1. What is the headspace Youth National Reference Group (hY NRG)?

hY NRG are 24 young people, passionate about youth mental health who provide critical feedback and insight to headspace in a variety of ways.

hY NRG aims to:

1.  Give young people the opportunity to provide input into the strategic direction of headspace National Office, headspace programs, and mental health services nationally.

2.  Demonstrate good practice by involving youth people in the youth, welfare and health sector

3.  Allow a way for the voice of young people to be heard and acted upon.

4.  Provide opportunities for skills development to young people and foster the leadership, media, communication and advocacy skills of young people

5.  Support young people to lead projects locally and nationally

6.  Allow young people to direct youth mental health policy development

The reference group will consist of 24 young people (which includes 4 Youth Advisors):

·  All members must be aged between 16 and 25 years at the time of application.

·  Representation from state and territory headspace centres; metropolitan, rural and remote areas.

·  A mix of ages and gender

·  Representation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

·  Representation from different cultural and language backgrounds

·  A broad range of life experience, including same sex attracted young people, experience of homelessness, history of mental health issues, substance use, young carers

·  All members must have easy and regular access to the internet and phone

2. What is involved in being in the reference group?

Young People on the hY NRG will have the opportunity to be involved in a number of ways including:

1.  As consultants for headspace National Office by providing feedback to all areas of the organisation in a variety of ways

2.  Local and national projects

3.  Media spokespeople for headspace National Office and local centres

4.  Marketing, Promotion and Community Awareness

5.  Resource development

6.  Education and training for both staff and young people

7.  Evaluation and Research

8.  Policy advocacy

By providing a variety of activities it is hoped that it will provide the opportunity to draw on people’s strengths, abilities and capabilities, while also appealing to a broad range of interests and providing a development opportunity for young people.

3. What’s the time commitment?

The appointment of hY NRG Members is 2 years. Face to face meetings will take place every 6 months and will run over weekends and one week day. Depending on where you are travelling from a fourth day may be required for travel. headspace will cover all flights and accommodation and participants will be paid $22.50 per hour for attendance at the meeting.

In between the face to face events, contact will be maintained through Facebook, email, and teleconferences. There will be an expectation that you participate regularly in group discussions. It will also be encouraged that you take part in working groups around a specific topic, or lead a project in your local area. This is a volunteer role, and although you will be paid for some of the events, it is expected that you will also volunteer your time for subcommittees, projects and other events.

4. Can you tell me more about the activities that I can be involved in?

There are a number of activities that hY NRG members have the opportunity to be involved in. Young people do not need to have previous experience in order to participate in any of these.


What is it?Young People are supported to become active community advocates for youth mental health. The goal is to raise awareness of youth mental health, encourage young people to seek help early and to educate the broader community in youth mental health. Young people may be involved in community education activities, or as media spokespeople on the issue of youth mental health. Media Spokespeople may be requested to speak at public functions or at local schools, mental health forums, conferences and the like.

Young people will be supported and trained to become Youth Ambassadors, including undertaking media training, speaking in public and young people will be provided with debriefing and ongoing support.


What is it? With support from hNO and local centres, members of the hY NRG may have the opportunity to lead specific projects. These projects may include, production of a virtual tour, a youth week event, an art competition....the possibilities are endless and we encourage hY NRG members to develop their own projects where they see a need. Interested members will be required to submit a project proposal; feasibility will be assessed by a panel of hNO employees.


What is it?From time to time focus groups are held around specific topics to help headspace decide on direction of its activities and resources to be developed. The purpose is to ensure that the interests and opinions of young people are represented in all aspects of headspace activity and that resources and services are youth friendly.

When do they meet? These discussions may take place at face to face meetings or may occur between meetings via online forums or over the phone. It is expected that the group members would be involved in a few of these a year.


What is it? Young People on the hY NRG will have the opportunity to work with the evaluation and research teams at hNO. Topics for research and evaluation will depend on the need at the time.

When do they meet? A subcommittee or working group will be established to work in these areas. Young people on the hY NRG will be notified and asked for expressions of interest through email. Communication will be mostly through online forums and email.

5. What costs are involved?

headspace National will cover the following costs:

·  Travel costs to attend face to face events

·  Accommodation while attending face to face events

·  A fee will be paid for attendance at face to face events. The rate is $22.50 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours.

6. What kind of support and training will I receive?

Training and support will be provided in a variety of areas depending on what the group’s focus is and where there is interest.

While ongoing support and debriefing will be available from headspace staff, this will not replace professional care and assistance for mental health and wellbeing.

7. Do I need to be part of a headspace centre to participate?

We encourage hY NRG members to connect with their local headspace centre. If you are not already involved we will connect you with your centre.

If you have any further questions, please contact Anita Krug, Youth Participation Advisor at or on 03 9027 0114.

ABN 26 137 533 843
headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation Ltd is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Youth Mental Health Initiative Program.