Held at Legacy Preparatory Academy North Campus
2214 South 1250 West Woods Cross, Utah 84087
June 21, 2017 8:00 pm
LPA Governing Board Members in Attendance: Alisha Johnson (President), Carl Woolson (Vice President), Heather Traeden (Vice President), Jennifer Brooks (Member), John Hastings (Member)
Others in Attendance: Karen Holman, Priscilla Stringfellow, Nyman Brooks, Marly Ferrin, Angela Bothwell, Greg Mortensen, Shalon Brierley, Heather Williams
Math - Documents have been sent prior to the meeting and Angela Bothwell provides the main points;
The committee narrowed it down to three selections-- Math in Focus, Eureka Math, and Primary Mathematics. These are all Singapore based.
Math in Focus
Provides differentiation for advanced students
Word questions goes quite deep and provide challenges
Re-teach book is very visual and concrete and varies
Engaging, colorful textbook
More content rich (common core and Singapore paths)
Eureka Math
Not as visual or colorful as Math in Focus but still thorough
Primary Mathematics
Teacher manual wasn’t as in depth so it was taken off the list
The committee selected Math in Focus.
Ms. Bothwell believes that, moving to this program, students will gain a greater understanding of number sense leading to positive improvement throughout the math learning experience.
Mr. Brooks explained that there will probably be some difficulty transitioning in the later grades for a year or two.
Ms. Stringfellow believes that this program will allow for better leveled achievement groups in 5th grade with math 5th and 6th graders having no more than 16 students for next year.
Science – Heather Willliams spoke about science.
A few years ago, science core for Utah was updated and they are working on updating it again. The movement is towards three-dimensional science – content, science/engineering practices, and cross cutting concepts.
The group preferred Science Fusion for 6th – 8th grade. This will allow LPA to ensure that the curriculum can be tailored and include expeditions and virtual labs.
9:40 pm Motion by Alisha to approve the purchase of math curriculum of up to $56,500 and $28,100 for science curriculum. John seconds. All approved.
Motion to approve funding for math manipulatives of up to $14,500. Heather seconds. All approved.
9:45 pm Motion to adjourn by Alisha. Carl seconded. All approved.