health considerations for today
detoxify from within
identify allergens and sensitivities
elimination diet – stop eating everything and one by one add food type/group
kill unwanted species
herbally – wormwood, artemesinin, others?
clean out the tract – charcoal, green foods, psillium, other fibers, clay
add back wanted probiotic species (especially if on antibiotics and long after)
digestive and pancreatic enzymes
acid balance, enough acid?, supplement with HCl, generally stay away from
antacids, use lemon water or apple cider vinegar to maintain basic pH, use
unflavored yogurt
mineral and electrolyte balance
healthy gums – remember the gums and the gut lining lines the same tube
from the skin
infrared saunas, other infra red modalitites
skin brushing
treat scars
hold energy, neuraltherapy – can be injected, wheat germ oil
other body work
releases somatized scars and memories
drink water
filtered (how)? spring? ozonated? mineral?
your weight (in pounds) divided by 2 (in ounces) per day of water
sip water throughout the day, urine should be clear
eat food
eat foods recognizable 100 years ago
shop local, shop fresh and organic, shop in season
shop the grocery perimeter, avoid the middle
eat plants (from the rainbow), protein at every meal (and snack), eggs, fermented
foods (tofu, kefir,sauerkraut)
identify and eliminate allergens or try allergy elimination/desensitizing techniques
limit grains, sugar, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, fruit juices
limit adulterated “foods”
no soft drinks, no aspartame
probably necessary for most due to depleted soils and “productive” farming
practices , unless buying/eating fresh, local, organic exclusively
but also, look for balance, avoid extremes
best if individualized on a person by person basis through testing
whole food supplements probably absorbed best
buy the best (Standard Process, Thorne, Biotics, others)
lymph drainage
drainage remedies (Unda numbers)
hands on drainage treatment by massage therapist, visceral manipulation ozone remedies
homeopathic remedies (lymohomyosot)
wobenzyme, herbals
electric pollution
cell phones
hold phone away from head – use a speaker phone, there are now speaker
amplification systems available, consider a hands-free kit equipped with
an air-tube headset (blue-tube)
minimize time on the phone (biologic effects proportional to duration)
don’t carry the phone on your body, when necessary; keypad toward body
avoid others’ (second-hand) phone magnetic fields
avoid blue-tooth and wireless technology, increases radiation
avoid when poor signal or during hi-speed travel (
choose phones with low SAR (specific absorption rate) ranking
texting better than calling; limits duration and body contact
switch ears often if direct head contact is necessary
use by children under 12? (18?) contra-indicated (developing brain)
computers and other electric appliances you spend significant time near
buildings full of electric motors as well as wireless waves
airborne radio waves and other electro-magnetic fields
consider rejuvenizers crystals, diodes, Q-link
check circuits near bed or work-station, consider shutting off circuits at night
underground ground water-lines in the earth create
no electric blankets, move clock radios and phones away from your head
solar and other radiations (including dental)
edgar cayce remedies
homeopathics, drainage remedies
Epsom salt baths
lymph massage techniques
magnesium? and sulfur source (garlic or MSM)
air travel – more radiation during daylight, more nearer the equator
wearing battery containing devices (MP3, blue tooth)
metal exposures
industrial, paints, cigarettes, car pollution
dental and other implanted metals (joint replacements)
wearing jewelry, watches (nickel backed)
other exposures
solvents, cleaners, detergents, cosmetics, fragrances
medications, supplements, herbal remedies – know well what you are taking, their
levels of purity, their ingredients, their interactions, their side effects, etc. Become informed about your body, make sure that prescribing doctors are communicatin with each other, be your own advocate. Be cautious about the overuse of antibiotics, take appropriate precautions.
synthetic fabrics
piercings and tattoos
birth trauma, including belly button as physical scar
fluoride and chloride in water
An aside:
Fluoride has long been used to promote the public’s dental health. Current literature is not clear that fluoridation truly provides effective prevention of dental decay. Many studies make clear the toxicity of fluoride and question the safety this public use. see
structural integrity
body work aligns, detoxifies, reduces inflammation
chiropractic, osteopathic, soft tissue, lymphatic, visceral, psycho-spiritual
ability to move and exercise with no pain
alignment and symmetry
healthy relationships
true picture of structural self, comfortable road to better balance and a
feedback mechanism with which to maintain
turmeric, papain, wobenzymes, arnica, other alternative pain (inflammation)
crainial bones move, cerebro-spinal fluid has a rhythm
teeth/ jaw/ bite relationships can cause head, neck, and facial pain
An aside:
We have seen many people who were suffering from pain and discomfort in their head, neck, back, and other parts helped by changing or balancing their bite. Even though there maybe no local pain in the jaw, changing the bite can relax muscles and realign joints such that relief is seen elsewhere in the body.
ability to create, self soothe, communicate freely
ability to manage/discover/enjoy/end current relationships
awareness and management of issues related to everyday life,
birth order, family constellation
self-image, purpose in life, being of service, clarity of intention
charitable considerations, giving
ability to manage stressors – meditation, yoga, prayer, inter-personal support
bio-feedback, hypnosis, body-talk
past life and re-birthing considerations
quality of sleep
10 hours a night of sound continuous sleep
little snoring, no sleep apnea, high oxygen saturation, nasal breathing
sleep hygiene ideas – light, noise, etc
adrenal rhythm /endocrine balance – could hormones by optimized?
dental / oral foci
periodontal disease (chronic low level bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic infection)
An aside:
We now believe that having inflamed and infected gums, periodontal disease, is much more serious than just losing your teeth. This, we now recognize, as a major body infection which should be treated aggressively and continuously. It seems ludicrous to think the infection does not spread to other body systems, and does not stress the immune system. We are seeing more and more research showing a connection between periodontal disease and predisposition to other diseases. We are using exceptionally effective strategies that include herbal remedies, ozone water and gas, and others, helping people to reduce this chronic and potentially dangerous infection.
Other strategies
DNA testing, hi reactive c-reactive protein inflammation testing,
mercury (toxic metal) in teeth, tissues
An aside:
Mercury is present at 50% levels in what is otherwise known as a silver or amalgam filling. Mercury is a neuro-toxic substance that is continuously released from these fillings. We are also exposed to mercury in food, fish, air and water, but research shows that the amount from fillings exceeds the amount in all these other sources combined. Mercury accumulates in the tissues of the body, especially the kidney, liver, and brain. There is enough evidence to conclude that we should reject dental amalgam as a filling material.
If you choose to remove your fillings, do so with a dentist that will take appropriate precautions, see , choose your replacement material wisely taking into consideration bio-compatibility, cosmetics, cost, longevity and others. Remember also, that removing mercury from your teeth is only the beginning as a full body heavy metal detoxification procedure should be designed and instituted for you by your health care practitioner.
metals (meridian disruption)
mixture of different metals (galvanic electro-conductivity)
root canals – chronic low level infection, immuno alert
An aside:
Root canals, although a saving grace for people keeping their teeth longer, seem to present a double edged sword here. For it turns out that some root canals can be symptom-free and yet hold a low level of infection, releasing certain toxic by-products, and may stress the immune system. We are working on sterilizing root canal systems prior to filling with ozone gas so as to minimize this infection/immune stress result. see
cavitations – areas of bone healed sub-optimally after trauma (like surgery)
scars – after surgeries
compatibility of materials
metal (electric issue?)
porcelain (aluminum oxide?)
plastic (estrogen mimicry?)