College Credit While in High School
Have you always been interested in helping others? Does Grey’s Anatomy inspire you to think about working in the health care field someday? If so, you may want to consider thehigh school health science academy program. In this college credit program, students will be introduced to the health care system, and a variety of health careers, participate inclassroom, laboratory, and communityclinical experiences, and study the language of medicine. Students will learn and develop the basic skills expected of a health care provider, and demonstrate the professionalism required in today’s health care field.
Things to know about this academy prior to registration:
- After successful completion of the Health Science: Patient Care Academy, students will receive the 75-hour nurse aid completion certificate from Kirkwood Community College. Students are also eligible to test for the State of Iowa Nurse Aide Certification Exam (CNA).
- In order to be awarded the 75-hourse nurse aid completion certificate, students must meet standards imposed by the State of Iowa. Absenteeism and tardiness may result in dismissal from the program. In order to move into the clinical experience in February, the student must have a 70% or higher in the nurse aid course, and meet guidelines determined by the course instructor.
- Students will learn to perform basicnursing skills through hands-on, direct patient care. Examples include: assessment of vital signs, such as taking blood pressure, temperature, and respiration; performing basic hygiene and transfer skills (bathing, dressing and feeding) and learning to communicate with residents and the health care team.
- Students enrolled will receive credit from their high school and 9.5 credit hours from Kirkwood. For detailed course descriptions, visit health science academy, course descriptions.
- As part of earning college credit for this academy, students must complete an online application to Kirkwood Community College, and must provide a Social Security Number as part of the secure online college application process to create the official student record.
- Student textbooks will be provided to the students, but generally must remain in the classroom.
- Students will be required to purchase a scrub uniform (approximate cost $35-40) during the first semester of class.
- Students are required to have a current physical (sports physicals are accepted) and student immunization records on file with the Kirkwood Community College campus nurse by December 31 of the year they are enrolled. Some health care facilities are requiring criminal background checks, including students in a clinical setting. More information will be shared in the student’s acceptance letter prior to enrollment, usually received by early August, prior to the beginning of the academic year.
- Students meet two hours a day—Monday-Friday—for the entire academic year (August-May). All schools in Johnson County meet in a “shared” location at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, from
1:15 – 3:15, Monday to Friday. The start date for the fall semester will be stated in a letter sent to students in early August. The room number and parking information will also be sent to students registered for the Patient Care Academy. This is a “Shared” Academy with students from all Johnson County Schools attending at one “shared” location at Mercy Hospital.