Headley Parish Council – Playground Steering Group

Minutes of meeting held on

Wednesday 20th March 20:00hrs

Location – Headley Grove Farm, KT18 6NR

Meeting Facilitator: Jane Jenkins (Chairwoman)

  1. Register &apologies for absence.
  2. Present

Jane Jenkins (Chairwoman)

Vivienne Williams (Secretary)

Vickie Herridge (Vice Chairwoman)

Karen Breakspear

Jane Pickard

  1. Apologies

Katie Richardson (Treasurer)

Tessa Bridges

Pauline Nixon

Chris Burley

Pauline Nixon

  1. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
  1. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Proposed and seconded by Jane Jenkins and Vickie Her ridge.
  1. Matters arising from the of minutes from the last meeting

Phase 1 – Playground Fence replacement.

The Playground Committee agreed to the costs and implementation of a new fence. (Gill Riggs has kindly summarised all the costs – Extract Below)

Fence and Gate / £ 7737.00
Stiles / £580.00
Storage Container / £380.00
Removal of Foundation / £250.00
Removal of all existing
Total / £2215.00
  1. We agreed to split the project into two phases. Prior to this split the project total was £51,621. Currently, (including discounts) the project will be £52,316. Gill Riggs worked very hard to keep the project discounts. We are very grateful for her efforts. The Parish Council will sign off on Monday 25th.
  2. Fencing installation timings should be mid-may.
  3. At the next Parish Council meeting we agreed to request that a ‘Parish Council representative’ be appointed to be a point of contact during installation (preferably Gill Riggs or David Preedy). Jane Jenkins, Vickie Herridge and Vivienne Williams will be shared point of contact on different days from the playground committee side.
  4. We agreed we must ask the Parish Council for a sign off process.
  5. We all agreed that we have enough funds to pay for the fencing, stiles and gates

Phase 1 - Communication Strategy

  1. We agreed the following communication strategy to inform Headley residents of the playground fencing project and closure.
  2. Vivienne Williams will draft a letter, supported by Jane Jenkins in time for the next Parish Council meeting. We need to all agree the content of the letter.
  3. Draft Communication to be sent to the Parish Mag (if we can get it in on time) Action: Jane Jenkins
  4. We agreed to send letters to residents & landowners adjacent to or over looking playground & all residents of Broome Close & the Spinney (max 30). Which we will hand deliver. Action Owner: V.Williams & V Herridge
  5. Communication to the village will be via Gill's Riggs email list, Sign on the playground & word of mouth.
  1. Play ground Opening: To be discussed next meeting. Low-key fun children’s event.
  1. Treasurers’ Report
  2. Total banked is £10,806.50
  3. £4000 from Hazel Watson is on its way. Gill Riggs has the other £2000.
  4. Katie Richardson meet with Gill Riggs on 19th March for a Treasurer hand over.
  5. Katie Richardson was unable to attend this months meeting, in Katie absence she emailed the following points to be discussed during the meeting, they are either for information only (text will stay black) or require actions/feedback (text is red).
  1. Gill asked me to check with HSBC to confirm that Jane Jenkins and I are all set up on the account - bank confirmed that mandate has now been put in place
  2. Gill has kept the cheque book so that she can write a cheque for the fencing deposit after Mondays PC meeting
  3. We have a letter from Geoffrey Robb, offering a donation of £300 when plans are more finalised - do we think now is the right time to approach him for this? Action or Meeting Feedback: We agreed not to approach Mr Robb for the time being. When we are nearer to place the order for Phase II we will contact Mr Robb.
  4. Two pledges that have not been recorded from Furr Fest - does anyone know if we followed up on these if not is it too late to do this?
  5. 1st from Sarah Over for £50No further action to be taken.
  6. 2nd from Alex and David Godwin £4 each = No further action to be taken.
  7. Gill asked me to pass on the idea of sending out a personalised letter to villagers, talking about our progress and why a new playground is so important to the village and asking for donations. She said that if we draft a letter she could then use the electoral role to get names and address and she would arrange for them to be hand delivered along with the newsletter.
  1. Fund Raising
  2. During the last meeting each member was asked to take a list of Surrey based businesses do the following: -
  3. Contact the companies on their list.
  4. Identify if they offer any community/match funding.
  5. Identify who to contact, what to do and by when.
  6. Still further work to do, more updates next meeting.
  7. Flower Show (Fundraising Event); will start at 2pm on the Sept 21st. The flower show will take on a different format this year. Jane would like to involve other parties in the village. Potentially, Poetry, Children’s event. The idea of the dog show will be postponed to another time.
  8. Summer lunch (Fund Raising Event) – Will take place from 12.00 on Sept 12th in Linda Hartnett’s garden. We will place invites/attendance slips onto the flower show printouts. Additionally, we will place an advert in the PC magazine. We agreed we must pre-sell tickets to ensure we get attendance and costs before the event.
  1. Vivienne Williams shared the disappointing news that Pfizer would not progress our funding application. To quote them'Pfizer UK Foundation was established in 2005 to support healthcare organisations in the UK working at a local level to address health inequalities resulting from social, economic, cultural and demographic factors'. Pfizer felt we would do not cover these specific criteria’s. Pfizer thought our cause worthy, but they spoke of supportingmedical health issues with a health care organization, for example, diabetics, or a cultural syndrome in areas where there are no funding facilities available. They do not offer funding for specific healthy lifestyle improvements. Furthermore, and most importantly, they do not buy equipment. The Pfizer Foundation is in the process of changing their whole approach to funding and they will let me know more lately in the year.
  2. Gill had a fundraiser idea a Halloween party.
  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 24th April 8pm Church Cottage

Vickie asked for an item to be added to next months meeting agenda – A car boot sale.

Signed ………………………… (Chairman)

Dated ………………