event day. It is very important that you have members of your network and community to help in the set-up, execution and tear-down of your event. Additionally, it increases your reach in marketing, recruitment and spreading stroke awareness.
  8. Be sure to thank your participants and sponsors. Once your event is over, it is important to take time to send a personal thank you to all of your participants, volunteers and sponsors. It shows that you appreciate their time and financial commitment and will set a foundation for their support in future events.

Keep in mind that each event and community is different. Think of the people in your personal and professional network when planning an event. Some things to consider might be: What type of activities does my network participate in? What is the best way to communicate with my network? How much support will I have in planning and executing this event?

Fundraising with Friends

Another way to get involved is setting up a personal fundraising page. It’s fast and easy to get started. And with the simple outline below, you can raise $1,000 in just 11 days.

  1. Create a personal fundraising page by visiting:
  2. Enter your stroke story and upload a photo
  3. Share the link with your friends and family using the sample email and sample social media post below and following the $1,000 in just 10 days guideline.

Sample Email:

Dear family and friends,

I recently committed to raising funds to support National Stroke Association. In fact, I’ve set a goal of raising $[insert personal goal amount] by [insert date]. I am doing this in [honor/memory] of [insert name] and the many others impacted by stroke.

Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death, a leading cause of disability among adults and it impacts more women each year than breast cancer. There are over 7 million stroke survivors in the US. The National Stroke Association is committed to reducing the incidence and impact of stroke through prevention education, increased awareness and programs that benefit survivors and their caregivers. These efforts provide hope after stroke and allow survivors to come back strong!

Please help me reach my goal by making a tax deductible donation to National Stroke Association today. You can give by visiting my personal fundraising website [insert website link] or mailing a check to the address below.

Thank you in advance for your support.

[First Name Last Name]

Sample Social Media:

Post #1

Help me fundraise [$xx] this month for National Stroke Association in [memory/honor] of [insert name] and the 700 million stroke survivors in the U.S. Just $10 from each of my Facebook friends would make a huge impact! Can you help? Click here! [insert fundraising page link]

Post #2

National Stroke Association is committed to providing hope after stroke and helping survivors coming back strong! I’m committed to supporting their efforts. Will you join me by donating $25 today? [insert fundraising link]

Post #3

Don’t go out to dinner tonight…help someone survive a stroke instead! A donation of $30 to National Stroke Association helps get information in people’s hands so they recognize the early signs of stroke. Knowledge saves lives! [insert fundraising link]

Post #4

I have a goal of raising [$xx] this month for National Stroke Association. Every 40 seconds someone in the US has a stroke. In the time it takes you to read this post, someone’s life will be changed forever by stroke. Every 4 minutes someone in the US dies of a stroke. In the time it takes for you to click the link and complete your online donation, a family will lose a mother, father, sister or brother. [insert fundraising link]

You can raise $1,000 in 11 days. Just a little effort each day can have a big impact on the stroke community. Follow this simple guide and you’ll reach your goals is no time!

DAY 1: Donate $100 to your own page
DAY 2: Ask your significant other for $100
DAY 3: Ask your nicest brother or sister for $50
DAY 4: Ask 6 friends for $25 each
DAY 5: Ask 5 acquaintances for $25
5 days in and you’re over halfway to your goal: $525
DAY 6: Ask both of your neighbors for $25
DAY 7: Ask 4 relatives for $50
DAY 8: Ask your boss for $100
DAY 9: Ask 4 people you work with for $25
DAY 10: Rest for a day
DAY 11: Ask a former teacher for $25
Congratulations, you’ve just raised $1,000!

50 Names Fast!

Not sure who to ask to support your fundraising goal? This handy brainstorming tool will help you come up at least 50 names to get you started!

Immediate Family (Parents, Siblings)





Extended Family (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, In-laws)











Neighbors & Friends











Dentist, Doctors, Stylists, etc.






Coaches, Clergy, Past Teachers,






Colleagues & Business Associates






Parent or Other Social Group









Businesses you frequent

Nail Salon______

Hair Salon______

Coffee Shop______

Gym/Yoga Studio______

Personal Trainer______

Dog Groomer______





Dry Cleaner______