Date: / March 2010
Subject: / This is the latest in a series of regular briefings containing University-wide updates.
Briefing guidance: / This briefing contains a summary of high-level, key messages to support you with your face-to-face communications with your direct reports.
Ideally, it should be communicated face-to-face to your direct reports by the end of the month – not circulated by email - and should provide an opportunity for your colleagues to give you feedback on the content.
It need not be presented verbatim. Please summarise where appropriate and deliver in a way you are most comfortable with to ensure that messages are authentic.
Please add your own content, which is relevant to your support division, faculty or area of expertise.
The briefing should enable your direct reports to brief their own people on some of the issues facing the University.
Please encourage your direct line reports to add more localised information which should still be delivered face-to-face at each stage of the cascade.
Allow at least an hour for the sharing of information and feedback.
Highlights this month: /
- HEFCE funding announcement - 2.1 per cent reduction
- Reinforcing the quality of learning and teaching
- Work begins on new leadership programme for senior leadership community
- Enterprise and Innovation theme – discussions begin
- Update on Human Rights, Social Justice and Security theme
- National Student Survey update
- Senior Lecturer promotions procedure
- Preparation of student essays by third parties
- New rules on immigration and visa applications
- MediaCityUK holds regular update sessions
- Celebratory event for all employees in May
Our mission:Our vision:
Our values: / Salford is an enterprising University which transforms individuals and communities through excellent teaching, research, innovation and engagement.
The University of Salford will be, by 2017, an outstanding University renowned for the quality of its engagement, humanity, global reach and leadership in research, innovation and education.
We espouse and promote the following values and behaviours:
- The highest academic, professional and ethical standards
- Service to our stakeholders, clients and partners and, in particular, putting our students first
- Supporting our people and recognising and rewarding excellence and leadership
- Working together for the advancement of the University
- Innovation, creativity, enterprise, courage
- Diversity, humanity, fairness and respect
- Pride in our heritage and the distinctive difference we make to the world
- Investing passion in all that we do.
Our six goals and their owners: /
- Goal 1 – Transforming learning and teaching: Martin Hall
- Goal 2 – Transforming research and innovation: Ghassan Aouad
- Goal 3 – Transforming engagement: Keith Barnes
- Goal 4 – Our people: Keith Watkinson
- Goal 5 – Transforming infrastructure and services: Adrian Graves
- Goal 6 – Internationalising our University: TBD
Our six themes and their owners: /
- Built and Human Environment: Khairy Kobbacy
- Energy: Steve Donnelly
- Enterprise and Innovation: John Wilson
- Health and Wellbeing: Cynthia Pine
- Human Rights, Social Justice and Security: Ruth Wright
- Media, Digital Technology and the Creative Economy: Brian Longhurst
Why we need these briefings / The University acknowledges the need to keep its people informed. Employees perform better when they are involved and when they have an open and honest dialogue with their leaders.Involvement creates good will and employees are prepared to go the “extra mile”.
One of the targets for our People Goal 4 is to increase the number of employees engaged to at least 45 per cent by 2012 – placing us in the top quartile of UK organisation.
This briefing will help support you in addressing the issues above and will supplement our employee magazine, US, the Vice-Chancellor’s blog as well as US Online on the Staff Channel.
Business updates / 1. HEFCE funding announcement – 2.1 per cent reduction
The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has announced the new funding round. Our total grant for Teaching and Research has reduced by 2.1 per cent from £58.03 million to £56.8 million. However we budgeted for this reduction in our financial planning and therefore it is in line with our expectations.
In a live interview on BBC Radio Manchester, “Breakfast with Beswick”, broadcast on 18 March, VC Martin Hall said that the cuts were exactly as the University expected and that the biggest issue was really the reduction in the number of students who would not be able to come to University because the Student Loan Company would not be able to support them with grants.
2. Reinforcing the quality of learning and teaching
The VC has written to all employees to brief them on a set of initiatives that, together, will underpin and reinforce the quality of learning and teaching across our University. These are based on consultations with Schools and Faculties around a set of benchmarks and minimum standards for teaching provision, and have been developed in collaboration with the Director of Learning Development and the Director of Student Information. These proposals have the support of all the Heads of School.
Firstly, the University will introduce a full-year timetable for all academic programmes, to be available for new and returning students before the summer preceding the beginning of each academic year. For the 2011-2012 academic year, the full year’s timetable will be available on-line in May 2011.
For the 2010-2011 academic year, to enable the Student Information Directorate (SID) to put in place the necessary preparations for the new system, the full-year timetable will be available in August for all programmes unless exceptional circumstancesapply. In the case of Schools which teach over three terms, appropriate adjustments will be made to achieve an equivalent standard.
Full year timetabling will bring many benefits, enabling our students to plan necessary combinations of study and part-time jobs, Estates to make long-overdue improvements in space utilisation, and staff to plan research and other activities around teaching commitments that are determined well in advance.
For modules taught by sessional staff, it will not be necessary to name the lecturer and, of course, the timetable will be reviewed to allow for new modules and programmes, modules that will be discontinued, and long-term changes in enrolment patterns.
Secondly, a single, common, content management system for all module and programme descriptions and syllabi, including postgraduate courses will be introduced. This will enable us to generate full and consistent information for all students in a variety of forms, including the on-line course-finder system, bespoke curricula for academic programmes, and undergraduate and postgraduate prospectuses. Once introduced, this will reduce the administrative burden on staff who, currently, may have to provide information on modules on a multiple basis. The SID is currently carrying out a feasibility study, and will develop a time-frame for introducing this system.
Thirdly, we will guarantee that all students are provided with full information on the academic requirements of modules well before the beginning of the term in which they are offered. This information will include reading lists and full details of the way in which a module is assessed.
The new reading list facility – LaSu – was successfully introduced last month, across all Schools and for the beginning of the present semester, and so this benchmark can be realised with immediate effect.
Fourthly, we have introduced a new system to ensure that teaching technology in teaching venues is fully operational at the beginning of each scheduled teaching day. This is being achieved through the employment of student monitors who are inspecting each venue before 8.00am each day, reporting to the IT department. For the small number of teaching venues that are under Faculty and School supervision, Faculties and Schools have guaranteed an equivalent standard.
Fifthly, we will follow other universities in making electronic submission standard for all modules for which written work is submitted for assessment. Because this is dependent on the completion of the current phase of renewing our complete IT infrastructure, e-submission will be introduced by the 2011 (but will be available earlier in some Schools). In turn, e-submission will allow university-wide use of plagiarism detection tools and a guaranteed maximum for feedback on students’ written work. The maximum length of time that a student can expect to wait for feedback will be specified in the module description.
Finally, we are reviewing our academic regulations in order that they are consistent with generally accepted standards of good practice. In particular, we need to look at our approach to assessment. This review will be through the Learning, Teaching and Enhancement Committee of Senate, for Senate to consider.
Reforms such as these will not, of course, ensure excellent teaching. What they will do is to provide the scaffolding needed for excellent teachers to do their job better, and for committed students to learn more effectively. I’m grateful to all those who have contributed advice and support in mapping out future improvements to our provision.
3. Work begins on new leadership programme for senior leadership community
Following our commitment to invest in the development of the University’s leaders and managers, the SLT has approved a comprehensive leadership and management development programme for senior colleagues. This work will be led by Tracey Hulme, Associate Director of Leadership and Learning and supported by Robert Dickson and Jonathan Taylor from Ashridge Consulting.The purpose of the programme is to improve the way in which we lead and it will focus on developing leadership skills and behaviours both individually and in teams.
Those involved in the programme include members of SLT, Heads of School and Directors of Directorates within schools, and Directors/Heads and Associate Directors within Professional Services. They will all be involved in some preliminary enquiry and assessment work between late-March and September although the bulk of development activity will take place between October 2010 and Spring 2011.
Whilst the exact content of the programme will be tailored to the University’s needs following the enquiry stage, other activities are likely to include coaching, action learning sets, and a series of workshops focused on both leadership and specific management skills.
4. Enterprise and Innovation theme – discussions begin
A key component of the University Strategic Plan is to develop six organising themes which will help distinguish the University and promote even stronger links between learning, teaching, research, innovation, engagement and collaborations and partnership.
One of the six themes is Enterprise and Innovation and the theme owner, Professor John Wilson, Head of Salford Business School, is holding a colloquium in May, to discuss how this theme should be developed. All employees are invited.
The objectives of the colloquium are:
- To gain a common understanding of the context for developments in the thematic area of Enterpriseand Innovation, internationally, nationally and regionally
- To gain a common understanding of current teaching, research and engagement activities within the thematic area of Enterpriseand Innovation in the University
- To explore the distinctiveness of the work taking place in the University, in comparison with elsewhere, with the aim of developing an approach that will differentiate the University in the field of Enterpriseand Innovation
- To reach preliminary agreement on how best to develop the theme’s Unique Selling Point within the University between now and 2017.
The event is being held on Thursday 6 May, 2010 from 9.30am to 4.00pm in Mary Seacole, Lecture Theatre Room 271.Please contact Kath Anderson if you would like to attend.
5. Update on Human Rights, Social Justice and Security theme
A colloquium for the Human Rights, Social Justice and Security theme is being held on 14 Aprilfrom 2pm to 4.40pm in the MarySeacoleBuilding, Room MS 3.82.
The colloquium is being led by theme owner, Dr Ruth Wright, Head of School forSocial Work, Psychology and Public Health and will provide an opportunity for discussion and for networking and making contacts across the University in teaching, research and engagement. There will also be an update on theme developments and next steps.
The colloquium is open to everyone; to share thoughts, ideas, projects and progress with other colleagues from across the campus. Dr Elaine Crawley and Dr Richard Haigh will be talking aboutprojects they are undertaking which support this theme.
Elaine will talk about the Universityof Salford Centre for Prison Studies andRichard will talk about Disaster Management. Please register your attendance with Edna Higginbotham on Wednesday 7 April.
6. National Student Survey update
The University’s National Student Survey (NSS) 2010 response rate at 22 March was 63.07 per cent– the highest response rate ever achieved at Salford. The same time last year the figure was 44.06 per cent. The survey ends on 30 April.
The NSS is an opportunity for students to give their opinions on what they liked about their time at our University as well as commenting on things that they felt could have been improved.
7. Senior Lecturer promotions procedure
Internal appointments to Senior lecture for the academic year 2009/10 will now be determined by the University after considering recommendations from Heads of School, following a review of current procedure.Details of how to apply are being circulated by Schools. Those who feel that they meet the criteria and wish to apply should submit an application to their Head of School by 16 April, 2010.
The promotions process to Senior Lecturer has been the subject of consultation with the University and College Union (UCU). During this consultation the Union stressed the importance of achieving fairness and evidence-based management responses and these have been put into the process. The University was also pleased to confirm that the procedure will be equality impact assessed and reviewed.
The promotions process to Senior Lecturer replaces the regrading process which existed during the implementation phase of the Framework Agreement. The new process is underpinned by objective job evaluation against set criteria. An Academic Career Path document has been produced to illustrate role requirements and set standards for new promotional appointments.
This will enable all employees to understand what is required at each career stage. The cases put forward by candidates will be considered by the Heads of School, Human Resources Business Partners and senior academic staff, against stated criteria. Applicants will be invited to a meeting to discuss their application with this panel and any recommendations made by the Head of School will then be reviewed and finalised by the Faculty Promotions Assessment Panel.
Meetings between colleagues and their Heads of School will be arranged by no later than 21 May, 2010 and decisions will be announced by the end of June and will be effective from 1, August, 2010.
8. Preparation of student essays by third parties
Would all teaching staff please remind students that submitting bought work is defined by the University as academic misconduct (unfair means) and will result in students being dealt with under the Policy on the Conduct of Assessed Work and probably being brought before the Discipline Committee.
This could have serious consequences for them: it could affect the results which contribute to their degree so that they either fail their degrees or are awarded lesser degree classifications or they could be expelled.
The University of Salford is aware that recently an organisation – Ivory Research - offering essay and dissertation writing for students, has been conducting marketing and selling activities on public land outside our University.The University is doing all it can to curtail these activities, but it is important that all staff and students are aware of this and report any such activities to the University.
9. New rules on immigration and visa applications
Important changes have been made in the way the University administers visas for international students and applicants, following the introduction of new rules regarding immigration and the issue of visas by the UK Border Agency.
These amendments have a number of implications for the University including the monitoring of international students’ attendance and rules for assessing students who require a visa to study here.
All international students and applicants now need a Confirmation of Acceptance of Study (CAS) before they will be granted a visa to come here to study.The CAS is a unique reference number issued by the UK Border Agency. From 22 February, 2010, it became mandatory for all international students or applicants to the University to have a CAS.
Current international students who have a visa that is due to expire should contact the Student Information Directorate (SID) to get a CAS. International applicants to the University will receive a CAS within six months of starting their programme.
SID has put together a special web page dedicated to providing information about the changes which are part of the new Points Based System (PBS) operated by the UK Borders Agency.Staff can find out more on the changes by visiting:
If your students need any further help they should be asked to go to University House to speak to a Student Life Adviser.
10. MediaCityUK holds regular update sessions
The University’s MediaCityUK team has launched a series of regular open sessions to keep employees up to speed with plans and activities.
These 30-minute sessions take place every Wednesday lunchtime from 12 – 12.30pm and are being held in the Council Chamber in the Old Fire Station, except for sessions on 12 May and 23 June, which will be held in classroom G12 of Newton Building instead.
11. Celebratory event for all employees in May
All employees are being invited to a celebratory “thank you” event hosted by VC Martin Hall on Friday afternoon, 28 May. The special event – which it is hoped will be an annual activity – will be held on the lawn outside University House, on our Peel Park campus and staff will be given time off work to attend.The event organisers are inviting staff to come forward with any ideas for making the event a success, and are keen to hear from staff who would wish to contribute in any way by providing music, for example.
The invitation is also extended to groups from the local community currently working with staff on a professional basis who may help to provide entertainment, so employees are invited to put forward the names of groups or key individuals they would like to invite.
Can staff please email: to let the organisers know:
- If they are attending
- What local community group representatives they would wish to invite
- What ideas they may have for making the event a success and
- In what way they could contribute.