(Please attach map or other notes if this helps)
This form is for staff or volunteers responsible for a Trust site or a Trust activity. You have a responsibility to assess the risks and undertake precautions
which reduce significant risks. This form is to help with your assessment.
Name of site ……………………………... Date of assessment …18/1/2011…………….. Assessed by …Jo Ling………….….
Are you undertaking this assessment for a whole site or a particular activity? Please specify ……Fires in a Forest School session……………………….……
Description of hazard / Who is at risk? / Risk of injury / Precautions needed to reduce risks / Risk of injury with precautionsSeverity
of injury:
high/med/low / Likelihood:
high/med/ low / Severity
of injury:
high/med/low / Likelihood:
high/med/ low
Collecting wood for fire- Poking others with wood / All / Low / Low / Ensure they don’t collect anything too big and they carry sensible size bundles carefully. / Low / Low
Fire out of control- Burns, damage to wood / All / High / Low / Feed the fire with correct amount of wood, ensure no higher than knee. Ensure it is always supervised and put out properly leaving no sign. Have water and fire blanket nearby. DO NOT light if there are high winds or the surrounding wood is too dry. / Low / Low
Having a fire- Burns / All / High / High / Children involved in making fire circle, rope 1.5 metres away from fire. Ensure all understand fire safety rules – always stay outside the circle, don’t walk across walk around. Only enter circle if invited to by adult and stay with adult. Children to practise rules before lighting fire. Shouting ‘freeze if anyone walks across fire circle.
Water and fire blanket nearby / Low / Low
Cooking and eating dough and marshmallows- Burns / All / High / Med / Each adult to supervise 2 children cooking food. Demo – hold end of whittle stick at arms length. Let food cool before eating, sitting on logs to eat. / Low / Low
Please copy blank forms as needed. Please return completed forms to your Line Manager. A copy will be sent back to you with any comments.
Revised Oct 2004