Hearing This the Friend Said, Hari, This Is More Like You Have Been Hypnotised, It Is Only

Hearing This the Friend Said, Hari, This Is More Like You Have Been Hypnotised, It Is Only


About a month back, when a friend was listening to me regarding the court proceeding etc, I said to the friend, “On 18th June 2008 Praveen and Andrew were in the court room at the back bench. After the proceeding as soon as we came out Praveen told me that he (meaning Praveen) wrote the word ‘concept’ on a piece of paper and showed to Andrew and within minutes I (meaning Hari) spoke in the court room about ‘concept’ of calculation than the calculation in itself”. Praveen on 27th March 2007 when he came to my home for the confrontation with his wife and Andrew and his wife, towards the end of the discussion mentioned that in his email ID he never got even one junk mail till date (but in all email IDs I have I get lots of junk mails), I asked him how he managed to keep junk mails out without hitting his email ID itself. He said he didn’t put any filter or anything it is just perhaps his name that keeps the junk mail without hitting the mail box. I was amazed and admired his name.

Hearing this the friend said, ‘Hari, this is more like you have been hypnotised, it is only in hypnotism a subject speaks or acts as the person performing hypnotherapy dictates or desires, are you sure you were not hypnotised’. I am not sure if I have been hypnotised or not, but I would be interested in being sure that both Justice Harbison and Justice Bowman were not hypnotised by anyone, as the way Justice Harbison dealt with that is like her brain was hijacked by someone. So far I thought it was the skill of the Counsel Mr Strong that she was unduly influenced, but who knows it is possible someone else could have been in the court room who had this skill.

Since I was very clear in my arguments and submissions in all 3 cases, I can feel comfortable that even if I was hypnotised, I still delivered, but it is only the 2 Judges who didn’t seek further clarifications but delivered judgement (I am sure sometime later when they themselves review the proceedings will realise if there was anything wrong in their decision. Hopefully, if they do realise and if it is not too late for them, they might do what is right).