Healthwatch Brent
Volunteer Application Pack
Healthwatch Brent Volunteering Opportunities
Thank you for requesting an application pack, contained within;
- Volunteer Role Description
Information aboutthe volunteer role, what the duties and responsibilities will be and some of the key skills, knowledge and experience needed to undertake the role;
- An application form
- An Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Why Volunteer with Healthwatch Brent?
At Healthwatch Brent we have many opportunities for our volunteers to get involved in helping us deliver a valuable service to the community of Brent.
Volunteering with Healthwatch Brent give you the opportunity to:
- Make a difference to your local community by helping people to have a voice about local health and social care services
- Meet new people
- Enhance your skills and knowledge
- Access to training and support
- Use existing skills
- Add valuable experience to your CV
About Healthwatch Brent
Healthwatch Brent is your local consumer champion on health & social care services delivered in Brent. We are an independent organisation with the aim of giving people in Brent a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided in the borough.
Healthwatch Brent is a department of Community Barnet, a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. In accordance with the contractual requirements between Healthwatch Brent and its commissioning body, Brent Borough Council, and the legal status of Community Barnet, the accountability for delivery and final decision-making are undertaken by the Healthwatch Brent staff, the Chief Executive and Board of Trustees for Community Barnet
What type of person should apply?
The roles are open to anyone who is a resident of Brent, with an interest in improving health and social care. If you are passionate about shaping Healthwatch, or spreading the word across the borough then we would be delighted to hear from you. We want people from a wide range of communities and backgrounds with contacts and networks that can help Healthwatch Brent.
All Healthwatch volunteers will be provided with:
- Training and support to undertake the role
- An induction into Healthwatch Brent
- Ongoing appropriate training and support from the Healthwatch Brent Core Team
- Group support and review sessions
- Out of pocket expenses in line with Healthwatch Brent’s Volunteering and Travel Policy
You will be asked to:
Sign up to a Volunteer Agreement
For some projects, such as Enter and View, a full DBS check
Where possible travel across the city to attend meetings and role related events
Completed application form should be returned to:
By post/by hand: Healthwatch Brent, 3 Rutherford Way, Wembley HA9 0BP
By email:
Healthwatch Volunteer
General purpose of our roles:
Healthwatch Brent’s sole objective wants to reach people in every community. To help us do this we want to recruit a team of volunteers to help us with our outreach and engagement activities.
Volunteers will play an important part in spreading the word about Healthwatch and in shaping local health and social care services to be the best for the residents of Brent.
As a Healthwatch Volunteer you are asked to:
- Promote Healthwatch Brent
- Talk to local people or groups about Healthwatch (either through groups you are involved in or groups suggested by HWB) to tell them about Healthwatch Brent and discover their views and experiences of local health and social care services
- Be supportive, respectful and empathetic to others
- Accurately report the views of your group to Healthwatch
- Feedback information from Healthwatch to your group in a way that is easily understood
- Where necessary investigate an issue i.e. by talking to your group
- Organise and/or get involved in publicity events
- Attend local events/meetings
- Maintain knowledge of Healthwatch Brent and its work
- Undertake introductory training session and participate in ongoing training if necessary
- Keep a record of expenses and submit them monthly
- Be able to commit the time required to the delivery of the role
- Inform the Healthwatch Brent office if you cannot keep a commitment relating to the role.
Skills knowledge and experience needed:
- Good local knowledge
- Able to talk to individuals and community groups and support them to speak up about their views
- Able to share and present information to different audiences
- Able to separate your experiences from other people’s issues and present the views
of those you represent
- Willing to ask for support if necessary
- Additional language skills are desirable of those you represent
- Willing to ask for support if necessary
- Additional language skills are desirable
Attitudes and values needed:
- Committed to helping people have a voice
- Non Judgemental
- Committed to equal opportunities practice
- Reliable and trustworthy
- Respect for others
- Interested in developing new skills
Please click this link for a description of the roles we are recruiting to at the moment.
Healthwatch Brent - VolunteerApplicationForm
Name: / Date:Address:
Contact Number:
We will contact you via e-mail unless you notify us otherwise.
Please tick the box if you wish to receive correspondence by post
Why are you interested in being a Healthwatch Volunteer?
Please tell us about the personal qualities you can bring to the role
Which areas of activity you would be interested in:
Promotional Activities Gathering Views (surveys etc.)
Developing Contacts/networks Raising Awareness/seeking involvement
Producing Reports Other please specify…
Enter and View
What is your availability? (e.g. Time/Days/Evenings/Weekends)
If interested Enter and View,please tells us what interests you about this role?
Please explain why you think you are suitable for this role. Please tell us what experience you have that would be helpful and where you do not have direct experience, please explain why you think you would be good at this role.(continue on a separate sheet if required)
Please provide the contact details for two people who can act as a reference for you:
Email / Name
The information I have supplied is a true and accurate account of my experience and suitability to perform this role.
Signed: / Date:
Completed application form should be returned to:
By post/by hand: Healthwatch Brent, 3 Rutherford Way, Wembley HA9 0BP
By email:
The information on this form is collected so that we can assess the effectiveness of our equality policy and monitor our recruitment processes. We aim to representative of the community in which we work and by monitoring the diversity of our applicants, we can assess our effectiveness in achieving this goal.The information you give will only be used for this purpose and no other. It is entirely anonymous and this form will be detached from your application before we look at your application.
Please read through each section with care before completing it. If you do not want to answer any specific question then please leave it blank.
- Age
Under 16 16 – 25 26 – 36 40 – 64 65 – 80 80+ - Gender
Male Female Other please state...... - Disability
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?Yes No
If you have answered yes, please give details of your disability below:
- Sexual orientation
What is your sexual orientation?
Bisexual Gay man Heterosexual/Straight
Lesbian/gay woman Other (please state) ...... - Ethnic Origin
A. White
English/Welsh/Scottish/British/Northern Irish/Irish
Gypsy/Irish Traveller
Other European (please state) ......
B. Mixed/Dual Heritage
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Other mixed background (please state) ......
C. Asian or Asian British
Other Asian background (please state) ......
D. Black/African/Caribbean or Black British
Other African background (please state) ......
Other Black background (please state) ......
E. Other ethnic group
Other Arab
Other ethnic group (please state) ...... - Faith/Religion/Belief
Atheist/none Baha’i
Buddhism Christianity
Hinduism Humanism
Islam Judaism
Sikhism Other (please state) ......
Postcode: (first part of the code only eg S1)
How did you find out about this role?
Healthwatch Sheffield newsletter, flyer
Healthwatch website
Voluntary/community organisation (eg website, newsletter)
Other (please state) ......
Please tell us any other considerations you would like us to know for example any specific communications needs: ......
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form