[State finals taking place at Robert Field]


“I Can’t Get enough of that amazing Tuna Steak And it is so healthy for you”- Adam Sandler
“When I visited Foogs City Their technology excelled beyond the limits of any other city. Including the iPhone 12”- Tech Weekly
“They were State Champions in soccer last year in an exciting victory. The score was 2-0 they are amazing athletes!”-MLS /

About Us

Welcome to Foogs City which was established in 2002. We love to eat healthy but we have to eat something that tastes good so we have come up with a way to fix that. Also we have advanced in technology with all the new products years before other cities. Lastly, Foogs love to go outside and play sports and have fun. We hope you come Visit Foogs City someday.


Foogs City
Healthy Food
Great Atheletics
Advanced Technology

Healthy Lifestyle

In Foogs City it is against the law to eat food that is not healthy or artificial. That law is called the Nancy Food Law. We are not allowed to have unhealthy food here but food scientists learned how to make very healthy food taste great using an item called the Salvatore spice. Using that you can never have enough healthy food. One of the most popular food products here is whole wheat spaghetti in red sauce with homemade meatballs.
Also to maintain a healthy lifestyle it is mandatory to exercise in school for one hour a day to stay fit. Our favorite machine in Foogs City is the back stretcher. It helps us stretch our body so we don’t pull a muscle while we exercise. Our favorite gym is The Sammy Fitness Center. /

Advanced Technology

The technology in Foogs City Is amazingly advanced. We come out with new products and let other companies sell them years after. This is how we make our money. They pay so much for it we don’t need most of the people in the town to work. Every time someone moves into the town we give them the newest technology called the Rob Products. Everyone loves them. Everything a person needs can be uploaded into the Rob Phone within seconds. Our technology has truly excelled beyond other companies.
“You are always welcome in Foogs City.”

If you come now we will include a new Mac Book pro for your whole family!

Sammy Fitness Center

Amazing Athletics

Our athletics are truly amazing because they are always in great shape thanks to the Sammy Fitness Center. We give a very good snack if you need to have energy. Everyone in Foogs City loves them it is called the Tuna Bar. Everyone in Foogs City loves to play sports like soccer, lacrosse and basketball. We are very competitive and we love to win. Just last year we won the soccer state finals! We are very excited to get our brand new fields next month called the Lenny and Luke Field. We are very excited to play sports for Foogs City
James F
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