He Usually 1 (Speak) So Quickly That I 2 (Not Understand) Him

He Usually 1 (Speak) So Quickly That I 2 (Not Understand) Him

1.- Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets (present simple/continuous, past simple/continuous, present perfect, 1st conditional).

-He usually ...1... (speak) so quickly that I ...2... (not understand) him.

-When I ...3... (arrive) at the station, Mary ...4... (wait) for me. She ...5... (wear) a blue dress and ...6... (look) very pretty. When she ...7... (see) me, she ...8... (shout) something but I couldn’t hear what she was saying because everybody ...9... (make) too much noise.

-“How long ...10... (you/know) your assistant?” “He ...11... (work) here for about ten years but I ...12... (meet) him a long time ago”

-If the police ...13... (catch) my brother, they ...14... (arrest) him.

-My sister Helen ...15... (just/receive) a letter from the electricity company.

-“Why ...16... (you/put) on your coat?” “I ...17... (go) for a walk. ...18... (you/want) to come with me?” “Yes, I’d love to go, ...19... (you/mind) if I bring my dog?”

-If I tell you a secret, ...20... (you/promise) not to tell it to anyone else?

-The oven is very hot. ....21... (not touch) it!

-The footballers are dirty after their match. They ...22... (not/have) a shower yet.

-The robber took the money when the security guard ...23... (open) the door.

-While he ...24... (live) in france, he ...25... (start) smuggling alcohol.

2.- Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets (present simple/continuous, past simple/continuous, present perfect, 1st conditional).

-If she ...1... (stop) on a black block, she will lose a life.

-“How are you? I ...2... (not hear) from you for a long time. ...3... (you/find) a job yet?” “I ...4... (have) an interview next week but some people have told me that the interviewers ...5... (already/choose) the person they ...6... (want)”

-“Do you want to go to Dina’s party?” “No way! I ...7... (not go) to her party!”

-“What are your plans for the summer?” “Well, I’m sure that I ...9... (have) a very good time because I ...10... (fly) to Cuba. I ...11... (just/buy) the plane tickets.

-If we don’t help the poor countries, a lot of people ...12... (die).

-...13... (you/read) your book when you saw him?

-...14... (not/smoke) here. It’s forbidden.

-I ...15... (meet) Tom eleven years ago.

-She ...16... (tell) me every day that she is going to start studying, but it isn’t true.

-What ...17... (Paul / do) if he wins the lottery?

-The baby ...18... (cry) when you phoned me, that’s why I couldn’t answer.

-I ...19... (visit) my friend Paul tomorrow. ...20... (you / want) to come with me?

3.- Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets (present simple/continuous, past simple/continuous, present perfect, 1st conditional).

If you sell your car, you ...1... (not/get) much money for it.

When I got home, Bill ...2... (lie) on the sofa. The television was on but he ...3... (not/watch) it. I ...4... (turn) the TV off and just then he ...5... (wake up).

...6... (he/phone) you every week? Yes, he ...7... (call) me twice a week.

The director ...8.... (already/make) two films this year, and he ...9... (just/start) a new one.

I’m not sure but you ...10... (find) the information on the Internet.

Yesterday evening the phone ...11... (ring) three times while I ...12... (have) dinner.

My grandfather ...13... (die) twenty years ago and I ...14... (not/meet) him.

Our city is polluted. There ...15... (be) too many cars.

If my health ...16... (not/ improve), I won’t travel.

“Where is your mother?” “She ...17... (sleep) because she ...18... (be) very tired when she ...19... (arrive) home.

How often ...20... (your father/listen) to the news?

Rosa ...21... (never/see) an elephant in her life, but she ...22... (travel) to Kenia next summer and she is sure that she ...23... (see) some.

“There ...24... (be) an interesting advert in yesterday’s newspaper. ...25... (you/read) it?”

the world ...26... (change) a lot in the last 200 years, we ...27... (invent) fantastic computers and we ....28... (travel) into space.

Why ...29... (Tom/leave) his job? He wasn’t happy. His boss wasn’t a good person and he ...30... (not/earn) enough money.




2-don’t understand


4-was waiting

5-was wearing




9-was making

10-have you known

11-has worked



14-will arrest

15-has just received

16-are you putting

17-am going

18-Do you want

19-will you mind

20-will you promise

21-Don’t touch

22-haven’t had

23-was opening

24-was living




2-haven’t heard

3-have you found

4-am having

5-have already chosen


7-won’t go


9-will have

10-am flying

11-have just bought

12-will die

13-were you reading

14-don’t smoke



17-will Paul do

18-was crying

19-am visiting

20-do you want


  1. won’t get
  2. was lying
  3. wasn’t watching
  4. turned
  5. woke up
  6. does he phone
  7. calls
  8. has already made
  9. has just started
  10. might find
  11. rang
  12. was having
  13. died
  14. didn’t meet
  15. are
  16. doesn’t improve
  17. is sleeping
  18. was
  19. arrived
  20. does your father listen
  21. has never seen
  22. is travelling
  23. will see
  24. was
  25. did you read
  26. has changed
  27. have invented
  28. have travelled
  29. did Tom leave
  30. didn’t earn