Hedon Town Council

J Macklin (Mrs)

Town Clerk

Town Hall, Hedon

2 June 2017

To: The Town Mayor and Members

of the Hedon Town Council

Ladies and Gentlemen

You are summoned to attend a Meeting of the Planning Committee of the Hedon Town Council to be held in the Town Hall, Hedon on Thursday 8 June 2017 at the 7.15pm to transact the business specified below.

Yours faithfully

Town Clerk


1.  To elect a Chairman

2.  To elect a Vice-Chairman

3.  Apologies for Absence

4.  Confirmation of the Minutes of a meeting held on:

-  Thursday 11 May 2017 (Previously circulated)

5.  Declaration of Interests

(a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

(b) To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below.


17/01673/STOUTE – Land north west of Kingstown Hotel, Hull Road, Hedon for Hull Eco Park Ltd

Application Type – Strategic – Outline Permission with EIA – Outline planning application for development of the site for mixed use comprising a business park (B1a, B1b, B1c, B2 and B8) and an education, training and research campus (incorporating outdoor building materials testing facility) and associated residential accommodation (B1a, B1b, D1 and Sui Generis); on-site energy infrastructure (providing energy to on-site users)(Sui Generis), offsite energy infrastructure (generating energy to export into the grid)(Sui Generis), with generation from on-site energy infrastructure and off-site energy infrastructure totalling less than 50MW, and a primary substation (Sui Generis); data centre (600 racks) and associated disaster recovery suite (B1a and Sui Generis); relocated sports facilities (D2); landscaping and open space (Access to be considered)

17/01404 – Southfield, 37 Cherry Tree Lane, Hedon

Application Type – Full Planning Permission – Erection of extension to front and rear, following demolition at rear, and erection of detached outbuilding

17/01514 – Co-operative, 11-13 Market Place, Hedon

Application Type – Consent to Display an Advertisement – Display of 1 internally illuminated fascia sign, 1 externally illuminated hanging sign and 1 non-illuminated wall mounted aluminium panel.

17/01186 – 10 Magdalen Gate, Hedon

Application Type – Full Planning Permission – Erection of single storey extension to rear, widening of existing vehicular access, replacement of 1 ground floor rear window replacement of 2nd ground floor window with French doors, removal of rear door and window to rear extension replaced with aluminium powdered coated bi-fold doors, installation of roof lights to side and rear and Satellite dish addition.

17/01187 – 10 Magdalen Gate, Hedon

Application Type – Listed Building Consent - Erection of single storey extension to rear, widening of existing vehicular access, replacement of 1 ground floor rear window replacement of 2nd ground floor window with French doors, removal of rear door and window to rear extension replaced with aluminium powdered coated bi-fold doors, installation of roof lights to side and rear and Satellite dish addition.

17/01577 – Land north of 93 Thorn Road, Hedon

Application Type – Full Planning Permission – erection of 2 dwellings

17/01527 – 40 Brevere Road, Hedon

Application Type – Full Planning Permission – erection of single storey extension to side

17/01745 – 19 Waterland Close, Hedon

Application Type – Full Planning Permission – erection of single storey extension to side and rear following demolition of existing conservatory

www.eastriding.gov.uk/publicaccess - using the above references and following the on-screen instruction

6.  Notices of Decision

7.  Correspondence

8. Points of Information and items for next agenda