Mrs. Mecha’s Class Newsletter

October 11, 2010


Life Skill: Caring

Week of 10/11/10:

Tues.- Visit to Deep River Grist Mill


MondayMusic 10:00-10:50

TuesdayArt 1:40-2:30
Wednesday Technology 10:55-11:45
ThursdayGym 9:05-9:55

Friday Library 2:30-3:20

DailyLunch 11:55-12:30

Homework Hotline:

Please make calling Homework Hotline part of your homework routine. It is a great way to double check homework assignment, hear school/classroom information, and to answer the “Super Secret” question which will earn your child “Mecha Money”.

  1. call the school’s main number 947-7869.
  2. select option 6 for homework hotline
  3. enter my code 9547
  4. Listen to message, then hang up.


We will be taking a test over topic 2 Addition themes. At the end of the week we will be starting a Unit on Subtractin Number Sense.

On the web site, under “Explore” tab on the student page, there are games and reteach lessons. Your child’s username is their lunch number and the password is mechaclass. Call if you have any questions.


In Writer’s Workshop, we are learning how to use Microsoft Word Program to publish our stories. We are typing away on the lap tops any chance we get!


Each group is finishing up their guided reading group book and taking an assessment on their reading comprehension of their book. We are going to do some reading as a class before we venture into guided reading books again. Look for Reading Projects coming home soon!


We will begin our Seventh lesson in spelling this week. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the students will have homework in the spelling workbook. Thursday night’s homework will be “Take Home Task” and on Fridays we will have a “cloze” type spelling assessment.

This week’s words: feet, land, side, without, boy

Skill: vowel sound /oi/, spelled oi or oy. Example: joy, boy, point, boil

Hobart History:

We are finishing up our study of Hobart History. Our adventures with Bailey and Jessie have taken us into the 20th century. We are learning about the ice truck, Lake George Beach, the streetcars, and our first mayor, Sherman Henderson. We will have 1 more quiz on chapter 4 & 5, review with a Jeopardy game, then a final quiz.

*If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please email me at

*Newsletter is also available on my web site.

A big “Thank You!” to all of the moms who went on our walking tour and study trip to the Grist Mill. I could not have done it without you!

Wanted: Brave Parents for Class Party!

*Having a Holiday Party on Thursday, Oct. 28 from 2:15-3:15. If you would like to come and play games and plan some fun things to do for the kids, please contact me!