Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences in the UK


Professor Charles M. GoldieDr Stephen Ryrie,Professor Martin G Everett

School of MathematicalFaculty of Computer Studies and Mathematics,School of Mathematics,

SciencesStatistics and Computing

University of SussexUniversity of the West of England,University of Greenwich

BrightonBristol,Wellington Street

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Tel: 01273 678311Tel: 0117 976 3992Tel: 020 8316 8716

Fax:: 01273 678097Fax: 020 8316 8665



Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 at Birmingham University Conference Park


Andrew Osbaldestin / Chair
Tony Mann / Secretary
David Salinger / Vice-Chair
Peter Giblin / Immediate Past Chair
Dugald Duncan
Jon Forster
Derek Goldrei
Cathy Hobbs
Alison Hooper
Duncan Lawson
Jeremy Levesley
Nigel Steele
  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from: Neil Challis (Treasurer), Jeff Griffiths, Geoff Robinson and Elizabeth Winstanley.

AHO welcomed the new members to the committee and paid tribute to his predecessor, PG, who had been a superb chair.

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes from the meeting held on 5 January 2007 were agreed as a true and fair record.

  1. Matters arising

3.1Re 8.1 (NCETM), PGhad written to express HoDoMS support. DL reported that NCETM was keen to engage with HE and had held a meeting with representatives of HoDoMS, IMA, LMS, RSS and COPS, notes of which have been released and will be circulated. Such meetings will continue. NCETM’s web portal offers facilities including discussion groups to the maths community.

3.2Re 8.2 (QCA), PG had written to QCA asking that HoDoMS be consulted before, rather than after, decisions were taken.

3.3Re 10a, the constitutional amendments had been passed by the Annual General Meeting the previous day.

  1. Correspondence/Chair's communications
  2. Research Council cuts. PG had written to five important people in the Civil Service and Goverment expressing dismay at the £68 million cut in the ring-fenced science budget and emphasising the serious consequences if the End-Year Flexibility were withdrawn. The responses so far received had said that EYF was safe and the budget settlement very favourable, and made no mention of the cut. The matter had arisen in the Conference presentation by John Harman of EPSRC and it was felt that it was worth continuing to express concern. DS suggested we emphasise the importance of Responsive Mode funding in mathematics, since this was the base on which other Research Council initiatives would depend. It was agreed that AHO would write to David Harman thanking him for his presentation and making these points.

Action: AHO to write accordingly to David Harman of EPSRC.

All other correspondence was covered in the Chair’s report to Conference.

  1. Items arising from Conference

All sessions had been very useful.

Action: AHO to write to thank all contributors.

Committee was grateful to PG for organising the presentation by Jenny Baker of DfES at short notice, when John Holman had withdrawn. It was agreed that John Holman should be invited to the next committee meeting. DS suggested that this meeting might be held in York if that were more convenient for him, and it was agreed that this could be considered.

The RAE briefing, which had been conducted under Chatham House rules, had been interesting.

On EPSRC, AHO noted the implicit need to justify proposals against the EPSRC’s Strategic Plan. DS commented on the need to follow up the point about the relationship of maths Masters programmes to CTAs and John Harman’s request for evidence regarding any impact on maths MScs. Were MScs disappearing and would moving money from CTAs into DTAs help? The reconstruction of CTAs as KTAs might or might not help maths.

Action: JL to follow up.

The Women in Mathematics session had been important and it was desirable to raise awareness of the IoP work. There was enthusiasm for the principle of drawing up a Code of Practice based on the JUNO CoP which had been mentioned, and it was felt that there was a need for a meeting between HoDoMS and the LMS Women in Mathematics Committee.

Action: AHO to contact WiM and indicate our desire for a CoP.

European Mathematical Society: Stephen Huggett’s presentation had highlighted the funding opportunities of European Research Council and particularly the current call for Starting Independent Research grant applications. This information should be circulated to MATHSHEADS urgently, as should information on Zentralblatt and the value of membership of this EMS.

Action: PG to circulate information about ERC Starting Grants and TM to ask Stephen Huggett to circulate the other information.

QCA: Nick Doran was aware of HoDoMS interest in the various issues.

STEM: DS is on the email forum.

More Maths Grads: Anyone wishing to attend the launch on 23 April who has not already been invited should contact NS.

The conference had been very enjoyable and AHO was congratulated on the organisation.

  1. Watching Briefs

6.1JMC: The meeting on 15 February had coincided with a NCETM meeting which had helped discussion. The hot topic had been the two GCSEs. In the pilots 70% were taking the second GCSE, which was encouraging. There had also been reports of increases in applications for maths degrees for 2007/2008.

6.2ACME: It was agreed that TM would take over the watching brief from Alice Rogers.

6.3CMS: There was concern over the two GCSEs. NS had presented a report to CMS on “mathematics deserts” – parts of the country in which students couldn’t study maths at a local university. Foundation degrees in maths aren’t taking off so they would not be an immediate answer.

6.4QCA: Sue Pope had been appointed Maths lead. AHO would make contact.

Action: AHO to write to Sue Pope.

6.5QAA: CH would take over the watching brief. NS reported that the benchmark revision was underway and a very constructive meeting had been held. Timescale for benchmark for integrated masters was a year.

6.6MSOR Network: DL had been co-opted onto the committee to represent MSOR and would take over the watching brief.

6.7UMTC: NC had reported that the next conference would be held in December 2007. Support from maths departments would be very valuable.

6.8EPSRC: JL had nothing to add following the Conference presentation and earlier discussion.

6.9IMA: NS reported that the Next Steps initiative was proceeding. The Charter was being amended to allow CMath status to non-members and discussions with the teaching organisations were proceeding over Chartered Maths Teacher status. An IPD scheme for industry was under consideration.

6.10RSS: JF reported on the campaign for the preservation of a viable HE sector in statistics. The report on the health of statistics departments was on the RSS website.

Action: JF to circulate information on the availability of this report to MATHSHEADS.

6.11ORSOC: JG had indicated nothing to report.

6.12LMS: EW had indicated nothing to report.

6.13TDA: DG reported that TDA is carrying on with schemes for maths enhancement pre-ITT for those with insufficient maths background.

6.14Widening Participation: TM had nothing to report.

6.15UUK: PG reported that UUK is setting up a multidisciplinary meeting on Bologna.

6.16Bologna / International Affairs: DS would take on this new watching brief.

6.17STEM: DS would also take on this new watching brief. Nothing further to report following discussion earlier in meeting.

NC had offered to take on any watching brief that might be appropriate. TM felt that NC might be better suited to the Widening Participation brief and would discuss with him.

Action: TM and NC to decide who will cover Widening Participation.

Because of the large number of watching briefs, it was agreed that where possible written reports should be submitted in advance so that unnecessary discussion could be avoided.

7.Conference 2008

It was agreed to hold the 2008 conference at the same venue, ideally on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April.

Action: TM to make provisional booking and confirm dates to committee.

Various possible speakers were discussed.

Action: AHO to make approaches.

8.Any other business

a)It was agreed that NC should proceed to change the signatories on the bank account, to replace Alice Rogers by AHO, and should further investigate the possibility of an interest-bearing Business Reserve account.

b)It was agreed that the TDA request for website promotion of ITT opportunities was not appropriate but that information could be circulated via MATHSHEADS-ADVERTS.

c)Committee were reminded that permission rights for the MATHSHEADS and MATHSHEADS-ADVERTS list are currently held by NC and TM.

9.Date of next meeting

The next meeting would be on Friday 21st September at De Morgan House, subject to availability.

Action: TM to book room and confirm.


Chair’s Signature: