~Health Science Education~
Mrs. Dick (“D”), RN
Dear Parents and Students,
I am very excited to be your teacher this semester! Last semester was great for Health Science education at Swansboro High School. The program continues to grow and with your interest, help and support we hope to offer additional courses in the Health Science Pathway.There are several courses available in the Health Science Curriculum:Health Science I, Health Science II, Nursing Fundamentals (CNA certification available), Biomedical Technology, Pharmacy Technician and Health Science Advanced Studies, Public Health Fundamentals and CTE Internship.
There is a Class fee of $5.00 for most health science courses.
~Classroom Rules~
- Respect others.
- Be prepared for class.
- Follow ALL classroom procedures.
- Follow ALL rules in student handbook.
- All book bags and purses are to go under your desk. You should only have your text book, notebook, and pen/ pencil, on your desk.
- Verbal Warning
- Detention
- Parent Conference
- Office Referral
~Classroom Procedures~
A. Starting class & dismissing class:
Quick and efficient beginning of instruction is the key to good learning. Delays take away from instructional time. The end of class is under the control of the teacher.
- Seats are assigned – no discussion about this changing.
- All students will be in their assigned seats by the tardy bell.
- Students will begin copying the “board book” questions immediately.
- The teacher will begin class instruction after the bell.
- The teacher always dismisses the class, not the bell...remain seated until dismissed.
B. Completion of Class work & Homework:
All students will turn in their work on time. Work turned in late may have points deducted and may not be accepted at all.
C. Make-up work:
- You are solely responsible for obtaining missed assignments.
- If you were absent when an assignment was due, you must turn it in the next day you return. Exceptions will be considered only with a note from parent explaining the situation of the absence that prevented you from completing it. (I.e. serious illness/injury, out of town for a family emergency.)
D. Turning in Homework:
All homework will be placed in the appropriate tray. If a paper is turned in anywhere else, I will not be responsible for it being “lost” or “misplaced.” All turned in work MUST contain your name and date of assignment. Points may be deducted if this is not done. All hand written assignments must be completed in a neat and legible manner. If I cannot read an assignment then it deserves a zero.
E. Tests:
- All tests are announced at least two days in advance.
- Usually, a review will be given on the day before the test.
- Students who miss the test will take it the day they return. Make-up tests are scheduled with the instructor.
- Tests that are not made-up will result in a zero in the grade book.
- Tests and quizzes may be retaken until the end of the grading period.
- Test corrections must be completed and turned in before a test may be retaken.
F. Leaving the classroom:
All students must sign out to leave the classroom. The time of arrival back in the classroom is also recorded. Frequent flyers will be asked to produce a physician’s note because classroom instruction is very valuable. Cell phones must remain in the classroom when you leave.
G. Grading Policy:
Point system:
Homework/Class work-point value given per teacher discretion (depends on intensity of assignment)
Quiz = 50 points
Test= 100 points
Current events = 25 points
Semester grade = average of the three 6 week grading periods and the final exam
Each six weeks your grade will be comprised of homework, quizzes, projects, and current event assignments. Each of these tasks will count as an individual grade. Tests are at the end of each unit. Extra credit can be earned by asking for the extra credit procedure. Some extra credit assignments include completing aneducational bulletin board, a power point presentation, arrange for a guest speaker,or record a health related movie from an approved web site.
At the end of the course there is a NC DPI final exam inclusive of all materials covered throughout the semester. It is worth 25% of your final semester grade.
(No Exemptions)
H. Necessary Supplies:
- 2 inch three ring binder with loose leaf paper and dividers.
- One subject notebook
- Pencil, black/blue ink pens
- Index cards ( will need the 1st week of class) – a lot will be used throughout the semester – any donations to the classroom would be greatly appreciated…need around 1000 index cards – Pharmacy Tech students need 200 4x6 index cards.
- Colored markers or pencils
“Board” Book
Each day there will be test questions on the board that are to be copied into your “board” book (one subject notebook). These questions are to be numbered and will be graded at random. If you are ever “bored” then review your “board” book! These books will be collected at the end of the semester for a test grade…they MUST be turned in or you will earn a zero!