Saturday 10TH September 2011

Meeting opened 6.36pm

NQ Zone Committee Present:

Tuki BrownPresident

Shane O’HaraVice President

Tania MoohinSecretary/Treasurer

Leigh PageCommittee

Jason PoppyCommittee

Lee TaylorCommittee

Tony TruemanCommittee

Darryl ThoroughgoodCommittee

Steve MillsCommittee

Brett GaiaCommittee

Club Delegates Present:

Tuki BrownCairns Beaches

Leigh PageCairns Beaches

Julie TruemanCapricorn Coast

Tony TruemanCapricorn Coast

Brett GaiaCoconuts

James DunnCoconuts

Steve MillsCoral Sea

Linda DavisCoral Sea

Nora PennefatherHekili

Rhys MorganHekili

Kellie NortheyMagnetic Island

Angie CorcoranMagnetic Island

Maddy AgiusMalanuka

Debbie JohnsonMalanuka

Proxies held:

Tuki BrownCardwell

Leigh PageCardwell

Julie TruemanRockhampton

Tony TruemanRockhampton

Brett GaiaMission Beach

James DunnMission Beach

Tuki BrownPort Douglas

Leigh PagePort Douglas




Saturday 10TH September 2011

Mark NicolOutrigger Whitsunday

Terry KempOutrigger Whitsunday

Marty StreckerSunset Bay

Warren PonmoonSunset Bay

Carl SchedlichThe Dam

Chris HeadTownsville

Angela CooperTownsville

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

Moved Jason Poppy, seconded Nora Pennefather that the previous minutes be accepted. CARRIED

  1. Business Arising - Nil
  1. New Business

Regatta Calendar for 2012 Grand Prix Season

Moved Terry Kemp, seconded Brett Gaia to add in a sixth round in September 2012.

For 11, against 16, 2 abstentionsNOT CARRIED

Moved Maddy Agius, seconded Nora Pennefather, first regatta to be 25th February 2012.

Tuki – Takapuna in NZ on same weekend.NOT CARRIED

For 4, against 23, 2 abstentions

Moved Terry Kemp, seconded Julie Trueman for Mackay clubs to host May Day weekend regatta.

For 19, against 8, abstentions 2CARRIED

3rd MarchOut Whit & AGM

31st MarchNTH BRANCH Coral Sea (double points)

STH BRANCH Cap Coast (double points)

5th/6th MayMalanuka/SSB Mackay clubs

14th JulyCoconuts

18th AugustTownsville

  1. Combining of marathons

Nora raised that there could be problems with a large number of canoes needing to be provided.

That the Zone mandate all GP regattas have only 2 marathons (gender or divisional based), plus mixed marathon with clubs having the option to apply to the Zone committee for variation 3 months in advance - Moved Tuki Brown, seconded Kellie Northey.

For 23, against 6CARRIED

  1. Points system

All regatta races will adhere to the marathon point system 14,12, 10 etc, moved Tuki Brown, second Kellie Northley


  1. Removal of SUPs from regattas

To remove SUP races from the GP regatta series, moved Jason Poppy,seconded Steve Mills

2 against, remaining in favour.CARRIED

  1. 14U & 12U to have adult steerer

That 14U & 12U OC6 crews to have an adult steerer/paddler (position 5 or 6) at race directors discretion, moved Brett Gaia, seconded Jason Poppy UNANIMOUS

  1. SLSC

Steve Mills raised that the Zone should investigate utilising the SLSC radio towers to give our radios at regattas more range. Zone to investigate.

  1. National Title Events

Discussion regarding reducing the number of National Title events in a year. NQ Zone to put forward a petition for all NQ paddlers to sign. Tania Moohin to organise.

  1. Extending Divisions in OC2

For 2012 season, to include SM and GM gender based divisions (not Mixed) in OC2 events, moved Brett Gaia, seconded Mark Nicol

In favour 23, against 4, 2 abstentionsCARRIED

  1. Junior Regatta Fees

Raised by Rhys Morgan, that they are currently too expensive, if cheaper may allow more crews on the water. Steve Mills - we don’t want to make rash decisions – there’s lots of time to make decision before the start of the year. Zone needs to do cost effective analysis.

Zone to look at structure of fees and send an analysis out by end of October, moved Steve Mills, seconded Nora Pennefather. UNANIMOUS

  1. Fee Structure

Raised by Rhys Morgan – go back to old days of paying per division rather than per event. Costs a lot of money if you’re doubling up. Lots of discussion regarding this.

Tuki Brown – suggested the zone leave fees as is, and send a breakdown of fees to all clubs and start spending the Zone money.

NQ Zone actively promotes its expenditure on race fees, moved Rhys Morgan, seconded by Jason Poppy.

1 against, balance for.CARRIED

  1. Divisional ages

To take to AOCRA AGM – to adopt international senior divisional mens and womens brackets. Moved Tuki Brown, seconded Rhys Morgan. UNANIMOUS

  1. Rule change

Coconuts raised the issue of not being able to finish a race officially with only 5 paddlers. Pressure on the six/injured paddler to continue as they will “let the team down” if they can’t finish the race officially. Steve Mills – possibility of people evicting their “weak” paddlers mid race. Terry didn’t agree . Jason – not in the spirit, someone could be put in to do a very intense initial spurt, and then be pulled out.

To allow adult teams to be eligible for points and medals finishing with 5 competitors if a paddler becomes sick or injured, moved Brett Gaia, seconded James Dunn

10 in favour, balance against.NOT CARRIED

  1. AOCRA – to become Corporation under Corporations Act

Special resolution to AOCRA AGM for AOCRA to become a Corporation under the Corporations Act (presently Secretary must be a Qld resident – very limiting)

Moved Tuki Brown, seconded Mark Nicol. UNANIMOUS

Meeting closed 8.40pm