Heartland Christian School
Kindergarten Supply List
Please put child’s name on ALL items!
Scissors (Fiskars for kids)
24 ct crayon
An 8-color water color set
6 large glue sticks,
1 box Ticonderoga brand pencils
2 containers of Play Dough
1 Art/paint shirt (kept in locker)
1 box 10 count markers (classic colors)
Lg school box (shoe box size) for supplies
3 sturdy folders with bottom pockets
Backpack large enough to carry lunchbox, folder, daily healthy snack.
1 package baby wipes or Ziploc bags
2 boxes of tissues
Small blanket from home for resting
1 pk construction paper
1 pk 3-1/2 x 5 white index cards
Tennis shoes to be kept in gym locker
Headphones for computer lab (NO ear buds and NO volume control on cord).
2 boxes tissues
Supply List 2016 * 2017
1st Grade Supply List
Please put child’s name on ALL items!
1 box 24-count crayons, Large eraser
Large glue stick (no liquid glue)
1 pack construction paper
1 box of tissues that fit in the desk.
ESV Bible – O.T. & N.T. (needed after
Christmas) (NOT NIRV version)
2 folders with BOTTOM pockets
Scissors – (Fiskars for kids preferred)
No notebook paper is needed
Art/paint shirt
Markers (not slender)
Colored pencils 12-count by Crayola
$4 to purchase desk supply container,
journals and pencils
NO school box needed
*Crayola colored pencils are the only
ones that sharpen correctly.
I will buy all regular pencils. (Many of the pencils are hard on electric sharpeners.)
Tennis shoes to be kept in gym locker
Headphones for computer lab (NO ear buds and NO volume control on cord).
2nd Grade Supply List
Please put child’s name on ALL items!
NO mechanical pencils * NO Trappers
1 package construction paper
1 package 3x5 note cards
Several pencils and erasers
ESV Bible – O.T. & N.T.
Small school box
2 folders with pockets
Markers for art
Scissors – Fiskars
Crayola – 24 pack
2 glue stick
Art/paint shirt
2 large boxes of tissues
1 hardcover 1” 3-ring binder
White school glue for art
Crayola/Prang watercolors (12 colors)
Colored pencils
1 folder for Spanish
Tennis shoes to be kept in gym locker
Headphones for computer lab (NO ear buds and NO volume control on cord).
3rd Grade Supply List
Please put child’s name on ALL items!
3 boxes of tissues
4 folders with bottom pockets (3-hole punched to put in binder)
Several pencils & erasers
2 highlighters
Red pen
1 pack construction paper
Markers and 24pk crayons
12 inch ruler (metric/English)
ESV Bible – O.T. & N.T.
Scissors & Art/paint shirt
White glue & glue stick
Colored pencils
1 pkg baby wipes or Clorox wipes
School box for art
1 1” 3-ring binder
Small pencil box/pouch
Tennis shoes to be kept in gym locker
1 folder for Spanish
1 composition notebook
4 dry erase markers Expo chisel tip
2 packs wide-ruled loose notebook paper
4th Grade Supply List
Please put child’s name on ALL items!
1 pkg antibacterial wipes
12 #2 pencils & pencil box for desk
1 12” Wooden Ruler & 1 pair scissors
Liquid white glue & 4 pack glue stick
1 Large Tissues & 1 Art/paint shirt
Crayola washable markers(8-10),
crayons (24) & colored pencils
1 School box for art (with name)
4 Large pink-brand erasers
1 Crayola or Prang watercolors/brush
2 pks of writing paper college-ruled
ESV Bible – O.T. & N.T.
2 highlighters (any color)
3 Expo dry-erase markers
2 two-pocket folders (Music/Spanish)
1 composition notebook
1 hand sanitizer
1 1” 3-ring binder
Tennis shoes to be kept in gym locker
1 pack of construction paper
2 sturdy pocket, 3-hole punch folders
1 pkg index cards
5th Grade Supply List
Please put child’s name on ALL items!
Several pencils
Ruler (metric/English)
ESV Bible – O.T. & N.T.
Loose leaf notebook paper (300 shts)
2 Large boxes of tissue
Elmer’s Glue
Art/paint shirt
Fiskars scissors
Crayola/Prang watercolors
Colored pencils
7 pocket folders/bottom pockets &
Clasps to hold paper in middle
2 single-subject spiral notebooks
1 folder for Spanish
Container for all art supplies
3 dry erase markers
Tennis shoes to be kept in gym locker
Flash drive to keep at school