Judith Renaas

Health care setting: Inpatient Care Unit -

Nominee’s role: Other - Vice President of Patient Care / CNE

1. Describe how your nominee has shown concern for humanity.

Judy has demonstrated concern for humanity through her consistent dedication and commitment to the provision of patient care. She has provided direct patient care in a multitude of patient care settings throughout her decades of professional nursing. Judy is a strong and respected patient advocate; committed to the standard that patient care is our first priority. As she has advanced in her professional career, as a Nurse Manager, Clinical Director, and Chief Nurse Executive / VP of Patient Care, she has never lost sight of the Humanitarian Mission of nursing. She models it, she mentors it, and she holds others accoountable to the expectation of it. Judy demonstrates unbiased commitment to health care provision. She demonstrates her personal humanitarian behavior through every day acts such as respect, compassion, accountability, and excellence in care standards to each an every patient she comes in contact with. She expects this of every nurse also.

2. What do you consider your nominee’s most significant contribution to the nursing profession?

Judy is an amazing visionary leader. Her ability to lead through exemplary professional nursing standards is her most significant contribution to the nursing profession. Judy provides visionary leadership through clear communication of expectations and the development of a culture of accountability through a professional nursing / clinical services "Blue Print" Vision. She leads through modeling of the Blue Print expectations in 1) Standardization and hardwiring of critical processes, 2) Embracing Technology, 3) Making Patient Safety the Highest Priority, 4) Quality as the front and foremost in daily nursing practice, 5) Recruiting and retaining the best nurses, and 6) Financial responsibility. As a professional nurse and a Clinical Director, it was optimal to be given the clear vision and direction of priorities / expectations for nursing care. Judy contributes significantly to the nursing profession by providing this exemplary leadership, guidance, mentoring, and visionary direction that places patient care at the core.

3. Give an example of how your nominee has shown leadership through mentoring, or served as a role model for others.

Judy is an outstanding leader, mentor, and role model. She demonstrates this on a daily basis through group meetings, unit meetings, service line meetings, Organizational meetings, and individual sessions. Judy has, through her prominent length of service as a professional nurse, a great sense for the mentoring needs of nurses in our Organization. She seeks outside speakers when appropriate to facilitate advanced education, training, and professional growth. She, as well, will take the individual time to provide one-on-one sessions to promote optimal professional nursing development. Through her mentoring and advocacy, Judy encourages nurses to advance their level of education, assisting to seek financial assistance and work schedule support. She has personally demonstrated her commitment through her own advanced education and supports this professional growth in others. As I mentioned previously, she is an exemplary leader through her vision, communication of expectations and development of a culture of accountability. Judy has inspired me to advance in my professional nursing status through advanced education. She makes me want to be the very best professional nurse I can be for the benefit of patients and the health care team I work with.

4. Was there a specific event that prompted you to nominate this nurse? If so, please tell your story.

Judy became my direct supervisor as the VP of Patient Care / CNE approximately 1 year ago. She has absolutely amazed me in her leadership, professionalism, vision, commitment to safe / quality patient care, and desire to mentor nurses to be all they can be. I am so proud of what professional nursing has become in our Organization through her direction and vision. She has instituted Professional Nursing Shared Governance which significantly advances the voice of the nurse in the health care environment. To me, she exemplifies professional nursing.