Shaker Sharks
Held at the Shaker Heights Middle School Pool
The Shaker Shark Swim-A-Thon is our one and only fundraising event for the team for the year. Go out and get your pledges! The Swim-a-Thon is on Saturday, October 19thwhich is coming up sooner than you think! Monies raised at the Swim-a-Thon will be used to purchase swimming equipment and to help fund programming for the Sharks. All of our swimmers are expected to participate. A pledge sheet is attached. If you need extra pledge sheets, please see your coach or download one from our website ( The Swim-a-Thon will be held at the Shaker Heights Middle School pool. Treats will be given to all swimmers who participate. You may choose to swim during ONE of the following time slots:
Saturday, October 19:
9:00 – 10:00 a.m., 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., 11:00 – 12:00 noon,
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.,1:00 – 2:00 p.m., 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Sign-up sheets are posted at both the Woodbury and Middle School pools. Swimmers will swim for the entire hour; however they may choose how they swim during that time and who they swim with. For example, some may swim continuously for the entire hour, while others may use fins or other equipment and do one length at a time with rest periods in between each length. If you have any questions, please contact the swim team office at r (216) 295-4163.
If a swimmer is unable to swim his/her laps on Saturday, October 19th due to a schedule conflict, the swimmer may complete Swim-a-Thon laps during their regularly scheduled practice time on Monday, October 21st.
Any swimmer raising at least $50 in the Swim-a-Thon is invited to one of the following Splash Parties:
Shark swimmers who are5th grade and older will enjoy fun, food and games on Friday, October 25thfrom 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Woodbury pool.
Shark swimmers who are 4th grade and youngerwill enjoy fun, food and games on Saturday, October 26thfrom 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Woodbury pool.
Swimmers who raise in excess of $50 will be eligible for additional prizes – see the attached sheet. Pizza, pop and snacks will be offered both nights. Also prizes will be awarded to everyone at the Splash party, so get those pledges and join in a night of fun, food, games and surprises!
All Swim-a-Thon money should be collected and turned in by Friday October 25th(5th grade and older) or Saturday,October 26th(4th grade and younger).
Thanks for your continued support of the Shaker Sharks Swimming Team!
Shaker Sharks
If you raise $50, you are invited to attend the Shaker Shark Splash Party for swimmers 5thgrade and olderon Friday, October 25thfrom 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. orthe Shaker Shark Splash Party for swimmers 4thgrade and younger on the Saturday, October 26thfrom 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Woodbury Elementary School Pool.
If you raise $100, you can push your coach into the pool FULLY CLOTHED!
If you raise $200, you get to THROW a shaving cream pie in Brendan, Maggie, Drew, Connie, Melissa, Jesse, or Eric’s face.
If you raise $300 or more, YOU win a ONE HOUR UNDERWATER VIDEO RECORED TECHNIQUE SESSION with Coach Peterson or Coach Jesse. (Parents get to keep their swimmer’s underwater DVD.)
If you are the TOP MONEY WINNER, you will receive all of the above prizes and a lunch with a Shaker Shark Coach of your choice.
Thanks for helping the Sharks.
Swimmer’s Name: ______Grade: ______
Shaker Sharks
The swimmer will swim between 10-200 lengths on Saturday, October 19thor Monday, October 21st. The Sharks appreciate any amount that you are able to pledge. Thank you.
Sponsor’s Name
/Phone #
/ $ Per Length / Total Owed / Paid(The Shaker Sharks Swimming Team is a Non-profit organization. Our 501c3 status, is in process. Those interested in further information regarding the 501c3 status may contact the swim team office.)
______verifies that ______swam ______lengths.
Coach’s Name Swimmer’s Name Number