Health Science Classroom Expectations
Mrs. Quisenberry
- Always follow the rules of instruction. Be sure you listen the 1st time.
- Come to class prepared with all supplies needed for class each day. Sharpen all pencils before the bell rings.
- Once you are in the classroom, you are IN the classroom. As you enter the classroom, turn in your homework assignment in the assigned homework box, turn OFF your cell and place it in the “cell phone caddy”, remove items from your table top, be in your assigned seat, check the board for the day’s assignment/bell ringer and begin your assignment.
- All homework assignments are due upon entering the classroom and placed in the appropriate box (1st Block, 2nd Block, 3rdBlock). If an assignment is not turned in at the assigned time (upon entering the classroom) 25 points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.
- DO NOTdo work for another academic class while in Health Science.
- If you need help please raise your hand and do not scream or speak out in class until called upon.
- Never touch anything on my desk, table, or podium without permission. Do not go behind my desk or sit in my chair.
- You are ONLY allowed to use YOUR assigned iPad and computer in the classroom.
- You are not allowed to add, delete, or move around apps on the iPads or computers.
- Do not get into any cabinet without permission.
- Never touch or remove anything in the classroom without permission. This includes any and all equipment (ie: mannequin, curtains, wheelchair, beds, etc.)
- Never get on the hospital beds without permission.
- Do not move table or chairs without permission.
- Do not lean back or forward in your chair.
- Do not throw garbage, spit, or put food in a garbage can without a trash liner.
- NO TALKING without permission. When guest are present you must be respectful and quite unless called upon.
- Be respectful to your teacher(s), fellow classmates, and the school property.
- Never use profane or indecent language in school.
- NO SLEEPING in class.
- No CHEATING! Do not lower your own intelligence by cheating or copying off of someone else’s work.
- DO NOT LIE! Don’t degrade yourself by telling a lie.
- No gum, food or drink is allowed without permission. This is NOT the lunchroom.
- NO HORSEPLAY: running, goofing off, acting silly, throwing things, picking up the mannequin, etc.
- Clean up after yourself, do not put paper on the floor, write on the tables, etc.
- Textbooks, computers, and iPads MUST be put back in order on the shelf or in the carts (and plugged into electricity) when you are finished using them. Textbooks can be checked out at the end of the day for make-up work but must be returned prior to 1st block the next morning.
- Take care of all classroom equipment. This classroom is open for you to study and learn. It is your responsibility to see that it stays open.
- Students are not allowed to use computers or iPads for other subject (classes) assignments, take images or video without instructor permission. Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges.
- BYOD – The Health Science classroom is blessed to have state of the art equipment. The classroom has iPads and laptops for each student. Therefore, at present time students do not need their own device. Cell phones will be turned OFF and placed in the “cell phone caddy”on the table top. Other devices will need to be kept in the student’s locker. If for some reason the class requires the use of a student cell phone, students will:
- always log on to the BOE network.
- not text anyone.
- not social network.
- will only perform school related searches.
- You are responsible for having all materials (ie: paper, pencils, pens, notebook, etc.)
- You are responsible for making up missed work. Upon missing a class day it is your responsibility when returning to the classroom (on the 1st returned day) to checkthe missed assignment box at theEND of class to pick up any information/assignments and talk to a fellow student about what occurred during the student’s absence. Assignments will be due the following day, unless given special permission to turn assignments in at a later time.
- If you missed turning in a homework assignment due to an absence, the homework assignment is due on the day you return to class/school. (See syllabus for Today’s Class assignments)
- You are not allowed to use the computers, iPads, mannequin, etc. unless you have been given instructions to do so.
- Do not play music during class unless you have been granted permission to do so. When given permission music MUST ONLY be used with headphones.
- Never show up to class without a good attitude, a smile on your face, and a willingness to learn something new each day. Do not let fear of a new way to do something or information keep you from trying. CAN’T is not in your vocabulary.
- ALWAYS keep ALL your papers filed in your binder (notebook) in date order for notebook checks.
- I will dismiss the class, NOT the BELL!
- Parents ARE NOT to call or text the student during class time. In an emergency the school phone number is 347-2640.
I realize the following expectations are required of me in order to grow and become prepared for college and/or career. I realize if I choose not to carry out these expectations, I could possible fail or be removed from this class.
Print Name: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______