HDSP427: Sociology of Education Winter 2008, Kresge 3420, Wed. 3:30-6 p.m.
James E. Rosenbaum, Phone: 1-3795, 626 Library Place
What is the Purpose of School? 1/9
E. Durkheim, "Education: Its Nature and Its Role," pp.11-18
Max Weber, "The Rationalization of Education and Training, pp. 19-21
in S. D.Sieber, and D.E.Wilder (eds.), The School in Society.
M. Trow, "The Second Transformation of American Secondary Education," pp. 104-117.
R. Collins, "Functional and Conflict Theories of Educational Stratification," pp. 118-136.
in J. Karabel and A. H. Halsey(eds.), Power and Ideology in Education.
W. Waller, “The school and the community.” Sociology of Teaching, 1965. Wiley.
J. Meyer, "Implications of an institutional view of education: the study of educational effects," pp.157-75 in The social organization of schools, ed. M. Hallinan, New York: Plenem, 1987.
Mary Metz, "Real school: a universal drama amid disparate experience."pp.123-35 in Schools and Society, ed. Jeanne Ballantine & Joan Spade.
Meritocracy and The Achievement Gap 1/16
Herrnstein, "IQ," Atlantic, Vol. 228, #3, Sept. 1971, pp. 44-64.
"Behind the SAT" Newsweek, Sept. 6, 1999, pp. 52-57.
Jencks & Phillips, “America’s next achievement test” American Prospect 40,1998
Doris Entwisle, Carl Alexander, and Linda Olson, "The nature of schooling" from
Children, Schools, and Inequality. Westview Press, 1997
M.Smith, “Assessment trends in a contemporary policy context” in D.W. Grissmer & J.M. Ross (eds.), Analytic Issues in the Assessment of Student Achievement, U.S.Dept of Ed, pp.249-278,.
W.Sewell and V. Shah. “Socioeconomic status, intelligence, and the attainment of higher education.” Sociology of Education 1967, 1-23. Manyee Wong Tables
Do Schools Create Social Differences? 1/23
R.Rist, "Student social class and teacher expectations," in Harvard Ed.Rev, Aug.1970, 411-51
S.Bowles and H.Gintis, "IQ in the U. S. class structure" Social Policy, Nov., 1972, pp. 65-96.
S.Bowles and H.Gintis, "Schooling in capitalist America revisited.”Soc.of Ed,2002,75,1:1-18.
D.Bills, "Social reproduction and the Bowles-Gintis thesis of a correspondence between
school and work settings,” Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization, (1983).
C. Jencks, "Whom must we treat equally for educational opportunity to be equal? Ethics, April, 1988, 98: 518-533
Tracking: Selection and Socialization 1/30
Rosenbaum,"Structure of opportunity in school,"Social Forces,57:l(Sep.1978):236-56
A.Gamoran and M.Berends, "The effects of stratification in secondary schools: Synthesis of survey and ethnographic research, Rev. of Educ. Res. 57:4(Winter 1987):415-35.
M.T. Hallinan, "Tracking: From Theory to Practice" J.Oakes "More than Misapplied
Technology" Sociology of Education, April 1994, pp. 79-91
J. Oakes,"Keeping Track," Phi Delta Kappan, Sept.Oct., 1986
J.Rosenbaum "If tracking is bad, is detracking better?" American Educator,1999,24-47.
A.Gamoran "Alternative uses of ability grouping " Am.J. of Ed. 102, 1993: 1-21
T.Loveless "The use and misuse of research in educational reform" in D. Ravitch (ed)
Brookings Papers on Education Policy, 1998: 279-317.
Social and Cultural Capital 2/6
C. Persell & P. Cookson “Chartering and bartering” Social Problems,1985, 33(2): 114-29.
James Coleman, "Social capital in the creation of human capital." AJS, 1988. 94:S 95-120.
Alejandro Portes, "Social capital: its origins and applications in modern sociology." Annual Review of Sociology, 1998. 24:1-24.
Valerie Lee, "School size and the organization of secondary schools." 83-92.Schools& Society.
Anthony Bryk, el al. "Classroom life in Catholic schools."pp.146-53. In Arum/Beattie,.
Kohn, M & C.Schooler. Work and Personality, Ch.1 "Stratification, occupation, and orientation." 1983 Ablex, Norwood,NJ.
George Farkas, et.al. "Cultural resources and school success." ASR,1990, 55, Feb: 127-42.
Lareau, Annette 1987. "Social class differences in family-school relationships." Sociology of Education, 60, 2: 73-85.
Lareau, A.& Erin Horvat. 1999."Moments of social inclusion and exclusion." SoE, 72,1: 37-53.
Peer and Parent Influences 2/13
Kingsley Davis, "The sociology of parent-youth conflict." ASR, 5, August, 1940: 523-35
James Coleman, “The Adolescent Society”, in Arum/Beattie,358-72.
Daniel McFarland, "When tensions mount." In Stability and Change in American Education,ed. M. Hallinan et al. Clinton Corners, NY, 2003, 127-50.
Paul Willis, "Elements of a Culture" 260-75; in Arum/Beattie
Jay MacLeod, "Teenagers in Clarendon Heights" 275-87.in Arum/Beattie
James Wilson and Richard Herrnstein, "Schools" 397-406 in Arum/Beattie
Mary Metz, “Classroom Interaction: Principled conflict.”Classrooms and Corridors.UCal.,1978
OPTIONAL: H.W.Stevenson and J.W. Stigler,The Learning Gap, Touchstone, 1992:13-129
High School to College or Jobs 2/20
J.Rosenbaum, Beyond College For All. New York: Russell Sage Foun, 2001,Ch.3,4,6,8-12
College Persistence and Employment 2/27
J.Rosenbaum, R. Deil-Amen, A. Person, After Admissions. New York: Russell Sage, 2006.
Reforms in and outside of Schools 3/5
James Traub. “What no school can do.”NYT Magazine. Jan. 16, 2000, pp.52-83.
Rosenbaum."Changing the geography of opportunity”Housing Policy Debate,6(1) 1995:231-69
R.Lerman& H.Pouncy,"The compelling case for youth apprenticeship" Public Interest 1990
Farkas, G. “Teaching Low-income children to read at grade level.” Contemp Soc, 2000: 53-61.
T. Chin & M. Phillips ”Season of Inequality” American Educator, Summer 2005: 22-43.
John Bishop, "Nerd harassment, incentives, school priorities, and learning." In S.Mayer & P. Peterson, Earning and Learning. New York: Russell Sage Foundation press. 1999, pp.231-80.
S. DeLuca and J.Rosenbaum, “Individual Agency and the Life Course: Do Low-SES students get less long-term payoff for their school efforts?" Sociological Focus, 2001,34(4), 357-76.
Carnoy, Martin, et al. The New Accountability. RoutledgeFalmer: 147-74
Final paper due March 13 at 4 p.m.my mailbox, 2040 Sheridan Rd. Keep back-up copy. Sevenson/Stigler, Rosenbaum (paper) and Rosenbaum at Norris. CopyCat has others.
Sources: The Structure of Schooling, ed. Richard Arum & Irenee Beattie. Mountain View, California: Mayfield, 2000 Schools and Society, ed. Jeanne Ballantine & Joan Spade. Belmont, CA:Wadsworth Publishing, 2004.