HeckingtonParish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Council Chambers, St Andrew’s Street, Heckington onMonday 27 February 2012 commencing at 7.00p.m.
Attendance:Chairman Cllr R C Higgs in the Chair there were present,
Cllrs - MrsJ Palmer (Vice Chairman), Mr A Garlick, Mr A H Israel, Mr P J Little, Mr P Marshall, Mrs L Peto, Mr I Sydney, Mr M West and Mr E Findlay (Clerk to the Parish Council). D/Cllr S Ogden, 7 members of the public and the press were also in attendance.
The Chairman of the Allotment Association, Mr.Twidle handed in a plan of where they would like permission to site the toilet block, as per Minute ref 45.g. It had been verbally agreed that a half plot be set aside, free of charge, to the Association, for the toilet block and it was requested this was confirmed in writing. The Clerk would write to confirm. It was also asked what time scale was laid down before action is taken against allotment holders who neglect their plots. It was put back to the Allotment Society that is was expected that they “self police” the allotments, but if it was felt that their requests were being ignored then they needed to inform the Parish Council so they could formally write asking the allotment is brought up to the standard expected in accordance with the terms of the lease. They also asked when the fire-pit would be levelled as persons unknown were dumping rubbish in it. It was hoped to obtain a suitable vehicle to undertake the task.Mrs. Rowland, Secretary of the Allotment Association asked that a Parish Councillor to be appointed to the Allotment Association and was informed Cllr. Peto was theirrepresentative.
The Chairman closed the public forum at 7.12pm.
The Chairman opened the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council at7.13pm.
35. / Chairman’s opening comments and introduces the new Councillor.
The Chairman introduced Mr Ian Sydney as the new member of the Parish Council.
The Chairman proposed moving minute items 45.a and 48. to allow representatives to speak on them. The Council RESOLVED to approve moving the items.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.14pm.
Helen Kirschner spoke with regard to minute ref 45.a. LCC wished to explore the possibility that Heckington might be willing to help establish and deliver their own community led library provision at publically accessible locations. Such ventures have the potential to enable much greater access to book stock and to give greater involvement and control to local people. At present the mobile library can offer up to 3000 books; whilst the new scheme could provide up to 1000 books, depending on location. It was felt by the Parish Council that the new Chambers/Community Centre would be an ideal location for such a venture. It was hoped to hold further meetings with the Mike Cavanagh and Jill Kemp from Lincolnshire County Council’s Economy and Culture department. The Clerk was to contact the Economy and Culture Department to arrange a suitable meeting date.
Mr Ian Johnson from Fairprice Furniture introduced himself to the meeting and thanked them for the opportunity to talk to them. He had recently started a new business venture buying and selling “pre-loved” furniture, using a unit on the Station Road Business Park. He would like to hold a promotion event on the Village Green to make people aware of what he has to offer. If approved he would advertise the event and would be happy to make a donation to a charity of the Parish Council’s choice. The Council thanked him for taking the time to speak to them and would discuss the matter during the Closed Session.
The Chairman re-opened the meeting at 7.20pm.
36. / Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllrs Atkinson and Banister were unable to attend and their reasons were made known to the Parish Council. The Council RESOLVED to accept all the reasons for non-attendance. Proposed by Cllr Palmer and agreed unanimously.
C/Cllr Young was unable to attend due to a prior engagement.
37. / To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the 2007 Local Government Act.
Cllr Garlick declared an interest in minute ref 43.b. as he lived very close to the entrance.
38. / Notes of the Council Meetings held on Monday 30 January, 6 February and 11 February 2012 to be approved as Minutes and signed.
The vice Chairman requested that the full statement that was read out at the start of the ordinary meeting of 30 January 2012 be included at the start of the notes, rather than a précis.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the amended Clerk’s notes of Monday 30 January, and the original notes of 6 February and 11 February 2012 as true records of the meetings and they be accepted as minutes. Proposed by Cllr Israel and agreed unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
39. / Financial Matters
- To approve payment of outstanding invoices.
- Consider the purchasing of additional furniture, crockery, cutlery and cleaning equipment etc, for the Community Centre.
Proposed by Cllr Israel and agreed unanimously.
- Consider the removal of redundant authorised signatories from the bank account.
- Consider the quote from Came and Company for Parish Council Insurance.
- Consider the introduction of electronic banking.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the use of electronic banking for transferring money between accounts and NOT for the payment of invoices. Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed unanimously.
- Consider membership of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and subscribing to the Annual Training Scheme.
- To accept the Community Centre sub-committee recommendation as to room charges.
Proposed by Cllr Israel and agreed unanimously.
- Consider seeking funding to finance the hire charge of the mobile skate park for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend in June 2012 from NKDC designated youth fund.
The Council RESOLVED to seek funding for the hire of the mobile skate park.
Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed unanimously.
40. / Receive a report relating to Police matters.
No Police were present.
41. / Receive a report from County and District Councillors.
D/Cllr Ogden informed the meeting that NKDC would not be increasing the Council Tax for the coming year.
D/Cllr Ogden left the meeting at 7.37pm
42. / Receive a report from the Clerk in relation to outstanding Council matters.
The Clerk informed the meeting that he had received separate telephone calls from Ms Bedelia McKenna and Mrs Ann Purhouse for a grit bin to be positioned along Shrubwood Close to assist residents when the weather is snowy/icy. The matter had been placed on the agenda to allow for further additional grit bins to be considered.
The fence at Carter Plot had been completed and Graham Webb has submitted his invoice directly to LCC Highways for payment.
Cllr Peto had forwarded details on Responders to Warmth. A poster had been placed in notice boards and some information had been printed off the website.
After the last meeting the Clerk, in conjunction with Cllr Peto had written to both NKDC and LCC Children’s Services to arrange meeting regarding sustainable anti-social behaviour projects. NKDC Children’s Services team had put forward a series of dates for a meeting. Cllr Peto is taking the lead on this.
A lady came in to discuss an issue of a dog on the playing field, which attacked her dog. The owner of the dog still allows his dog off the lead and she was concerned other dogs, or possibly a young child could also be attacked. The Clerk had been unable to clarify the situation with NKDC but would pursue the matter further.
The request for white H bar line across the pedestrian drop kerb access point outside the Wesleyan Church on Eastgate had been turned down by LCC as they no longer carry out this work as they have no legal standing and cannot be enforced.
The 2 street light columns on A17 the central reservation had been re-reported and was being investigated by LCC Highways.
The Clerk informed the meeting that he had been notified by telephone of a road closure notification from LCC Highways. Station Road – junction with High Street, down to the level crossing. The work is for full width resurfacing mean a long diversion as it will require a road closure. 17, 18, 19 March 2012, also bollards are to be erected on the verge near the Co-Op entrance to stop delivery lorries from mounting the verge.
43. / Planning Matters
- 12/0127/PNAGR – erection of a grain store at Winkhill Farm, Kyme Road Heckington Fen.
- EK12/7 – prune and fell various trees at The Eastgate Entrance to Heckington Showground, rear of Cobham Close, Heckington.
- CA31/110 – remove 2 branches on one tree impinging on roof of 17 High Street and remove deadwood on another tree on High Street.
Applications Granted
- CA31/108 – reduce limbs of hawthorn tree that are overhanging Co-Op car park, by 14 Station Road, Heckington, NG34 9JJ.
- CA31/107 – prune and reduce height of trees at Cobham House, 14 Eastgate, Heckington.
- 11/1386/HOUS – erection of single storey rear extension, 28 Station Road, Heckington.
- 09/1067/S36 – for consent to construct and operate a wind energy electricity generating station at Six Hundred Farm, Six Hundred Drove, East Heckington.
44. / Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.
No resolutions may be passed under this item.
Cllr Marshall informed the Council that a further meeting of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee committee was to be held on Thursday 1 March 2012. The marquee, discussed at the last meeting had been donated to the event, free of charge.
Cllr Garlick had attended a meeting of the Heckington Windmill Society and they had been granted £56,000.00 which would allow them to apply for further funding. The plans had been positively received by both the National Lottery and English Heritage.
Cllr Palmer left the meeting at 8.06pm.
Cllr Peto had attended the School governors meeting they had discussed the plans for the Heckington Windmill, which included educational trips to a working mill. She had also taken on a further role with the School governors.
Cllr Palmer returned to the meeting at 8.08pm
45. / To receive general correspondence.
- LCC – asking if Parish Council or another local community organisation would establish and deliver their own community led provision at publically accessible location.
- Temporary Road Closures – various, between 5 March – 30 March 2012.
- Temporary traffic restriction Accident repair works to over-bridge, 40mph speed limit 300 metres either side of Littleworth Drove Bridge.
- Letter of confirmation of cessation of Carter Plot Agreement.
- Email regarding oil storage tank in Church yard.
- Email regarding the future of Stapleford Wood
- Letter from the Allotment Association regarding the siting of a portacabin for use as toilets.
- Newsletter from Rail Lincs.
46. / Consider request from St. Andrew’s Church to use Heckington Village Green to hold a United Open Air Service of Hymns, readings and prayers on Good Friday, 6 April 2012 from 10.30am.
The Council RESOLVED to approve the request from St. Andrew’s Church.
Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed unanimously.
47. / Following a request from residents, consider bidding for an additional grit bin for Shrubwood Close and other areas as deemed as requiring one.
The Council discussed the request and also considered additional bins be requested for a grit bin at Royal Oak Court and Shrubwood Close.
The Council RESOLVED to request additional grit bins in the locations listed above. Proposed by Cllr Higgs and agreed unanimously.
48. / Consider the request from Mr Ian Johnson of Fairprice Furnishings, to hold to an event on the Village Green.
Moved to Closed Session.
49. / Matters arising from the last meeting which do not appear on the agenda.
No resolutions may be passed under this item.
Cllr Peto asked if this item could be placed further up the agenda for future meetings.
50. / To confirm the date of the next meeting.
The next meeting was confirmed as Monday 26 March 2012.
26 March 20121-12Initials