Healthy Mom, Happy Baby brochure
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Welcome to the Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska “Healthy Mom, Happy Baby” program. You’ve just begun an exciting and important stage in your life! We’re here to help you have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. Our program will help you do this.
Ted E. Bear, MD Call-Out – “Your most important job is to see your doctor regularly during your pregnancy. This helps the doctor make sure you are healthy and that your baby is growing well.”
Center Back Panel:
Healthy Mom, Happy Babyprogram
You[ASC1] are the center of what we do
(Same in Spanish)
Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska
15950 West Dodge Road
Omaha, NE 68118
Aetna Better Health Informed Health® Line
1-800-556-1555 (TTY: 711[ASC2])
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Ted E. Bear, MD Callout – Aetna Better Health has free pregnancy programs for you. Contact us as soon as you know you’re having a baby.
Healthy Mom Happy Baby program
We[AC3] have nurses on call to help you
Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska nurses are here tohelp you get the health care services you need. You canget help with other services throughout your pregnancy and after you deliver. You can chat with our nurseson the phone about any question you have. They’ll help you with healthy eating, breastfeeding, exercise and baby care tips. To enroll in this program,just callMember Services at1-888-556-2693.
Other programs at no cost to you
Informed Health® Line - 1-800-556-1555 (TTY: 711)
When you have a health question, the best place to start is our free Informed Health® Line. Friendly registered nurses give expert advice and quick answers. They’ll help you decide what to do next—see your doctor, go to the emergency room, or help you treat the problem at home. The Informed Health® Line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our nurses speak English and Spanish. Interpreters are available for other languages.
Portable crib program
Keep your baby healthy by providing your baby a safe place to sleep. Aetna Better Health can help you with this. It’s easy! You just need to visit your doctor seven (7) times during your pregnancy. You can then get a free portable travel crib for your baby. To sign up for this program, just call Member Services.
Healthy Mom gift card program
We also want you to be healthy after your baby is born. Be sure to see your doctor for a postpartum exam between 21 and 56 days after your baby arrives. We’ll send you a postcard and envelope for you to take to the doctor. Ask your doctor to sign the card and mail to Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska. We’ll mail you a $20 Walmart gift card as a thank-you for taking care of yourself.
Breast pump coverage
A portable electric breast pump also is available to all nursing moms. It will be yours to keep. To get a breast pump, just get a written prescription from your doctor and give it to any medical equipment companylisted on our website: .
If you have questions about breast pumps, or about how to find a participating medical equipment company, just call Member Services.
Text4baby text messaging program
If you textBABY (or BEBE for Spanish) to 511411, you’ll getthree free text messages a weekthroughout your pregnancy, timed to your due date.Afteryour baby's birth, you’ll receive text messages up until your baby’s first birthday. During your pregnancy, the messages address topics such as laborsigns and symptoms, prenatal care and birth defect prevention. After your baby is born, you’ll get texts on developmental milestones, immunizations (shots), nutrition, safe sleep, safety, and more. You’ll also get urgent alerts as needed. Text STOPto stop getting messages or HELPfor help at any time.
Center Inside Panel:
Aetna Better Health Informed Health® Line
1-800-556-1555 (TTY: 711)
Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska Member Services
1-888-784-2693 (TTY: 711 or TDD: 1-800-877-8973)
Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska website
with access to KidsHealth
Childbirth education classes
Aetna Better Health offers to pay the cost of childbirth education and parenting classes. Call Member Services to see if your class is covered.
Text “Baby” (or Bebe for Spanish) to 511411
Nebraska Women, Infants and Children(WIC)
Nebraska WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program offered through the Nebraska Department ofHealth and Human Services (DHHS).The program helps pregnant women, new mothers, infants and young children eat well. You’ll also learn more about good nutrition and how to stay healthy.
402-471-2781 or toll-free 1-800-942-1171
AccessNebraska: Just include your expected due date on your AccessNebraska application. Make sure to call the State and Health Plan as soon as your baby is born.
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Copy left inside panel in Spanish
[ASC1] Changed it back to “You are the center of what we do” as some members of the family may not be eligible for Medicaid.
[ASC2]Not sure if there will be room for a 2nd call-out. If there is, probably need to shorten it as shown.
[AC3]Aetna style: Only capitalize the 1st work in a subhead.