May 23, 2007
Information Packets Contained:
Contents of Packets
- Agenda (Attachment 1)
- Director’s Report (Attachment 2)
- Head Start Outcomes (Attachment 3)
- Paperless Filing and Records Procedure (Attachment 4)
- Community Needs Assessment (Attachment 5)
- Disability Waiver (Attachment 6)
- Policy Council Minutes: December 18, 2013 (Attachment 7)
- HS/EHS Dashboard Reports (Attachment 8)
- Program Dashboard Report (Attachment 9)
- Agency Financial Report Summary for January 2014 (Attachment 10)
- HS/EHS Federal Financial Report Summary with Reports (Attachment 11)
- Store Charge Report (Attachment 121)
- Attendance, Meal, Enrollment Report (Attachment 13)
- CACFP Spreadsheet
- Ongoing Goals Progress Report (Attachment 14)
- Strategic Plan Dashboard Report (Attachment 15)
- Program Instructions and Informational Memorandums
IM-Revised 2013 Head Start Audit Supplement (Attachment 16)
PI-FY 2014 Head Start Funding Increase (Attachment 17)
The February 19, 2014 meeting was called to order by Isaac Scott at 5:15p.m. A quorum was present;
Policy Council Members Present:Kayla McCain-Kinney, Sarah Schelb, Wendy Padavich, Isaac Scott, Lizbeth Rodriguez, Markeysha Lewis, Brandi Troche, Daneca Walker-Howard, and Dianna Saelens
Staff: Jessica Bousselot, Emily Cullison, Vickie Sible, Michelle Mehrens, Maggie Elliott, Tricia Shannon, Judy Stevens, Beth Salyars, and Becky White
Tricia asked for Brandi Troche to summarize her particular experiences and why she was interested in serving as a Policy Council Community Representative. Brandi comes to us with experience as a former Policy Council Parent Representative. Brandi has four children of her own and has a strong passion and desire to work with children. Policy Council unanimously agreed to welcome Brandi as a 2013-2014 Policy Council Community Representative.
Beth Salyars, Center Supervisor, demonstratedthree GOLD activities related to managing feelings and trying new things. She discussed questions to consider, why it is important, what to do, and the objectives. She also provided members with recipes that she has used as food experiences because cooking with your child makes them more willing to try new foods.
AGENDA APPROVAL(Attachment 1) (Action Taken)
Policy Council members unanimously agreed to approve theFebruary 19, 2014Agenda with the addition of introductions and approval of Community Representative.
Tricia reviewed the Head Start Director’s Report with attendees.
Dashboard Report
The Head Start Program was fully enrolled at 533 with the average daily attendance of 93%. Of the 533 enrolled, sixteen (16) are children with disabilities (with IEPs). The Early Head Start Program was fully enrolled at 72 with the average daily attendance of 89%. Of the 72 enrolled, four (4) are children with disabilities (with IEPs). For the financial period ending January 31, 2014, our non-federal match is at 22%.
Program Information Updates:
- We have a large non-federal match waiver request pending.
- Our attendance percentages continue to increase, so Tricia asked members to continue to spread the word about the importance of children attending class.
- Tricia thanked the members who participated in our parent panel during a Parent Engagement training. The parents who participated gave their thoughts about the panel. A discussion followed.
- We have started taking applications for the 2014-2015 program year. Maggie Elliott, ERSEA Specialist, discussed open enrollment with members and asked them for help with recruitment.
- Tricia explained our new initiative seeking out the positives that are occurring in our centers/classrooms. Staff have been asked to fill out green Positive Thinking cards when they see other staff going above and beyond to increase the quality of our program.
- Members were updated on current staff vacancies.
- Head Start Outcomes (Attachment 3): Becky White, Assistant Director, presented our Head Start Outcomes. She explained Creative Curriculum and how it is the base for both the Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms. Teaching Strategies GOLD is the chosen assessment tool. Thirty-six objectives are organized into nine areas of development and learning. The four major areas are: social emotional, physical, language, and cognitive. Becky explained how teachers collect documentation/evidence that children have demonstrated particular behavior related to the objectives. This is just the baseline outcomes. Winter outcomes were done in February, so education will be able to compare results at the next meeting.
- Paperless Filing and Records Procedure (Attachment 4) (Action Taken):Tricia discussed the paperless filing and records procedure and how the process will ensure all child and family records are accessible to all Head Start staff immediately following the registration process, will avoid duplication of records, will reduce paper, and it will reduce the amount of staff time producing copies. Tricia also discussed the security with members. Policy Council members unanimously agreed to submit to Board for approval.
- Community Needs Assessment (Attachment 5) (Action Taken):Tricia reviewed with members the updated Community Assessment and explained how it is updated every three (3) years and is inclusive of information covering our four (4) county service area. This is an interim year update to the assessment completed in June 2012, and the 2013 Community Needs Assessment Update completed in April 2013. The updates are in bold. The updated assessment was reviewed and discussed. Policy Council members unanimously agreed to request Board approval for the updated assessment.
- Disability Waiver (Attachment 6) (Action Taken): Tricia reviewed with members the waiver for enrollment of children with disabilities. She discussed the steps taken in attempt to meet the 10% requirement by the midpoint of our program year. She then explained why we are unable to meet the 10% level. Members unanimously agreed to submit the waiver to the Board for approval.
- Policy Council Minutes for December 18, 2013 (Attachment 7) (Action Taken): The minutes were reviewed and discussed. Policy Council unanimously agreed to approve the December meeting minutes as submitted.
- HS/EHSDashboard Reports (Attachment 8): Tricia explained how Dashboard Reports are used to monitor the quality of our classrooms. Some classrooms are really moving ahead. There are some concerns that we are dealing with currently. Individual trainings, coaching, and peer support are being done for the areas in red.
- Program Dashboard Report (Attachment 9):This report shows how we are doing overall as an Agency. Tricia pointed out that Head Start has no red and attendance numbers remain strong.
- Agency Financial Report Summary for January 2014 (Attachment 10): Tricia mentioned that we are all green and right on target. She was also happy to announce that in-kind is at 22% and should be at 25%, which is the closest we have been.
- HS/EHS Federal Financial Report Summary with Reports (Attachment 11):
- Store Charge Report (Attachment 12):
- Attendance, Meal, Enrollment Report (Attachment 13):
- CACFP Spreadsheet:
- Ongoing Goals Progress Report (Attachment 14): This report shows all the different goals we are working on as an Agency. With the self-assessment underway, a new set of goals will be developed for the 2014 program year and will hopefully be brought to the April meeting.
- Strategic Plan Dashboard Report (Attachment 15): This report shows our goals as an Agency.
- Program Instructions (PI) and Informational Memorandums (IM):
- IM-Revised 2013 Head Start Audit Supplement (Attachment 16): Roger will bring the Agency audit to the next meeting.
- PI-FY 2014 Head Start Funding Increase (Attachment 17): Tricia explained how the sequestration dollars that we lost last year have been restored, meaning we get the money back. Tricia discussed how this will affect us. We will be restoring 20 HS slots and 8 EHS slots. Members will be updated as we receive more information.
No discussion or updates given.
The next meeting date is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, 2014, with eat and greet at 5:00 p.m. and the meeting to follow at 5:15 p.m.
Future Meetings for 2014:
June 18
August 20
October 15
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15p.m.
Approved By: ______
Policy Council Secretary/Treasurer