fairfield High School

An opportunity exists to relieve as Head Teacher Professional Learning in 2016 commencing 30 November 2015 and finishing on the 20 December 2016. The position could also be extended into 2017.

Position Information

Fairfield High School, enrolment 950 students, including 91% from a non-English speaking background, is a comprehensive high school supported by Resource Allocation Model Equity funding. The school has a special education unit catering for students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. A well-established Intensive English Centre is located onsite as part of the school with a majority of the students coming from refugee backgrounds, including asylum seekers. The school has a balance of early career and experienced staff who focus on the delivery of a broad curriculum catering for the needs of individual students. The Community, Achievement, Respect and Environment (CARE) code underpins the ethos of the school. Fairfield High School has a growing parent group with increasing parent engagement programs to support student learning and build knowledge and skills for the wider community.

The Head Teacher Professional Learning will support the Principal and Senior Executive in all matters relating to professional learning with specific focus on Induction, Early Career Teacher support, Professional Accreditation and whole school Professional Learning. The role includes, but is not limited to:

  • Developing, implementing and presenting a staff induction program for New Service Teachers and teaching staff new to the school.
  • Supporting Teachers Requiring Accreditation (TRAs) and their Supervisors/Mentors in the accreditation process.
  • Monitoring the use of Beginning Teacher Resource Allocation (BTRA) funds and time, ensuring that compliance and accountability requirements are met for mentors and mentees.
  • Providing written accountability reports on the allocation of Beginning Teacher Resource Allocation (BTRA) funds.
  • Supporting all teaching staff in the attainment of Accreditation at all levels.
  • Managing all relevant documentation and administration of teacher accreditation for the Principal.
  • Have knowledge of, implement and review all BOSTES accreditation policies and procedures .
  • Have knowledge of, implement and share relevant information with all staff from the Great Teaching, Inspired Learning – blueprint for action framework.
  • Participating and reporting on classroom observations, lesson plan development and curriculum design to support the appropriate assessment of accreditation attainment.
  • Advise where appropriate line managers, Executive, Senior Executive staff of concerns regarding individual teacher performance with reference to accreditation criteria.
  • Provide Professional Learning support to develop a whole school approach and understanding of the role, requirements and obligations of Professional Accreditation.
  • Provide Professional Learning support to develop comprehensive staff understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
  • Ensuring all staff meet compliance relating to employment at FHS through e-safety training.
  • Audit whole school professional learning needs through the Performance Development Plan process.
  • Support the design, implementation and evaluation of Professional Learning events across the school to address the specific needs of staff as determined by the School Plan and staff Professional Development Plans.
  • Ensure all school-based Professional Learning is aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and is logged onto MyPL.
  • Validate Professional Development online for the maintenance of accreditation requirements.


An application addressing the criteria below and including two referees should be sent by email to Amanda Conray, Deputy Principal Fairfield High School at by 4.00pm Friday 6 November 2015. Applicants may be required to attend an interview.

Applications must not exceed three pages INCLUDING the attached application form.


  1. Demonstrated ability to work as an integral executive team member and to lead whole school initiatives.
  1. Demonstrated understanding of the accreditation process at all levels and ability to support teachers seeking and maintaining accreditation.
  1. Demonstrated understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and capacity to lead professional learning to support individuals, teams and all staff in line with whole school strategic directions.
  1. Demonstrated innovative approach to school leadership and understanding of current educational research regarding professional learning practices.

Panel Convenor

Amanda Conray

Deputy Principal, Fairfield High School

Phone: 9727 2111


Name of Applicant:
Current Position:
School / Location name:
Telephone Number: / Work:
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
I endorse this expression of interest and agree to release the staff member to relieve in higher duties as Head Teacher Professional Learning from 30 November 2015.
Principal / Supervisor’s name:
Signature Date:
Names and details of two referees (one of which must be your current Principal)
First referee: / Second referee:
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
numbers / Work: / Telephone
numbers / Work:
Home: / Home:
Mobile: / Mobile:
Please include your two page statement addressing the position criteria in addition to the above information as part of your application.
Enquiries and applications to: / Amanda Conray
Phone : 9727 2111
Email :
Due Date: 4:00pm 6 November 2015



fairfield High School