Health and Care Research Wales
HealthStudentship Award2018
Themed Call
‘Does co-production increase the sustainability of public services?’
Please refer to the Guidance Notesand Theme Briefdocuments when completing this Application Form.
The Application Form (including applicant CV) should be submitted electronically with authorised signatures (scanned or electronic) to the address below by 4pm on 27th March 2018, and include a covering email from the Applicant (Supervisor), to:
If you would like to discuss your application prior to submission, please contact Health and Care Research Wales at the above address.
SECTION A: Applicant Details
1. Project details
1. Title of project
2. Applicant details
NameCurrent Position held
3. Host Institution details
InstitutionFinance Officer
Finance Tel No.
Finance Officer email
Contact address
SECTION B: Project Details
4. Cost and duration
Please enter the total cost of your project toHealth and Care Research Wales and start and completion dates:
Cost (£)Start date
Proposed end date
5. Lay summary(word limit: 300)
6. Keywords
7. Themed call
(Note: this form is for the Themed Call. If you are not applying to the Themed call, please use the General Call Application Form)
7a)Please describe how the proposed research addressesthe theme‘Does co-production increase the sustainability of public services?’ (word limit: 500)
7b)In addition, please indicate which of the general priority areas your application addresses:
- Prevention and early intervention
- Management of chronic conditions
- Service organisation and delivery
8. Need and impact (word limit: 500)
9. Timetable and milestones
Please give an indicative timetable for the project noting the key milestones.(Please add more rows as necessary)
10. Detailed project description (word limit: 3,000)
Please use the headingsbelow when structuring your answer.
•Aims and objectives:•Design and method:
•Use of resources:
•Method of analysis:
•Expected outputs and outcomes:
11.Ethical considerations and approval(word limit: 300)
12. Public Involvement(word limit: 500)
13. Other applications for funding
SECTION C: Environment
14.Research Environmentand high quality research group(word limit: 500)
15. Contribution and track record of the PhD Supervisor(word limit: 300)
16. Training and development (word limit: 300)
SECTION D: Resources
17. Resources
Detailed breakdown of project costs:
Resource / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / TotalDirectly Incurred
Travel & Subsistence
Training & Development
Other (please specify)
Stipend / £14,979 / £14,979 / £14,979 / £44,937
Tuition Fees
VAT (if applicable)
Grand Total
*Please note, asstudentships are regarded as an ‘exception’ under Full Economic Costing (FEC), Health and Care Research Wales will not provide funding for these awards under ‘directly allocated costs’ and ‘indirect costs.
SECTION E: Declarations and CV
18. Declarations
18a.Applicant (PhD Supervisor)¹ declaration:
I declare that I have completed the application form in accordance with the guidance notes and confirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I declare that I will supervise the academic activities funded under the Studentship Award should the application be successful.
18b.Host Institution declaration:
This application should be submitted through the Head of Department and the Administrative Authority, based at the Host Institution, who will be responsible for administering the grant. Both must sign below to confirm that they have read and agreed to the following declaration:
I confirm that I have read this application and that, if this application is successful, the work will be accommodated and administered within this body in accordance with the terms and conditions that will form the contractual obligations. All costs are correct and in accordance with the normal practice of this institution.
Head of Department / Administrative AuthorityName and initials:
Contact number:
19.Applicant CV
Personal detailsTitle:
Current job held:
Research experience:
PhD supervision experience:
Work history:
Significant grants won:
Fraud Prevention
The information we have collected from you will be shared with fraud prevention agencies who will use it to prevent fraud and money-laundering and to verify your identity. If fraud is detected, you could be refused certain services, finance or employment in future. Further details of how your information will be used by us and these fraud prevention agencies, and your data protection rights, can be found by contacting: s
Thank you for completing this application form.
The Application Form (including applicant CV) should be submitted electronically with authorised signatures (scanned or electronic) to the address below by 4pm on 27th March 2018, and include a covering email from the Applicant (Supervisor), to: