Free Afterschool Homework Club for 6th grade AA and GE Students
Dear parents and guardians,
Starting next week, we will be offering a free afterschool homework club to all 6th grade students in the Advanced Academic and General Education programs. (The Ingenuity Program has a separate after school homework club.)
The homework club provides a safe structured environment in which your student can complete some of their homework each day. The supervising teachers will be there to insure that students are on task completing homework, and we hope to have 8th grade volunteer student tutors in place soon.
The club will start immediately after school at 3:05 and will run for one hour until 4:05. The club will meet on Monday and Tuesday in Mr. Zimmermann’s room, 321. The first Monday of each month there will be no meeting of the club because there are staff/ faculty meetings. The club will meet on Wednesday and Thursday in Ms. Alston’s room, 322.
Students may attend anytime by simply coming after school. They will need to sign in on an attendance log each day they come to homework club. Parents may email Mr. Zimmermann if they need to confirm that their student was signed in to homework club. Additionally, any questions or concerns regarding homework club should be sent to Mr. Zimmermann.
If you are able to help support this program by sending in snacks or drinks for the students, that would be greatly appreciated. Please send donations to Mr. Zimmermann’s room, 321.
Best regards,
Philip Zimmermann