Headteacher Mr S. Brown

Deputy Headteacher Mr P. Ellis

School ClerkMiss S. J. Fry

Chair of Governors Miss C. Beuse

Vice Chair/LEA Mrs H. Stone

Clerk to GovernorsMiss S. J. Fry

Address ClwydPrimary School

Eppynt Road




Telephone01792 588673

Fax01792 580921

Mission Statement:

Grow Together, Tyfu gyda’n gilydd,

Play Together, Chwarae gyda’n gilydd,

Learn Together, Dysgu gyda’n gilydd,

Achieve Together . Llwyddo gyda’n gilydd.

Governing Body 2016

Category of Governor / Name / Term of Office
Head Teacher / Mr S. Brown
Chair of Governors / Miss C. Beuse
Swansea Children’s Centre
Eppynt Road,
LA Representatives / Mrs C. Steward
Mr. D. Thomas / 8.8.16
Community Representatives / Rev J. Evans
Miss C. Beuse
Cllr. T. Hennegan
Mr S. Riordan / 9.1.18
Parent Representatives / Miss H. Stone
Mrs. V. Thomas
Mrs. S. Hendricks / 12.11.15
Teacher Representatives / Mr M. Salway / 13.3.16
Staff Representative / Mrs N. Morgan / 13.3.16
Clerk to the Governors / Miss S J Fry

Aims of the School

We aim to ensure that ClwydCommunityPrimary School provides a secure, caring, stimulating environment where every child is valued and has the opportunity to develop every aspect of their character to its full potential.

We believe we must prepare our children to become responsible members of the community and to develop a sense of responsibility towards each other. We aim to equip our children with the confidence and skills to face challenge and change in their lives.

We encourage children to succeed and to appreciate we all have something to offer whatever our ability or circumstance to achieve in life.

We aim to create a happy, caring, stimulating and safe environment:

Where a child can become confident, with a positive self image, self-disciplined, with a respect for others; co-operative and operating at his/her full potential.

Where the importance of working in partnership with parents is recognised and parental involvement in the education of the child is encouraged.

Where a curriculum displays breadth, balance, coherence and relevance; is differentiated to reflect an understanding of and sympathy for the needs of the individual, and recognises the importance of using the child’s first hand experiences to promote curiosity, interest and relevance.

Where positive attitudes towards learning are nurtured via high expectations with the active participation of the child in the learning process.

Where the school actively seeks to belong to and contribute to the local community.

Where all have the right to share equal opportunities and expect respect for their own beliefs and moral values.

Where all staff actively seeks to raise standards.

Estyn Inspection, November 2012

Notable quotations from the report include:

“The school provides pupils in the STF with excellent learning experiences that fully meet their needs”

“The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum with a range of enriching learning experiences”

“All teachers give clear directions and provide effective praise and encouragement to help pupils succeed”

“Pupils are extremely well cared for throughout the school, especially those with additional learning needs”

The school is extremely proud of the positive report and is now working hard to address any recommendations that were outlined in the report.


Teaching Staff

Mr. S. Brown (Headteacher)

Mrs B Purchase

Mrs J Minney

Miss C Morgan

Mr P Ellis (Deputy Headteacher)

Miss V Slack

Mrs C. Shaw (0.5)

Mrs K Field

Mr M. Salway

Miss C Keast

Miss D. Foligno

Mrs A. O’Brien (0.5)

Miss B Lewis

Mr. B. Wolsley

Miss C. Mainwaring(0.5)

Mrs S. Windos

Mrs D Butler (0.5)

Mrs L. Norman

Mr B Brown


Ms J Calcutt

Support Staff

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs K. Owen

Mrs N. Morgan

Miss S. Waters

Mrs M. Jones

Miss S. Bell

Mrs A. Mitchell

Mrs T. Hughes

Miss V. Thomas

Mrs J. Davies

Mrs J. Rice

Mrs R. Jones

Ms D. Lewis

Miss S. Williams

Miss E. Tooze

Mrs J.Murdoch

Mrs N. Thomas

Miss B. Jones

Mrs H. Morris

Miss H. Evans

Miss A. Morgan

Miss L. Salway

Miss K. Saunders

Miss C. Richmond

Mrs B. Haywood

Miss K. Corbett

Miss V. Thomas

Miss C. Thomas

Miss N. Jones

Miss V. Kidwell

Mr T. Jones

Mr R. Lloyd

Miss L. Craven

Miss C. Gammon

Ms T. Richmond

Miss S. Mainwaring

Miss S.Bradbourn

Miss S.Lewis

Miss N. Jones

Well Being Officer

Mr. J. Kidwell

School Clerk

Miss S J Fry


Mr D.Bolton

Dinner Supervisors

Mrs V Thomas

Mrs A Goodwin

Breakfast Club Supervisors

Mrs V Thomas

Mrs L. Tippet

Miss C Richmond

Education Welfare Officer

Mrs. S. Bell

School Term Dates 2016-2017

Term / Term begins / Term ends / Mid-term holiday / Term begins / Term ends / Total days
Begins / Ends
Autumn 2016 / Tuesday
1 September / Friday
21 October / Monday
24 October / Friday
28 October / Monday
31 October / Friday
37 / 35 / 72
Spring 2017 / Monday
3 January / Friday
17February / Monday
20February / Friday
24February / Monday
27 February / Thursday
7th April
34 / 30 / 64
Summer 2017 / Monday
24 April / Friday
26 May / Monday
29 May / Friday
2 June / Monday
5 June / Wednesday
21 July
24 / 35 / 59
Total: / 195

The School Budget Overview

The budget is one of the most important areas of the Governors’ responsibilities. The Head Teacher manages the budget on a day-to-day basis on behalf of the Governing Body. The Head Teacher liaises closely with the Primary Support Officer (PSO) and the Finance Sub Committee who have to set budget limits for a range of resources.

Statement of Total Net Expenditure for the Financial Year 2015 / 2016

In accordance with the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988, the statement of Actual Gross Expenditure for the year ended March 2015 is outlined below.

SCHOOL : ClwydPrimary School / ESTABLISHMENT NO: 46710
/ TEACHING COSTS / £645,125
STF STAFF COSTS / £294,610
CAPITATION / £92,944
/ ENERGY COSTS / £25,582
RECHARGES / £46,467
OVER / UNDERSPEND 2014 / 2015 / £60,121
/ INCOME / £426,633
I INVESTMENT APRIL 2014 / £198,131
/ GRANT / £101,598
I INVESTMENT APRIL 2015 / £258,252
/ NET EXPENDITURE / £1,312,185

School Attendance 2015-16

The whole school attendance figure for the school in 2015-16 was 93.1%. The level of unauthorised attendance was 2.2%. The school is working hard on improving attendance and reducing unauthorised absence through rewards, liaison with EWO, clear procedures for 1st day absence etc. We are

Destination of School Leavers

The children leaving from Year 6 moved on to a variety of secondary schools including Pentrehafod, Bishop Vaughan, Bishop Gore, Dylan Thomas, Gowerton and Pen Y Bryn.


Child Protection, Safeguarding and Health & Safety Policies have been reviewed and updated. Other policies reviewed by staff in 2016 were Teaching and Learning, Marking, Assessment, Literacy and Numeracy.

Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 results 2015-16

The following table shows the percentage of pupils attaining each outcome:

N / D / W / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6+ / 5+
Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in English (LCE) / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5.3 / 13.2 / 65.8 / 15.8 / 81.6
National / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.5 / 1.6 / 8.9 / 53.7 / 34.0 / 87.7
Mathematical Development (MDT) / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2.6 / 13.2 / 63.2 / 21.1 / 84.1
National / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.2 / 0.4 / 1.2 / 7.9 / 55.4 / 34.1 / 89.5
Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity (PSD) / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 7.9 / 0 / 65.8 / 26.3 / 91.2
National / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.2 / 0.4 / 0.8 / 3.1 / 38.8 / 55.8 / 94.6

There were 43 pupils in the group.

Foundation Phase Outcome Indicator / School / 78.9
National / 86.8

Key Stage 2

N / D / NCO
1, 2, & 3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6+ / 4+
English / School / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0 / 7.1 / 4.8 / 26.2 / 42.9 / 19.0 / 0 / 61.9
National / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.5 / 1.8 / 7.4 / 48.8 / 39.4 / 1.4 / 89.6
Oracy / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 7.1 / 2.4 / 28.6 / 42.9 / 19.0 / 0 / 61.9
National / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 8 / 49 / 39 / 1 / 89
Reading / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4.8 / 7.1 / 23.8 / 45.2 / 19.0 / 0 / 64.3
National / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.5 / 1.7 / 8.1 / 46.7 / 40.3 / 1.9 / 88.9
Writing / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 7.1 / 7.1 / 26.2 / 40.5 / 19.0 / 0 / 59.5
National / 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.6 / 2.2 / 12.1 / 51.4 / 31.6 / 1.4 / 84.3
Mathematics / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4.8 / 9.5 / 23.8 / 45.2 / 16.7 / 0 / 61.9
National / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 1.5 / 7.1 / 49.0 / 39.9 / 1.4 / 90.2
Science / School / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4.8 / 7.1 / 28.6 / 45.2 / 14.3 / 0 / 59.5
National / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.5 / 1.4 / 6.0 / 50.2 / 40.9 / 0.2 / 91.4
Core Subject Indicator / School / 57.1
National / 87.7

Teaching and Learning

ClwydCommunityPrimary School is a good and caring school. Our ethos is positive and we have been repeatedly complimented by a range of visiting professionals, families and members of the wider community on our warm and welcoming atmosphere and the open and caring culture that is evident throughout the school. We believe that the quality of relationships lies at the heart of our success. Relationships between staff and pupils, staff and parents, staff and governors and of course between staff and their colleagues are based on mutual trust and respect and underpin our development. We work hard to ensure staff are happy, enthusiastic, co-operative, dedicated, hardworking and organised with a shared philosophy. We celebrate the fact that our children are also happy and hardworking and that they all have the opportunity to experience success and to feel that they have a real contribution to make to the life and working of our school. There is a well planned curriculum firmly underpinned by pupil skill development. First hand experiences are essential factors in effective teaching and learning and that is why visits and visitors to school are so important, allowing children ample opportunity to explore new ideas and concepts. We are very keen to further develop this area of pupil involvement in their learning. The further development of teaching and learning continues to be a primary focus for all staff.

Teaching and Learning is the core purpose of our school. It is the method through which the school endeavors to provide the highest quality broad and balanced curriculum for the benefit of all children. Each year the staff meet to consider the priorities that emerge as a result of the School Self Evaluation Report. These are then outlined in detail in the School Development Plan. The SDP drives the work of the whole school team during the coming year.

There continues to be a need to consolidate the sense of shared ownership to ensure that policy statements are truly reflected in classroom practice. This underpins our production of policies and schemes of work. We are committed to ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum offering the children enriched and relevant educational experiences that provides all children with the opportunity to achieve success.

Due to the recommendations outlined in our inspection report key areas for development has been the continuing focus on the teaching of writing and mathematics at all ages from Reception to Y6 but particularly in KS2. Considerable time and resources have again been allocated to support the teaching of writing in a variety of different and innovative ways. Whole school training has been provided for all staff in both writing and maths. New teaching strategies have been implemented and their impact is being monitored and evaluated.

The introduction of the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework has also allowed all the staff to have a clear focus on developing literacy and numeracy across the curriculum.

Staff have identified specific targets for groups of learners and ongoing monitoring and evaluation is taking place in order todemonstrate impact and measurable value added within the year. Children haveopportunities to experience a range of strategies targeted at developing positive motivation for independent reading. Guided reading continues to provide a class based opportunity to target specific intervention groups identified from performance data gathered at the beginning of the year. An analysis of assessments, conducted at the end of the last academic year, have shown significant numbers of children having made measurable positive progress within that academic year. In addition to whole school focus on standards in writing and maths there will continue to be a drive on improving reading. Reading will continue to be a major focus for the coming year with increased resources being allocated to continue to promote parental involvement in reading as well as evidencing improvements in attitudes, ability and standards. This is a major priority for the Welsh Assembly Government and standards of pupil achievement and attainment within literacy are given the highest priority across the school.

Staff have also worked hard to embrace and implement the pedagogy of the Foundation Phase and what this means for our practice from Nursery to Year 2. Outdoor learning is becoming more embedded within our school grounds focusing on learning opportunities.

Available pupil data informs the identification of target groups of learners and the effective allocation of additional resources. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation systems track pupil progress and inform future planning.

Curriculum balance is considered over a school year. We are planning the curriculum taking the Literacy and Numeracy Framework into account. This has led to topics being chosen to develop literacy and numeracy skills particularly through using ‘rich tasks’. Schemes of work have been reviewed and updated. Curriculum leaders have responsibility for updating long and medium term plans on a regular basis to ensure appropriate progression and continuity. Phase planning groups discuss learning activities collaboratively on a fortnightly basis ensuring sufficient detail is included for effective medium term planning. Recent emphasis has been on the identification of clear learning outcomes and the development of skills across the curriculum. The identification of differentiation within lessons as well as opportunities to develop a range of skills across the curriculum continues to be a priority for the school. Differentiation is clearly identified in weekly planning.

A main priority for development has been skills across the curriculum, most specifically reading and writing, numeracy, ICT and Welsh. All staff have been identifying specific opportunities within curriculum planning for the development of these skills. Raising standards within literacy and numeracy is a national priority and this is reflected within all school planning documents.

The school has 51 children who have a Statement of Special Educational needs. Their needs are met through in depth planning and in collaboration with outside agencies and parents. Support is given both in and out of class.

Flying Start

The school runs a Flying Start facility from the Children’s Centre. This allows the school great opportunity to engage with children and families from an earlier age and allows liaison between the child care workers in the Flying Start setting and the Foundation Phase staff.

Promoting Healthy Eating and Drinking

ClwydCommunityPrimary school is a HealthySchool and promotes healthy eating and drinking. Children have milk and fruit daily in the Foundation Phase and have the opportunity to purchase fruit in Key Stage 2. All children are encouraged to drink water during the day. Around 80% of the school take up school dinners on a daily basis. The children are also taught about healthy lifestyles during PSE sessions.

Provision for Sport

The children have the opportunity to play in a variety of sports. The sports on offer last year included: football, rugby, cricket, basketball, netball, dodgeball, cross country, gymnastics and athletics. Extra curricular provision for these sports was provided from a host of the teaching and support staff.

Community Links

We continue to promote the school at every opportunity. We work closely with staff at the Integrated Children’s Centre to promote their facilities to all parents and pupils. We also liaise with Swansea Evening Post to celebrate any interesting events we may have at school. We continue to work with our new partner primary schools on establishing good transition links with PentrehafodComprehensiveSchool. Within transition we also look carefully at factors affecting the transition from home to school, from Flying Start to nursery, from part time Nursery to full time Reception and from Infants to Juniors. This is a key priority for the school. We also continue to work closely with the local schools in the Penderry Cluster. The school and GendrosBaptistChurch join together for the annual Christmas Carol Service and Easter Service. Members of this church community come to school on a regular basis to share in our Acts of Collective Worship. There are close ongoing links with Penlan Library, Penlen Leisure Centre,Penlan RFC, Local shops, and business. Communities First regularly help the school with projects and initiatives. The school prides itself on being a community school at the heart of Penlan.

Welsh Language

None of the children come from a household where Welsh is the first language. However standards of Welsh as a second language are improving. Welsh is taught during a daily 10 minute oracy session plus during a weekly lesson led by the school’s Welsh coordinator Mrs Lewis. Everyday Welsh is also used by all the staff in the school.

Toilet Facilities

The children have access to adequate toilet facilities and these are cleaned on a daily basis. Most of the toilets have been improved over the last few years.