Health and Safety Checklist

It is the responsibility of the Assessing or Supervising Social Worker to complete this form alongside the applicant/carer. This should be done when prospective Foster Carers are being assessed and then every 12 months, once approved. This should be completed in conjunction with the Foster Carer’s Annual Review.

Name of applicants/carers:


Name of social worker completing form:Date:

General Living Environment / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising, actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Is the accommodation large enough to ensure that all children in the household have sufficient personal living and play space?
Are passageways and stairs free from clutter, obstacles or hazards?
Where do the family have their meals and is this appropriate?
Do all electrical appliances appear in good working order?
Are light switches in visibly sound condition?
Is there any visible damage to power points e.g. cracks or scorch marks?
Do trailing wires present a tripping hazard?
Is there a Gas Service Certificate available?
Please include date and reference number:
Are glass doors/low windows fitted with safety glass?
Is there a good standard of hygiene and cleanliness (e.g. floor coverings/furniture not damaged/soiled, no odours)?
Are blind cords out of reach of children?
Where are keys to the house stored?
Are all windows lockable and if so where are keys kept?
If alcohol is kept in the home, is it stored safely away from children?
Kitchen / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Are work surfaces and flooring undamaged and kept clean?
Are there appropriate arrangements for the safe storage of knives and other sharp objects?
Are cleaning fluids, chemicals and other potentially dangerous substances stored safely in original, clearly labelled containers?
Bathroom / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Are toilets and washing facilities clean and hygienic?
Are all light switches, heaters etc controlled by pull switches and designed for use in the bathroom?
Are all cleaning materials, cosmetics, razors, scissors etc kept in a locked cabinet or out of reach?
Is there a lock on the door? (Is it out of reach of small children?)
Is hot water thermostatically controlled to prevent scalding?
Bedroom / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Will/does the child have their own room?
Is there adequate furniture to meet their needs (wardrobe, drawers, desk?)
Are cots/beds appropriate for the age/size of child to be placed/in placement? (bunk beds are unsuitable for young people over 14 years, top bunks should not be used by children under 5 years)
Are beds/cots positioned away from radiators, ceiling light fittings (for bunk beds), curtain or vertical blind cord pulls?
Are electric blankets used?
For young children under 2 years sharing an adult’s bedroom, is there adequate space in the room for storage, is the room free of tripping hazards?
Infection Control/Medicines / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Where is medication stored?
Does the household have a First Aid kit
Have applicants/carers received First Aid Training (record date)
Fire Safety / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Have you had a visit from the Fire Safety Officer to advise on your Fire Safety Plan? If no, when will this take place?
Are smoke detectors fitted, working and checked regularly? (record location and whether checked on day)
Are all window and door keys available in the case of fire?
Where are matches, cigarettes, lighters stored?
Is a fire guard required/fitted?
Are open fires/wood burners maintained appropriately?
Is there a carbon monoxide detector in place?
Please describe the family fire exit plan in case of a household fire?
Does the Foster Carer own a Fire Extinguisher or Fire Blanket
IT Security / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Is there a home computer(s) and where is it/they located in the house?
Who has access to the computer?
Are children/young people supervised whilst using the computer?
What internet security controls are in place to safeguard children using the internet?
If the computer is used to store fostering information, how are confidential files kept secure?
Firearms/Weaponry / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Are any firearms/weaponry held on the premises?
If yes, describe what they are and the reason the applicant/carer has them
Do they hold a Firearms Certificate? (Record Issue date)
Where are firearms stored and how will the applicant/carer ensure that children will not gain access to them?
Smoking / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Do any members of the household smoke?
What areas are designated smoking areas? Indoors, outdoors?
Are smokers willing to smoke away from children if they do not already?
Outdoors / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Is the garden tidy and free of animal fouling, household waste?
Are fences, walls, gates secure and well maintained?
Is any direct access to a road protected?
Are gardening tools, DIY equipment and any toxic substances locked away?
Is any dangerous equipment accessible to children? (e.g. farm machinery)
Is there a greenhouse? If so, does it have safety glass in the lower panels?
Are garages and sheds locked?
Is any water (ponds, hot tubs, water butts) securely covered and fenced off?
Is all outdoor play equipment safe and well maintained? (e.g. swings/slides, sand pits)
Do trampolines have safety guard around them?
Are there any poisonous plants? E.g. Laburnum
Motor Vehicles/Transport / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Are vehicles fitted with BSS approved front and rear seatbelts?
Are car seats appropriate for the car and age/size of child?
Are vehicles fully taxed and insured (fully comprehensive) with current MOT, if applicable? (Check certificates and record renewal dates)
Have any drivers had convictions for driving offences? If so, who, when and what?
If either carer has any driving convictions or points, please indicate details, how many points and when they will come off the carer’s licence.
Are keys to vehicles kept in safe place to avoid child getting into vehicle unattended?
Is there a First Aid kit in the car?
Other / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Does applicant/carer have a caravan or other accommodation where they may want to take a child? If so give details and address.
If the house has a cellar/attic space are these areas kept locked?
Does any member of the household participate in hazardous activities? Do they have a relevant qualification?
Do they include/intend including foster children in these activities?
If yes, has permission been given by parents, child’s SW and Supervising Social Worker?
Pets / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Do you have any pets?
If yes, a separate pet questionnaire must becompleted for each animal
Have there been any additional animals in the household in the last 12 months who may not be covered by a previous assessment?
Equipment / Yes, No, N/A / Comments: please detail any issues arising and actions required to minimise risks and date to be completed
Please record any equipment that has been issued from Sandwell FPS or that you have purchased in the past 12 months?
Is all equipment in good working order?
Do you have any aids, adaptations or equipment in relation to child’s disability? If so, when were they last checked (should be every 6 months)
Is any further equipment required?
Summary of Action required to meet Health and Safety standards
Please detail any action to be taken and timescales.

Applicants Declaration

I/We are committed to ensuring that our home continues to be a safe and comfortable environment for children/young people. I/We will therefore undertake to monitor general wear and tear and to repair or replace any item that is a potential hazard. I/We will contact our allocated Assessing or Supervising Social Worker if our living arrangements change immediately (e.g. building work, major repairs, purchase of second home, new pet etc)

Signature of Applicants/ Carer


Signature of social worker


Signature of Fostering Team Manager
