ESSENTIAL OIL Remedies for You & your family

From notes by Michelle Mahler – Intuitive Aromatherapist

The Circle of Healing – 425-210-2532

Contact Michelle to schedule a lecture or interactive class for your group!


Aromatherapy can bring instant relief & long term wellness to body, mind & spirit. Essential oils can act as powerfully as a drug, but because they are not drugs, do not target a specific area of the body, They can affect many levels and areas of healing.

Essential oils work holistically, they have an effect on the emotions & the body by restoring harmony & equilibrium(balance) & simultaneously killing off bacteria, reducing pain and inflammation, balancing stress/hormones & strengthening the immune system.

Aromatherapy has virtually no side effects when diluted properly for application to skin.

Essential oils can also bring great relief from many kinds of Stress-related physical, emotional and mental illnesses without being expensive, addictive, anti-social or toxic.

They can be used with current medications as well, used at ½ the amount in some cases, normal strength with most cases. Come to a class or call to have a consultation to be sure.

·  Do not touch mouth or eyes while handling undiluted essential oils.

·  Do not apply directly to the skin. Dilute in a carrier oil first (olive, jojoba, grape-seed, almond, sesame, etc.) to apply to skin.

·  Do not take internally w/o consulting your Naturopathic doctor or Aromatherapist.


Note: AB=antibiotic, AS=antiseptic, AV=antiviral, and AF=anti-fungal.

Bergamot: AB, insect repellent and calming. May help with acne, cold sores, colds, insect bites, sore throat, flatulence, intestinal parasites, herpes, hormonal support, fever, flu, depression and anxiety.

Cardamom: Antispasmodic and anti-parasitic. May help with Nausea, coughs, headaches, aches, use as a digestive and a tonic, memory and focus, warming and lung support.

Cedarwood: AB and flea repellent. May help with alopecia (hair loss), coughs and bronchitis, ADHD, arteriosclerosis and protection from negativity.

Chamomile: Anti-infectious, anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory. May help with skin diseases, Urinary Tract Infections(in bath), fevers, digestive cramps & problems in infants and adults, ear infections/aches, rashes, calming, insomnia and ADHD.

Cinnamon: AB, AV, aphrodisiac and anti-inflammatory. May help with viral infections, coughs, colds, flu, rheumatism, and warts, prosperity, regulating blood sugar, warming, immunity and circulation.

Clarysage: Mimics estrogen and anti-anxiety. May help with hormonal balance, menstrual cramps, PMS, asthma, allergies, anxiety, depression, spiritual elevation, dream recall and insomnia.

Clove: AB, AS, AV, AF, warming, analgesic, aphrodisiac, improves circulation, boosts immunity and anti-inflammatory. May help with nausea, flatulence, bronchitis, arthritis, toothache, diarrhea, infections, athletes foot, fungus, grounding and regulating blood sugar.

Copaiba Balsam: AS, mucolytic, anti-ulcer and powerfully anti-inflammatory. Protection from negative energy and grounding, good for lung support and coughs, COPD, pain relief, arthritis, rheumatism, stomach distress, insect bites and sore throats.

Cypress: Detoxifying, decongestant essential oil with wide-ranging actions. Cypress supports the circulatory system, the nervous system and the inner ecology. It is anti-infectious, anti-bacterial, and antimicrobial. Cypress is useful for lymphatic congestion, rheumatic pain, asthma, strengthens the circulatory system, reduces cellulite, improving energy, reducing nervous tension. Good for healing acne scars, water retention, edema and diabetes.

Eucalyptus: AB, AV, AF and anti-inflammatory. May help with athlete’s foot and other fungal infections, cuts, asthma, colds, fevers expelling mucous, snoring and ulcers.

Fennel: AS, antispasmodic, analgesic, increases metabolism, anti-diabetic, antitumoral, digestive aid and antiparasitic. Useful for diabetes, obesity, cancer, arthritis/rheumatism, urinary tract infections, fluid retention, menstrual problems and digestive problems.

Frankincense: AB, AS, AV, AF, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. May help with warts and skin tags, lung infections, skin care, trauma, PTSD, spiritual connection, meditation and forgiveness.

Geranium: Uplifting, anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory. May help with focus, creativity, acne, skin care, cold-sores, ringworm, herpes, uterus and uterine health, ADHD, respiratory health, allergies, sinus infections and flea repellent. Good for varicose veins, water retention, skin discoloration.

Ginger: Anti-inflammatory, anticoagulent, anesthetic, expectorant and digestive aid. Useful for rheumatism/arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections/congestion, muscular aches/pains and nausea.

Helichrysum: Aroma can uplift the subconscious mind, application in massage oil can help remove heavy metals from the body, speed nerve and tissue repair. Helps with sports injuries, supports healing from surgery, scarring, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and backache, joint pain and liver function

Hyssop: AB. May help with cuts, wounds, bruising, regulating blood pressure, rheumatism, asthma,viral infections, bronchitis, cough, sore throat, whooping cough, colic, indigestion, stress and anxiety.

Jasmine: Aphrodisiac and heightens passion. May help with skincare, wrinkles, confidence, self-love,

Juniper: AS. May help with arthritis, inflammation, liver problems, bladder problems, UTI's, kidney stones, positive energy & protection.

Lavender: AS, AF, insect repellent and anti-inflammatory. One of the few oils that can be applied to skin without a carrier oil. May help relieve stress, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, asthma, allergies, acne, lowering blood pressure, diaper rash, bronchitis, hair loss, athlete’s foot, immune boosting. Calming in traumatic situations.

Lemon: AS, immune stimulant and anti-inflammatory. May aid in stress, depression, nervous conditions, seasonal effective disorder, digestive problems, sore throat (in tea), laryngitis, fever reduction, cleansing the lymphatic system, gallstones, mouth ulcers, clarity of thought, anemia, heartburn, gout, uterine infections and intestinal parasites.

Lemongrass: AB, AF and insect repellent. Useful for torn ligaments/muscles, fluid retention, salmonella and skincare.

Oregano: AB, AV, AF, immunity booster, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. Helps with digestive problems.

Patchouli: insecticide, flea repellent and anti-inflammatory. May help with acne, athlete’s foot, chapped skin, eczema, fungal infections and wounds.

Peppermint: AB, AV, AF, anti-inflammatory, insect/mouse repellent and ant repellent use on threshold and baseboards straight w/ cotton ball. May assist with shock, stress, fever, flu, arthritis, nausea, indigestion, food poisoning/allergies, heartburn, migraine headache, colds, swelling, chronic fatigue, concentration, rheumatism and arthritis.

Pine: AS, insect repellent and anti-inflammatory. Helps with respiratory health and immunity.

Ravensara: AB & AV. Helps with respiratory health, chronic cough, pleurisy, pneumonia, Shingles (mix with Tamanu & jojoba carrier oil).

Rose : Helps with heart issues, anxiety, ulcers, headaches, fatigue, skin problems, eye infections, styes, wrinkles, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, diarrhea, constipation. Reduces high blood pressure, protect against bronchial asthma, antispasmodic.

treatment of cancer patients who received radiation therapy, dry-skin, burns, cell death

Rosehip Seed: an excellent source of natural Vitamin E, Vitamin A Helps with premature aging, brittle nails, dry and damaged hair, scarring, skin-spots, UV damage. Has UV protection effects and assists eye health, treatments of spots and sun damage.

Rosemary: AF, AB. Helps with muscular aches, sprains, headache, memory, Parkinson's, inflammation, gout, stress, fatigue mental/physical, dandruff, alopecia, bronchitis, asthma, respiratory & lung infections, nerve stimulant/supports nerves, circulation. It is a decongestant, heart tonic, liver decongestant, analgesic, flea and tick repellent. DO NOT use with High Blood Pressure

Rosewood: AV, AF, soothing to skin. Helps acne, candida, depression, eczema, oral infections, dry skin, infections, vaginitis, cuts, wounds, tissue regeneration, nausea, slows the aging process.

Sage: AV, AF. May help with acne, dandruff, dermatitis, arthritis, asthma, cough, colds, flue testosterone/estrogen deficiencies. Neutralizes odors and clears stuck energies, anti-inflammatory.

Sandalwood: AV. May help with acne, chapped skin, bronchitis, sore throat, cough, diarrhea, nausea, cancer, dreams, intuition, calming, grounding, depression and insomnia.

Spearmint: AS, anti-inflammatory. May help with acne, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, colic, flatulence, nausea, colds, flu, fever, fatigue, and headache. Milder substitute for peppermint for pregnant women and small children.

Tea Tree: AB, AV, AF and anti-inflammatory. May assist with infectious diseases, respiration, digestion, flu, cold sores, herpes, athlete’s foot, and shock. It helps stimulate the immune system.

Thyme: AB, AV, AF, immune stimulant and anti-inflammatory. May help with acne, bruises, burns, cuts, eczema, insect bites, arthritis, muscle aches and pains, sinus problems, asthma, flues, bronchitis, cough, sore throat, and headache.

Ylang Ylang: May help with depression, cardiac problems, acne, allergies, asthma, infections. It calms the nervous system, stimulates circulation, is an aphrodisiac, heightens self-confidence and is excellent for skin care. Calms dogs with nervous anxiety and aggression.


Babies (0-12 months) 1 drop per 1/3 oz. carrier oil for massage, 1 drop in bath

Small children (1-5 years) 2 drops per 1/3 oz. carrier oil, 2 drops in bath

Juniors (5-12 years) 3-5 drops per 1/3 oz. carrier oil for massage, 3-4 drops in bath

Adolescents (12 years +) 10 drops per 1/3 oz. carrier oil, 5-7 drops in bath

Adults 10-15 drops per ½ oz. carrier oil for massage, 5-10 drops for bath

How to use your Essential Oils safely & effectively:

Mood/anointing Massage oil: Add 20 -30 drops of Essential Oils to ½ oz. Carrier oil.

Therapy Massage Oil: Add 10-15 drops Ess. Oil per ½ oz. carrier oil, apply liberally.

For Sleep, stress, headaches apply to temples, behind, ears and base of neck.

For Pain relief, apply all over area of concern and on spine as well for even greater relief.

For Digestive issues, Gas & Menstrual Cramps, apply to abdomen every hour to 4 hours .

Inhalation: Add 1-3 drops of Essential Oil to a Kleenex and breathe deeply, if you store the Kleenex or handkerchief in a Ziploc baggy the scent will last about ten times as long.

Aromatherapy Spray: Add 10 drops Essential Oils(s) per 2 oz. distilled water in a spray bottle. Add glass or stone small beads for mixing and intention. Shake gently before use.

Detoxification bath: Add 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salts and/or sea salt and ¼ to ½ cup apple cider vinegar to hot bath. Add 5 to 10 drops Essential Oil(s) and swish into bath water. Soak for at least 10- 20 minutes for best results.

Aromatherapy bath: Add 5 – 10 drops Essential Oil(s) to bath, choosing oils with the desired healing properties. Add 1-2 cups Epsom Salts for Detoxing and for pain/flu relief


Coughs and colds: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, Rosemary, Frankincense, Myrrh, Thyme, Lemon, Teatree, Fir, Spruce, Sandalwood, Naiouli, Rose, Copaiba Balsam.

Allergies, Skin infections, Rashes, Urinary Infections: Lavender, Roman Chamomile and can be added to bath water in proper dilutions for age. If the condition is stress-related, essential oils such as Geranium, Bergamot, Clarysage, are healing in the bath.

Asthma: Lavender, Marjoram, Blue tansy, Eucalyptus, Ylang-Ylang, Chamomile & Rose can help reduce anxiety & improve the function of the lungs, massage into the upper back & chest, put one drop of essential oil on a tissue, inhale deeply.

Earache/plugged ear: Blend 2 drops of Lavender and 1 drop Roman Chamomile into a teaspoon of olive oil. Soak a piece of cotton ball in this mixture and place in ear.

Vertigo/Tinitus: Blend 2 drops Lavender, 1 drop Helichrysum and 1 drop Basil into a teaspoon of olive oil. Soak a piece of cotton ball in this mixture and place in ear.

Suggested reference and reading :)

*Valerie Worwood- #1Complete guide to aromatherapy- (my favorite book, it uses 10 basic oils underlined in these notes, for almost all recipes! )

#2 The Fragrant Pharmacy #3 The Fragrant mind #4 The Fragrant heavens

*Maggie Tisserand and Robert Tisserand's books