Hearst Free LibraryBoard of Trustees Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2018- 4:30pm
Hearst Free Library
Trustees Present:Scott Swan, Maureen Parrow, Kurt Wyant, Mary Murphy
Trustees Absent with Excuse: Mary Lynn McKenna
Library Staff Present: Sam Walters, Director
Others Present: none
I.Call to Order
Vice-chairperson Mary Murphy asked director Walters to run the meeting in the absence of chair-person Mary Lynn McKenna.Director Walters asked if the other trustees objected and none objected.
Director Walters called the meeting to order at 4:31pm.
II. Approval of Minutes
Trustee Mary Murphy asked if the Montana Shared Catalog Partner’s had found a replacement for the courier that had recently broke their contract, and how that would impact the use of ‘book club kits.’ Director Walters replied that a temporary replacement courier was in place and that the ‘book club kits’ were currently available.
Trustee Scott Swan made a motion to approve the February 5, 2018, Hearst Free Library Board meeting minutes, trustee Maureen Parrow seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
III. Director’s Report
DirectorWalters reported that:
- The Friends of the Library will held their annual Chocolate, Wine, and Cheese fundraiser on 2/11/18, and it was very successful.
- The Friends of the Library showed “Ninotchka” on 2/14/18, and will show “Fantasia” on 3/14/18.
- The joint project between the library and the Copper Village Museum and Art Center to digitize Anaconda high school yearbooks has been approved by the Montana Memory Project. The yearbooks will be shipped to the digitization vendor on 3/13/18.
- The library hosted CPR/First Aide training on 2/6/18
- The library continues to host Lego Club, Magic card games, 4-H Club meetings, job service testing, etc.
- The library will cosponsor a Video Game Day event with the Anaconda Community Intervention on 3/10/18.
- The Broad Valleys Federation meeting went well and was very informative.
- 2 juveniles were given short ban periods for swearing at library staff.
- He took more books to the chemo therapy wing of the hospital.
- The library hosted a family event organized by the Public Health Department.
- The Friends of the Library are planning to hold a book sale on 4/27/18 and 4/28/18.
- He spoke with Bob Morris and John Leo Sladich about possibly placing a Little Free Library in Washoe Park or Beaver Dam Park.
Trustee Murphy asked how the Little Free Library’s work. Director Walters replied that they generally have a take-a-book and/or leave a book policy. He also mentioned that these books would not be checked out through the library, and that participants do not have to return the books they take.
IV. Financial Report
Director Walters reported:
- The library received its Federation money from the coal tax severance fund which will be used to pay for the OCLC subscription and training for library staff.
- The Billings Gazette has increased their rates by almost $100.
Trustee Swan asked how the library determines which periodicals to purchase. Director Walters replied that patron interest is very important when choosing materials.
V. Building Report
Director Walters reported that:
- The Methodist Church is willing to sell some of their folding tables at a low price.
- On 2/14/18, the 4th Street entrance was closed due to snow and ice falling from the roof.
- The library’s fire extinguishers have been tested.
- The library’s roof project has gone out for bids.
There was general discussion and agreement that the library should look into purchasing a couple of the Methodist Church’s tables.
Trustee Murphy asked when the bid period for the roof project closes. Trustee Kurt Wyant replied that the bids will be due on 3/8/18.
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
VIII. Miscellaneous/Announcements
Trustee Wyant stated that a plumber is willing to install a shut off valve for the second floor water line for free. He also mentioned that he had obtained a large number of period-correct, LED lightbulbs for the library’s second floor at no charge to the library.
IX. Public Comment
X. Future Meeting Date:
The Library Board will meet onApril 2, 2018 at 4:30pm.
Director Waltersadjourned the meeting at 5:04pm.
Respectfully Submitted By
Sam Walters, Director and Board Secretary
Approved By
Mary Lynn McKenna
Library Board of Trustees, Chair
Hearst Free Library Board of Trustees March 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes / 1