HeartlandBerneseMountain Dog Club
Terms of Adoption
- Fee
- AKC Papers
- Return Policy
- Release Form
- License
- Care
The fee involved is to help to cover the Rescue expenses. Charges to the new owner will be a minimum of $125.00, with additional charges to be determined on a case-by-case basis. A complete physical is given as well as the required shots. The dog will be neutered or appointment set for this procedure prior to adoption.
If AKC registration papers are available for the rescue dog, they will be given to the new owner.
If for any reason, the adoption is not found to be satisfactory for the rescue dog or the family, the HBMDC Rescue requires that the dog be returned. The rescue dog MUST NOT be sold or given away, but returned to the HBMDC Rescue. If the dog is returned within a month of adoption, a full refund of the adoption fee will be returned. After one month no portion of the fee will be returned. Furthermore, the HBMDC Rescue reserves the right to take back any rescue dog that is being neglected or improperly cared for.
The adoptive owner must sign the HBMDC Rescue Adoption Agreement.
The rescue dog must be licensed in accordance with existing laws in your town/county/state. Rabies vaccine must be kept current.
The adopting family agrees to provide adequate shelter, food, all necessary medical care, and agrees that their rescue dog will not be allowed to run free without proper supervision. Failure to do so constitutes animal neglect and is in violation of the HBMDC Rescue Adoption Agreement and can result in the dog being surrendered to HBMDC Rescue.
We recommend that you follow a regular inoculation program as established by your veterinarian. Your dog will have received all the necessary inoculations but will need yearly boosters for distemper, parvo, kennel cough, and a rabies booster every three years or more frequently if required by your state laws. Your dog MUST have an annual test for heartworm and your veterinarian will recommend a heartworm preventative program for your dog.
I have read the terms of adoption and understand them and agree to abide by them if I adopt a Bernese Mountain Dog from the Heartland Bernese Mountain Dog Club Rescue.
Signature (if two) ______Date______
Address ______Phone ( ) ______
Please fill out this application completely. This form is designed to help us determine if the adoption is in the animal’s best interest and to assist the potential adopter to find an animal most compatible to his/her lifestyle. In addition, if you would like to write a letter about your dog experience, your lifestyle and your expectations of a new rescue Berner, we would love to have it. An unwise adoption can result in an unpleasant experience for adoptive families and may ruin the pet for further adoptions. We hope you agree that the animal’s welfare must be our foremost consideration.
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Have the knowledge and written consent of all adults living in your household
- Have verifiable identification (i.e. Driver’s license…)
- Have landlord’s written consent to bring a dog onto your property to live with you if you rent your home
- Knowingly be free of any and all dog allergies for all members living in your household
- Understand that HBMDC Rescue has the right to deny your application
NAME: ______ADDRESS:______
CITY: ______STATE:______ZIP:______PHONE:______
EMAIL: ______
- Why do you want a Bernese Mountain Dog? Use back of form to answer.
- How did you first learn about Bernese Mountain Dogs and what made you decide to acquire one?
- Have you ever owned a BMD? When?
- What happened to the dog?
- If married, do you both work outside your home? Hours of work?
- Is anyone home during the day?
- Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the BMD during the day?
- How many children live at home? Ages?
- Please tell us a little about the activity level of your household.
- Who will be responsible or the primary care giver for this Berner?
- How long have you lived at your present address?
- If less than two years, please give previous address?
- Do you rent? ____Own? ______House? ______Apt? ______Condo? ______Farm? ___
- If renting, please give name, address and telephone number of landlord:
- Are you planning a move? Where?When?
- Do you have a yard? Acreage? How big/much?
- Will this dog be confined (fenced) or free?
- Do you have a fenced area? Kind of fencing? Height?
- Will this dog be housed inside or out?Please elaborate.
- Where will the dog be kept during the day?
- Where will the dog be kept during the night?
- How many hours on the average will the BMD be left alone?
- Do you have pets now? Type of pet?Owned how long?
- If no, have you ever had a pet(s)? What happened to them?
- Have you ever housetrained a dog before?
- Have you ever crate trained a dog before?
- Will you be attending any training classes? If yes, where?
- Do all of your family members want a dog?
- Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?
If yes, to what and how severe?
- Have you and your family carefully considered how a large dog will fit into your lifestyle?
- Does you schedule permit enrolling you and this dog in an obedience class within 6 months of obtaining your BMD?
- Do you have a sex preference? Would you consider the opposite sex?
- Would you consider an older dog? How old is too old?
Or are you thinking of under 2 years old?
Would you consider a Berner Mix?
- Do you have a particular rescue Berner from our website you wish to adopt?
- What characteristics are you looking for in a BMD?
- Will you agree to return this dog to the HBMDC Rescue should some unforeseen circumstance prevent your keeping the dog any longer?
- Will you allow a HBMDC Rescue Representative to visit your home?
- Will you be willing to make a minimum adoption donation of $125.00 to the non-profit HBMDC to help defray the cost of this dog? Other costs are on a case-by-case basis.
- Berners shed, are you prepared to change your household cleaning habits and schedule?
- What are your major complaints about owning a dog?
- Are you willing to accept that this BMD may not like all of your friends?
Or that your friends may not like this BMD?
- Have you ever taken an animal to the shelter or pound?
If yes, explain
- Have you ever had AKC privileges suspended or revoked? If yes, please explain:
- Many Rescue BMD’s were housebroken prior to all of the stress of being lost, abused, not wanted, etc, before coming to your new home. But accidents will happen at any time. How will you discipline for this?
- Are you willing to give this BMD at least 2 months to really adjust to you, your family, and his/her new environment before you decide to return this dog?
- Are you willing to travel any distance to acquire a rescue dog? How far? Would you be willing to pay for some or all of the airlines shipping charges if this BMD was in another area?
- The average yearly cost of a Bernese Mountain Dog can run around $250.00. This does not include emergency care or other unexpected costs or food. Are you willing to spend this amount, with no problems, on your pet?
- Name and address of your veterinarian.
- Please provide us with a list of three references.
SIGNATURES: ______DATE: ______
Thank you for your interest in helping care for this wonderful breed. Your application will be filed with the HBMDC Rescue Chairman. You may call at anytime to check on the availability of any rescue dogs. Please return this form to the HBMDC representatives listed below. Your application will be kept in strict confidence.
Julie Hessenflow
10326 Manor Road
LeawoodKS 66206
Phone: 913-385-0400
Fax: 913-385-0567
Applicants may be interviewed in their own homes by BMD Rescue volunteers to ensure that they understand the responsibility of owning and caring for a Bernese Mountain Dog and the special needs of a second-hand dog. A volunteer will call you and, by appointment, visit your home with a dog to follow up on your written application and to tell you about how our club rescue program operates. This will give our adoption staff the information to become thoroughly acquainted with you.