DECEMBER 5, 2011


A meeting of the Hector City Council was called to order at 7:00 a.m. by Mayor Jeff Heerdt at the Hector Fire Hall. Members present: Council Members: Ralph Bergsma, Jeff Heerdt and Janet Olson. Staff present: Barbara Hoyhtya, Todd Kramer, Fire Chief and Pat Wittenberg. Other present include: Dale Kulberg and Phyllis Willhite of Brookfield Township, Steve Swanson from Osceola Township, Leroy Carlson and Steve Bruns from Martinsburg Township.

In 2009 the city entered into a three year contract with the townships in 2010 for the fire and ambulance departments

Fire Ambulance

2010 $180 $73 Per section

2011 185 78

2012 190 83


Currently they have answered 94 runs in 2011. Presently there are 10 EMT’s and 4 First Responders. There are plans on adding 2 more staff in January that are just finishing up training. Training costs are around $1,200 per student.

The city currently charges:

Call $500

Loaded mile $12.00

Revenue is going down because Medicare will only pay about 33% of the call.

The ambulance purchased a new electric cot for $9,976 projected cost.

The ambulance is paid for and the city is putting money away for fire and ambulance vehicles each year.

Both departments do fund raisers.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Kramer told the townships the fire department the fire department has received a grant and working on another for a grass rig and rescue squad. Both units are becoming unreliable and need to be replaced.

The fire department currently has 29 members. Six members are taking Firefighter I & II

The group decided to meet the first week of September next year to go over 2013 budget. September 5, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the fire hall.

Motion by Council Member Bergsma to leave the rates to the townships for 2012 as they were presented in 2009 at $190 per section for Fire and for Ambulance $83 per section, with a second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, and Olson voted to approve none voted against. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. by Council Member Bergsma, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, and Olson voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted Jeff Heerdt, Mayor

Barbara M. Hoyhtya

City Administrator