Cornwall Council


Health Risk Assessment (work related stress)

NAME: ______NAME(S) OF ASSESSORS: ______


Hazard (Stressors) / Identified Risks / Risk Rating
H M L / Existing Controls / Additional Control Measures Required
  • Overwork?
  • Under work/Boredom?
  • Unreasonable/Unrealistic demands?
  • Specific risks related to job?
  • Unsatisfactory work environment?
(complete accommodation/environment section)
  • Information overload and unrealistic time pressures?
  • Are there regular unachievable deadlines and unrealistic time pressures set?

  • Is there lack of control of individual work targets?
  • Any other issues not identified in the above points?
  • Are there sufficient opportunities to take breaks?
  • Is there flexibility in the working time?
  • Do you undertake home working on a regular basis? (outside normal working hours)

  • Is there inconsistent use of discipline?
  • Does a blame culture exist?
  • Do disputes get resolved satisfactorily?
  • Is sickness absence managed and not aggressive?
  • Is there inconsistency to appraisals?
(is it just a tick box exercise?)
  • Is there supportive feedback given by managers?
  • Is there support from your manager through demanding workloads?
  • Are you able to approach your manager if you encounter problems at work – and are you given sufficient support?

  • Do colleagues help out if the workload increases?
  • Do colleagues give help and support when it is required?

  • Is there a clash of personalities or working styles with others?
  • Is there poor communication?
  • Is there inconsistent Management? (lack of strong leadership)
  • Is there disrespect for staff ethics and values?
  • Is there any bullying/harassment?
  • Are there unrealistic expectations with lack of personal feedback?

  • Is the work role defined and staff know what is expected of them?
  • Are the aims and objectives clearly set out?
  • Are personal work plans developed at appraisals?
  • Is there a clear understanding of work objectives and responsibilities?

  • Is change badly managed at corporate level?
  • Is change badly managed at line manager level?
  • Is there an effective consultation process?
  • Are changes made where they are not necessary?
  • When changes occur is there sufficient information being communicated?

  • Are there resourcing issues posing problems in the ability to carry out the work satisfactorily?
(lack of training, unmet training needs insufficient equipment, time constraints)
  • Is the light suitable and sufficient?
  • Is the temperature reasonable?
  • Is there a lack of ventilation?
  • Is the accommodation overcrowded?
  • Is there excessive noise?
  • Is there a lack of appropriate equipment?

  • Lone working/isolation?
  • Excessive travelling?
  • Do the person skills match the job role and responsibilities?
  • Are there any other health or disability issues?
  • Are there any problematic life events or circumstances that may affect the ability to cope?

  • Specify and continue on another sheet if necessary

ACTION PLAN:- Actions to be taken by whom? (continue on another sheet if necessary)
Review Date:-
Training Required? Refer to Occupational Health?
Signed: (Manager)
Signed: (Employee)

WRS Risk Assessment Form Updated 07/07/10 Rev3