FCAT Writing Rubric

demonstrates a main idea or theme & stays on topic / follows a plan that includes an introduction, effective transitional devices, & a conclusion / includes use of specific details & precise word choice to explain, clarify, or define meaning / demonstrates knowledge of the basic skills of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, usage, & sentence structure
Focus / Organization / Support / Conventions
(100) / You are clearly on topic and show great insight. / Your essay is beautifully organized, and very easy for the reader to follow. / Your support is substantial, specific, relevant, concrete, and illustrative. / You have varied sentence structure, few if any errors and an impressive use of vocabulary.
(90) / You are focused, on topic, although some lapses may occur. / Your organizational pattern is clear, and transitions are effective. / Your support is ample with good specific details. / You have varied sentence structure, few errors, andwell chosen vocabulary.
(80) / You are generally focused, but there may be a few loosely related ideas. / Your organizational pattern is visible, but some lapses may occur. / Your support is adequate, but may be uneven; you could be more specific or offer better examples. / You have some variation in your sentence structure with adequate vocabulary and use of conventions.
(70) / You are generally focused, but your ideas do not always follow logically. / Your organization is stiff; transitions are sometimes missing; the essay may seem incomplete. / Some support is included, but development is uneven; you state some facts without support. / You have some variation in your sentence structure and adequate use of vocabulary, but you need practice with conventions.
(60) / You address the topic at first, but then you lose focus. / You have made an attempt to organize with a beginning, middle, and end, but that is all. / Your support is inadequate or illogical; you tend to repeat yourself; you lack details. / You have minimal variation in sentence structure, limited vocabulary, and many basic errors.
(50) / You only briefly address the topic. / There may be some organization, but your essay lacks a clear beginning, middle, and end. / You don’t support your ideas or offer any meaningful support. / Your vocabulary is weak, and your essay is peppered with errors that are distracting.


The response is not related to what the prompt requested the student to do

The response is simply a rewording of the prompt

The response is a copy of a published work

The writing folder is blank.

The student refused to write.

The response is written in a foreign language.

The response is illegible.

The response is incomprehensible (words are arranged in such a way that no meaning is conveyed)

The response contains an insufficient amount of writing to determine if the student was attempting to address the prompt