HealthPartners Clinical Simulation: Participant Information Sheet

Welcome to HealthPartners Clinical Simulation

We want all participants to have the most realistic and rewarding experience in a safe simulation environment. During your participation in this course, you will be both participant and observer formultiple scenarios. We request that all information regarding the performance of individuals and the details of specific simulation scenarios used during this course be kept confidential, and not discussed outside of the simulation environment.

Our ultimate goal is for you to leave the simulation experience feeling more prepared and confident to optimally care for patients using best practices. To achieve this, we utilize highly realistic, computerized mannequins and/orreal people to simulate patient care situations in order to make this experience similar to what you encounter in the clinical setting. You will have an opportunity to meet the mannequin and become familiar with the environment. We realize there are limitations within the simulated environment—these will be discussed during your orientation. Below is mannequin information as well as guidelines we would like to be followed during the simulation experience. Thank you for your participation.

To be prepared for the simulation experience view the videos of a recorded simulation and debriefing at:

The high fidelity mannequins have many features that include:

HealthPartners Clinical Simulation: Participant Information Sheet

  1. Palpable pulses
  2. Chest rise with respirations
  3. Breath sounds: normal and abnormal
  4. Heart tones: normal and abnormal
  5. Abdominal sounds
  6. Cyanosis
  7. Pupilary reaction

HealthPartners Clinical Simulation: Participant Information Sheet

The expectations are that one performs as closely to their real clinical setting as possible. Recommendations include:

  • Interact, speak and respond to the mannequin and any other “actors” as you would within your practice.
  • Follow all nursing procedures/guidelines and best practices (i.e. AIDET, foaming upon entering room, gloves, TriCare report at the bedside, medication administration, infection precautions and nursing assessments).
  • All actions should be completed as one would in your clinical setting.
  • When interacting with family members:
  • Speak to them and explain things to them as you would a real family member
  • If they need to step out of the room, take them out of the room instead of to the corner of the room
  • Stay within the scope of practice for your role in order to exemplify best practices and within the policies and procedures of Regions Hospital.


  • Please keep all pens, pencils, liquids, markers, freshly written on paper away from the mannequins at all times as it will leave a permanent tattoo!
  • Food and beverages in classroom only

The temperature in the education/simulation rooms varies. Please dress accordingly.