Healthcare Science Pathway

Introduction to Healthcare Science

Syllabus 2014-2015

Instructor: Lynda DuRant, RN, BSN

South Effingham High School

Room 500

I. Course Description:

Introduction to Healthcare Science is the first in a series of courses offered to students who are interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare field. This course will enable students to receive initial exposure to medical terminology, learn the personal and professional qualities of a healthcare worker, explore various healthcare careers, study healthcare delivery systems, leadership and teamwork, safety/infection control, CPR, human growth and development, communication, cultural diversity, mathematical applications in healthcare, medical ethics and the legal responsibilities of today's healthcare provider. I am looking forward to working with you as you explore the exciting opportunities available in healthcare.

II. Standards:

Over the course of the year, my goal is that each student become proficient in each of the Georgia Performance Standards for the Introduction to Healthcare Science course. All Standards may be found at .Your success is important to me. I am available daily before school by appointment, and after school on Thursdays from 4pm-5pm. Please let me know if you need to set up an appointment for a Thursday afternoon tutorial session so I can be prepared for you.

III. Class Materials:

You MUST come to class with the required materials each day. You will have notes, worksheets, handouts, assignments, etc. that you must keep track of to excel in this course. Please come to class with the following items daily:

1. 3-ring binder or separate section of 1 large binder

2. notebook paper

3. pen and pencil

4. index cards

IV. Textbooks:

Diversified Health Occupations (8th edition)

V. Behavior:

Appropriate behavior is a MUST! We are practicing to enter the real work world as a health care professional and must model this competency. I will adhere to all Rules and Regulations in the Student Code of Conduct as well as any Rules and Regulations specific to South Effingham High School.

VI. Classroom Rules:

1. You are to be in the room and seated before the tardy bell rings. Enter quickly, quietly, and be seated before the bell rings.

2. You are expected to sit in your assigned desk in the proper position with your head up and your eyesopen. Sleeping and/or putting your head down on the desk is not allowed.

3. No food or drinks (other than water) are allowed in the classroom.

4. Please use the restroom before class. Do not ask to leave the classroom.

5. Use of electronic devices are not permitted in this classroom without my permission. That includes cell phones, iPads, headphones, etc. If I see your electronic device once the tardy bell rings, the following consequences will be enforced:

First offense: Electronic device will be taken away for remainder of class period and placed in technology basket on my desk.

Second offense: Electronic device will be given to an administrator to keep for the remainder of the day.

Third offense: Electronic device will be given to an administrator and parent will have to come to pick up.

No exceptions! You cannot charge your cell phones in my classroom.

6. Grooming is not allowed in the classroom.

7. Respect yourself, your peers, and your teacher.

8. The use of the lab equipment is limited to demonstration, practice, and skill check off. No horseplay is allowed in the lab. Jackets must be removed and long hair pinned back before entering the lab.

9. In case of absence, it is YOUR responsibility to see me for make-up work. You are also responsible for getting any notes from a classmate or staying for tutorial to makeup work. If you miss a test or a quiz, it is YOUR responsibility to schedule a time tomake it up. All quizzes and tests must be made up within one week of the absence. Five (5) points per day will be deducted from your grade for late assignments or projects.

10. Please stay seated when the dismissal bell rings, and I will dismiss you.

VII. Consequences:

1st offense: verbal warning

2nd offense: conference with student

3rd offense: parent notification

4th offense: disciplinary referral

VIII. Grading Policy:

Grades will be based on a variety of assignments including worksheets, projects, quizzes, tests, labs, presentations, and participation.

CTAE Grading as required by school district:

Classwork 25%

Test/Quizzes 25%

Lab Work/Projects 50%

LEOCT (overall) 20%

Students must follow the late work and make up work procedures for SEHS.


HOSA is a national, student-led organization. HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality healthcare to all people. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, teamwork, and recognition for students enrolled in healthcare science courses. HOSA students have the opportunity to compete against other HOSA students at regional, state, and national competitions. Participation in HOSA provides a valuable experience and is a great college resume/extracurricular builder. Membership Dues are $25.00.

X. CPR Certification:

You will have the opportunity to receive your American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid/CPR Certification. Once we complete certification classes, you will need to pay for your certification card if you wish to receive a card. The cost is determined by AHA and is approximately $8.00.

Please take this syllabus home and review it with your parent(s)/guardian. Sign the form below and return it tomorrow.

I have read all pages of the syllabus and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of this class, South Effingham High School and Effingham County School System.

Student Name:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Name:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian cell phone number:______

Parent/Guardian email address:______