EXECUTIVE management group STRUCTURE
Quorum - One third of total membership, currently 7, of whom at least 2 must be from the core group (Category 1).
The Committee:
a is established by the Vice-Chancellor;
b shall be constituted to meet the requirements of the Safety Committees and Safety Representatives Regulations 1977 and the Health and Safety (consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996;
c may co-opt up to two (2) members;
d will meet at least three (3) times a year, once in each semester;
e has a key role in Health and Safety governance across the University of Hertfordshire Group[1].
1 To provide the main focus for consultation with staff on Health and Safety issues which have University-wide application.
2 To promote co-operation between the University and its employees on all matters relating to their health, safety and wellbeing.
3 To receive a report at each meeting from the Director of Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing providing an overview of the work in progress in the Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing Office including areas of strategic interest.
4 To consider and comment as appropriate on:
· Corporate Health and Safety Policy
· University-wide safety guidance notes
· Safety Training
5 To consider Health and Safety issues raised by members or drawn to the Committee’s attention where they have University-wide implications or, when they affect only one part of the University, it has not been possible to effect a resolution at the local level.
6 To receive an annual report from the Director of Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing which will constitute the annual report on Health and Safety matters which the Director of Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing is required to present annually to the Board of Governors.
Category 3 ‘One (1) representative of each School (or named alternate), preferably not having a formal management responsibility or advisory role for Health and Safety, nominated by the relevant Dean of School’
The composition provides for representation from each of the University ten (10) Schools. However, where agreed by the Deans of School concerned, a single individual may represent more than one School. This will be made clear in the membership list.
1 Core representatives who fulfil the Health and Safety Consultative Committee function under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974:
A representative (or named alternate) of each of the Recognised Trade Unions
(UCU (Academic Staff), UNISON (Professional Staff)) 2
Secretary and Registrar, who shall be Chairman 1
Director of Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services (or named alternate) 1
A senior member of the teaching staff nominated by the Vice-Chancellor 1
2 A senior representative of the Students’ Union (or named alternate) 1
3 One (1) representative of each School (or named alternate), preferably not having a formal management responsibility or advisory role for Health and Safety, nominated by the relevant Dean of School:
Computer Science 1
Creative Arts 1
Education 1
Engineering and Technology 1
Health and Social Care 1
Hertfordshire Business 1
Humanities 1
Law 1
Life and Medical Sciences 1
Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics 1
4 A representative of each of the following professional Strategic Business Units
(or named alternates) nominated by the Chairman of the Committee:
Library and Computing Services 1
Professional Strategic Business Units, excluding Estates, Hospitality and
Contract Services 1
Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services (including Bio Park Hertfordshire
Limited and Conference Hertfordshire[2])
5 A representative of Universitybus Limited, nominated by the Managing Director
of the Company 1
6 A member nominated by the Director of Sport, not having a formal management responsibility or advisory role for Health and Safety, who is concerned with sports
activity within the University (including the Hertfordshire Sports Village[3]) 1
Officers in attendance:
Director of Health, Safety and Workplace Wellbeing
Occupational Health Nurse Adviser
Senior Member of Human Resources
Health and Safety Advisor, Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services
Clerk appointed by the Secretary and Registrar
Health and Safety Committee (University of Hertfordshire Group) 3/3
Last amended: 1 September 2016
References: Approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 3 May 2011, with effect from 1 April 2011; approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 12 September 2013 with effect from 1 September 2013; Academic Board: Minute 194, 19 July 2012 refers.
© University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (2016)
The term ‘University of Hertfordshire Group’ is defined in UPR FR06 and refers to the companies/entities whose accounts are consolidated with those of the Corporation. The model adopted by the Corporation for Health and Safety governance assumes that individual companies and entities will consider Health and Safety matters internally. However, in some cases, for operational purposes, the day-to day business of a company (other than Universitybus Limited) is conducted through a Strategic Business Unit (SBU). Consequently, the member representing the SBU concerned will also brief the Committee, as appropriate, on any company-related Health and Safety concerns that should be brought to the Committee’s attention.
Conference Hertfordshire is a Division of UH Ventures Limited
[3] The Hertfordshire Sports Village is a Division of Polyfield Property Limited