Healthy Dundee

Note of Meeting


Note of the above meeting held at 1400 hours on Tuesday 22 April 2014, within Committee Room 3, 14 City Square, Dundee.


Dr Karen Adam NHS Tayside

Mr Peter Allan Dundee City Council

Ms Beverley Black Dundee CHP

Ms Chris Cooper DVA (for Morna Wilson)

Mr Steven Dalton Alcohol & Drug Partnership

Dr Phyllis Easton NHS Tayside

Ms Allison Fannin Dundee CHP

Mr Blair Finlay Dundee City Council

Ms Cathy Grieve Dundee CHP

Mr Jim McGuinness NHS Tayside

Ms Shona Hyman Dundee CHP

Ms Sheila McMahon Dundee City Council

Ms Wendy Third Working Towards Health

Mr Graham Wark Dundee City Council


Ms Laura Bannerman Dundee City Council

Rev Alan Gibbon NHS Tayside

Ms Lesley Marley NHS Tayside

Ms Lucy Rennie Dundee CHP

Ms Tracey Stewart Dundee City Council

Ms Morna Wilson Dundee Voluntary Action

In Attendance

Mr Andrew Radley NHS Tayside

Mr Peter Allan (in the chair)


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Peter welcomed those present to the meeting, in particular those who were present to report and those for whom this was their first meeting.
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MINUTE OF LAST MEETING – 4 February 2014
The minute of the last meeting was accepted as a true and accurate record.
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It was requested that the status column of the action point update be completed prior to each meeting.
Allison agreed to check whether the GIS maps had been circulated.
Further work is being carried out rekey health inequalities being carried out by Phyllis and will be circulated once complete. The following actions were included within today’s agenda. / CS
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There were no other matters arising
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The record of attendance was noted for information.
Shona Hyman informed the group about the development, implementation and outcomes of the Healthy Lives project; a British Heart Foundation funded piece of work which began almost 7 years ago. She described the drivers for the work being the health inequalities within Dundee and the high level of CHD morbidity and mortality related to CHD. She described how Cardio vascular disease is the biggest killer and there is a poor life expectancy and quality of life for those with the condition. Shona explained that there are a number of separate components of the project including the delivery of cardiology clinics in the community, the provision of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and opportunistic health checks in the community and the provision of Keep Well Health checks for those aged 40-44.
Latterly several other streams have been added including, Active Families, workplace health coaching, grants for communities, Heartstart for schools and the delivery of the Healthy Heart toolkit in communities. Ms Hyman spoke in more detail about each of these elements and the outcomes achieved by them.
Ms Hyman went on to describe some of the learning from Hearty Lives, in particular lessons learnt about the engagement process, and identified barriers to engagement with services.
It was noted that the inequalities gap related to CVD is decreasing locally, and although it is difficult to confirm causal links it is accepted that Hearty Lives have contributed towards this.
Shona informed Healthy Dundee that KeepWell funding has decreased significantly and will cease in 3 years time.
Mr McGuinness explained some of the improvements he was hoping to make to prisoner healthcare – all people admitted to Perth Prison are seen by a nurse/health professional within 24 hours and the aim is to have a more detailed health discussion within 3 weeks. It was noted that a KeepWell nurse currently works in Perth Prison and work is required to embed this within the “mainstream” prison health services. There was some discussion about the high prescribing rate of high tariff medication for offenders; Mr McGuiness is to take forward discussion with Dr Bannister.
It was noted that the cardiology community clinics have now stopped and that further discussions are ongoing about a range of diagnostic testing which can be carried out within communities. It was noted that this is about more than simply changing the settings where tests are carried out.
There was some discussion about how this shift in the balance of care should be supported via the Health Equity Strategy. Peter Allan to write to Drew Walker to enquire about progress.
Jamie Brearty went on to talk in more detail about the Active Families project, a project working with families to encourage them to take part in physical activity. Jamie explained some of the barriers to families taking part and the approaches Active Families have taken to encourage activity amongst families living in the most deprived areas in Dundee. Cost remains a big issue to people taking part. Further discussions are to take place with Paul Carroll and Stewart Murdoch. Jamie explained that discussions are taking place internally to agree how Active Families work can be continued. Graham stated that his department will look at aspects of the existing service and how they can take this forward for at least another year. This will be led by Audrey Whyte. Four network manager posts will link with existing agencies.
It was agreed that Peter would write to Bert Sandeman and ask him to consider Active Families as part of the Integrated Children’s Services agenda. / PA
Andrew Radley spoke to the group about the implementation of the Scottish Governments Tobacco Control Strategy which aimed for Scotland to be tobacco free by 2034. The challenge within Dundee to reach these smoking levels is clear. Andrew highlighted work taken forward in New York City to reduce smoking and the significant decrease seen in smoking rates (including youth smoking rates) there. It was noted that all NHS boards and local authorities must implement and enforce smoke free grounds by 2015. Local tobacco plans are to be developed in partnership with the voluntary sector and local communities. Andrew asked Healthy Dundee whether they have the resolve to have smoke free public places? He further suggested that occupations health interventions should be offered to smokers and that healthy zones should be created around schools. Andrew asked whether we have the resolve to speak plainly about what smoking is doing to our communities.
A discussion took place about whether it was possible to do the above using a community development approach and Sheila stated that, historically, smoking was seldom raised as an issue by local communities although the smoking ban has seen an increase in requests at a local level for smoking cessation support. Allison asked whether relationships were mature enough so that we could raise this as an issue with local communities. Andrew stated that the only way we can be successful is for communities to take this on as their own agenda. Allison asked about how any smoke free external areas would be policed, Andrew stated that this is still an issue and that it was hoped that communities would police themselves.
Dr Karen Adam informed the group that it has been an aspiration of NHS Tayside and partners to examine the circumstances behind every suicide in the area in order to see what lessons could be learnt and if anything different could have been done to prevent it.
Funding has been secured for 3 years from April 2014 to be used for 2 part-time support staff to gather information to be considered by the group, this is to be funded through the 3 CHPs and 3 Choose Life groups.
A multi-agency information sharing protocol, based on the Drug Death Review Protocol is being finalised with advice from Information services. This will be presented to Chief Officers for endorsement after final review by the Implementation Group. An ‘expert group’ is being recruited to review the information gathering procedure to ensure this reflects the best current evidence based thinking. Mr McGuiness noted that prison staff have expertise in this area and he would be happy to nominate someone to be part of the group.
Allison explained that the development of Theme Group prevention plans has been ongoing for sometime and presented the group with a framework which has been developed in order to assist with this work. She explained that Healthy Dundee is required to complete a template identifying current work under the prevention headings (i.e. Universal prevention, targeted prevention, earliest intervention and recovery based prevention). Allison has begun work on this to give examples of work which could fit under each heading. The template will be circulated for members to add other examples. Allison will then complete the collated draft along with Blair Finlay. / ALL
Sheila was pleased to be able to report to Healthy Dundee that recurring funding has been agreed by NHS Tayside Board – subject to ratification by the Shadow Dundee Integrated Health and Care Board. The meeting scheduled in March was cancelled and Caroline Selkirk has used her delegated authority to confirm the decision made at the Board. Sheila spoke to her previously circulated paper re progress to date, in particular how learning is being shared with mainstream services. Sheila was advised to link with Tracey Stewart in order to continue links with the CPD programme for Early Years. / SM/TS
Peter explained that he is to present a 6 monthly update re the Fairness Strategy Action Plan, and will focus on the health elements of this, highlighting the successes to date in relation to tackling poverty and the impact of welfare reform. This will be incorporated into the new child poverty strategy. Peter asked Dr Karen Adam to discuss who will lead on this for Health. / PA/KA
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Mr McGuinness drew the group’s attention to engagement work being carried out in Perth and Kinross in relation to the 20/20 model for primary care and agreed to share any relevant outcomes. He also drew attention to work to be carried out by Lucy Denvir in relation to health inequalities and prisoner healthcare. He asked that anyone interested in being involved contact him.
The next meeting will be held at 9.00 am on Tuesday 10 June 2014, within the Seminar Room, Conference Centre, Kings Cross, Dundee.