Healthy Communities Grant Program

Improving Access to Farmers’ Markets with Community Engagement

Technical Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement

Due: October 7, 2016, Midnight Central Time

Submit to:

We are healthier when our communities provide nutritious food. Many families have limited resources, lack transportation to a store that carries fresh produce, or are forced to make important decisions between paying for utilities or adequate food. By supporting local food systems and farmers’ markets, we can creatively address the health, economic and social needs of our communities.

Farmers’ markets are a mechanism for purchasing foods from local farms and can expand access to nutritious foodsbeyond typical retail stores. Farmers’ markets that accept nutrition assistance program benefits improve access to nutritious foods for individuals and families with lower incomes.

The Kentucky Department for Public Health Healthy Communities Grant Program is seeking applications from local health departments and their partners to receive funding and technical assistance to support farmers’ markets through improving community engagement efforts.The funding amount will be $2,000.Technical assistance and training will be provided for:

  1. Assessing community readiness and identifying appropriate communication tools
  2. Developing a community assessment map
  3. Developing a community engagement plan


-Attend the FOA Application webinar on September 13, 2016 10:00 am EST/9:00 am CST

-The Local Health Department (LHD) must be the fiscal agent and participate as either the project lead or a project partner

-Preference will be given to those communities who have not previously received Healthy Communities funding


-Team of at least THREE project partners,including the project lead, must attend the in-person training. (date TBD)

-Team of at least TWO project partners must participate in each of the 2 technical assistance sessions. (dates TBD)

-Convene ONE community coalition meeting that may be attended by KDPH Healthy Communities Grant Program staff for on-site technical assistance.

- Submit final report (template to be provided) and progress by August 15, 2017.

-Funding may be used for the development of the plan, meeting expenses, community engagement activities or incentives, travel costs, and staff time. Funding cannot be used for construction or food for meeting purposes. Funding must be spent by June 30, 2017.

Application Checklist and Scoring

Complete Application Form / 25 points
Complete the online community survey. This survey should be completed by the project lead and each project partner listed in the application form. Please note scoring for this section will be based on completion of the survey by the project lead and by each project partner listed on the application. Scoring will NOT be based on answers to the survey. / 25 points
Attach FOUR letters of commitment from each project partner, even if the LHD is the project lead. Each letter should clearly state the:
-Role in the community’s efforts
-Commitment to attend the in-person training and/or at least one webinar session
-Confirmation that they’ve completed the online community survey
-LHD must confirm that they are the fiscal agent / 50 points

Submit completed forms to by midnight Central Time, October 7, 2016. Notification of award will be October 21, 2016.

Improving Access to Farmers’ Markets with Community Engagement


Due: October 7, 2016, Midnight Central Time

Submit to:

Is Local Health Department (LHD) the project lead for all grant activities? YES / NO
Project Lead name:
Project Lead Email:

List FOUR project partners. The LHD must be one. Each project partner must write a letter of commitment, complete the online community readiness survey, attend the in-person training, and/or participate in at least one webinar.

Local Health Department:
LHD Contact Name: / Email:
Role (in addition to being the fiscal agent):
Name: / Email:
Organization: / Role:
Name: / Email:
Organization: / Role:
Name: / Email:
Organization: / Role:

Complete the Online Community Survey. This survey should be completed by the project lead and each project partner listed in the application form. Please note, scoring for this section is for completion of the survey by the project lead and by each project partner listed on the application.

Farmers’ Market Assessment

Name of the Farmers’ Market.
Has the farmers’ market been identified as a priority by any community assessment (e.g., MAPP, CHIP, etc.)? / YES / NO
If you answered yes, please name the community assessments completed.
Number of vendors selling produce at farmers’ market.
Do you feel the number of vendors is enough to meet your community’s needs? / YES / NO
Is there an existing Friends of Farmers’ Markets? / YES / NO
Is there an established farmers’ market board? / YES / NO
Does the board have any of the following? Select all that apply. / By-laws
Business plan
Limited Liability Corp.
Is there a market manager? / YES / NO
If there is a market manager, select all that apply. / Farmer/Vendor
If the position is paid, how is the position funded?
Select all of the market manager’s job duties that apply. / Vendor relations and communication
Community outreach and networking
Collect money, vouchers, etc. from customers
Promotion and advertising
Is the location of the farmers’ market mobile or static? / Mobile / Static
Does the location allow for easy access to low-income neighborhoods? / YES / NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
Does the location meet the community’s needs? / YES / NO
Does the farmers’ market have consistent hours and location? / YES / NO
Select the answer that best describes the type of transportation access for the farmers’ market. Select all that apply. / Accessible through public transit
Accessible through community organization transportation
Requires a personal transportation vehicle
Is the farmers’ market safely accessible through active modes of transportation (walking, biking, etc.)? / YES / NO
What are your marketing efforts? Select all that apply. / Logo
Social media
Newspaper advertisement
Does your farmers’ market accept the following? Select all that apply. / SNAP
WIC – Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
SFMNP – Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
Select the following incentive programs that are offered at the farmers’ market. / Double Dollars
Health Bucks
Fruit and Vegetable Prescription
Kids Bucks
Back-to-School Bucks
What activities does the farmers’ market host? / Youth programming
Cooking demonstrations
CSA pick-up
Summer Meal Service Program
Glean/Food bank pick-up
Other events/activities

Community can be defined in a number of ways. The most common is a geographic area such as a town, neighborhood, or school district. Community engagement works best with a small population no greater than 4,000. Name and describe your community.

Tell us about your experience with promoting farmers’ markets through community engagement. In what ways have you been successful and what have you found most challenging?


Of the below choices, what do you feel are the top three needs for your farmers’ market?

  1. Friends of Farmers’ Market
  2. Board
  3. Vendors
  4. Paid Market Manager
  5. Marketing
  6. Location
  7. Transportation
  8. Acceptance of SNAP, WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
  9. Incentive Programs
  10. Activities/Entertainment

Please limit comments to 300 words or less.